1.) Lower District - This is where the common people stay. Their blood is usually considered of low purity.
2.) The middle District - Also known as the market. Traders from all over Fotia concentrate here. The people who live here often mix between the three districts but are considered of purer blood than the lower district.
3.) The upper district - The homes are cleaner, larger and the Tyro blood purity is only dwarfed by the royal castle's inhabitants.
4.) The Arena - This is where many entertain themselves by watching battles of many kinds here.
5.) The Mirage - A pure and warm water source. It seems to be connected to the geysers that spout around the city. This is where the Temple of the Fallen Goddess resides and many are healed by the waters.
6.) Farm - Crops for feeding the city when the nomadic harvest isn't enough.
7.) Graveyard - The fallen here are remembered.
8.) Fotian Royal Castle - Here the purist of Tyro live with power over all beneath them. Its elevation is free from the warm mist in the cities' lower districts.
9.) Mine - Doubles as a prison alongside the Arena it holds workers that dig into the earth for minerals to power Fotia's machinery. Often Fotia's engineers are found here using power from the source.