Sunfire city. Surrounded by a river.
Level 1 - A simple village with dozens of homes made of natural materials. Constant upkeep is necessary to live here. Every home is arranged with various plants as its foundation. Inside here newcomers notice the sweet aromas and magical solar lights that keep the entire village lit.
Level 2 - The second floor. Shops and other essential locations. The shops were open. The temple was busy with injured soldiers. The Taxis were there doing their healing and mending.
Level 3 - The third floor is a circular flat wooden area on top of the tree. This is where gatherings are held by the Taxis and is decorated with stone statues of king Vrondi and angelic beings holding candle lights that stay lit through the night.
General Goods Store: Basic Supplies
Sack of Dried Food - 30 Bronze
Sack of Vegetables - 30 Bronze
Sack of Fruits - 30 Bronze
Gourd of Water - 20 Bronze
Gourd of Ale / Wine - 20 Bronze
Barrels (OF any) - 80 Bronze
Herbal Goods / Potions Store: Healing / Cleansing Herbs
Spice Herbs - 30 Bronze
Sleep Herbs - 30 Bronze
Stamina Herbs - 30 Bronze
Cleansing Herbs - 40 Bronze
Healing Herbs - 50 Bronze
Rejuvenation Herbs - 60 Bronze
Revival Herbs - 80 Bronze
Divine Herbs - 100 Bronze
Antidote Potion - 50 Bronze
Divine Potion - 60 Bronze (+10 Divine)
Wound Healing Potion - 70 Bronze
Anti-Curse Potion - 90 Bronze
Revival Potion - 150 Bronze
Weapons / Armor Store: Basic to Advanced
Arrows - 30 Bronze - 50 Arrows
Smithing Tool Kit - 80 Bronze
Leather Armor / Attire Piece - 60 Bronze
Hardened Wooden Armor / Weapon Piece - 70 Bronze
Steel Armor / Weapon Piece - 80 Bronze
Custom Piece - 120 Bronze + Materials / 5 Days
(Enchanted items)
Vrondi Wood Charmed Armor Piece - 150 Bronze - Each piece gives a +5 Light, Telepathy, and Plant effectiveness. Also increases Poison and Dark resistances by +3.
Blinding Sword - 150 Bronze - Swords made with the ability to deal light damage along with steel damage. Requires 15 or higher light effectiveness to wield. User gains +5 Light effectiveness when attacking with this weapon only.
Light Pulsing Staff - 250 Bronze - A polished wooden staff that allows one to cast light spells with a +10 Bonus to their Light effectiveness.
Light Channeling Gauntlets - 300 Bronze - Steel gauntlets that channel light auras of the wearer into its physical strikes. Allowing the wearer to deal Light damage with any physical attack. +10 Light Effectiveness during physical strikes only. Requires 20+ Light effectiveness rating.
Frozen Dagger - 350 Bronze - A dagger created after the Idea of Mirror the Frozen, the leader of the Aion. Deals Ice damage atop steel damage. Can also be used to increase the users ice effectiveness by +5 for ice spells. Gives a base +15 ice effectiveness when used for a physical attack.
Shining Bow - 500 Bronze - A bow that envelopes its arrows with an intense light after being fired. Deals Light damage atop of of Steel damage. Can also be used to increase light spells effects cast by +5. Gives a base light effectiveness of +10 when used for attacks. Has +15 Effectiveness against Dark based elements.
Tailor / Jeweler Store: Basic and Enchanted
Piece of Basic Clothing - 30 Bronze
Piece of Mid Clothing - 60 Bronze
Piece of High Clothing - 100 Bronze
Piece of Royal Clothing - 200 Bronze
Custom design / outfit - 100 Bronze + Clothing level Price /Materials / 3 Days
(Enchanted Items)
Piece of Vrondi Native Attire - 60 Bronze - Clothing made of natural materials that increases Telepathy and Plant effectiveness +5.
Light Reflecting Robe - 120 Bronze - A robe that when 15 soul is poured into it makes one briefly invisible. Must have 25+ light effectiveness to use. Lasts for 3 minutes.
Sunshine Mask - 150 Bronze - A Ceremonial mask that is shaped like the sun. Often worn during festivals in Vrondi by royals it increases the wearers Plant effectiveness by +20, Telepathy +10, and Light +10. Makes the wearer immune to damaging smog/ smoke or poisons in the air.
Basic Jewelry - 100 Bronze
Mid Jewelry - 180 Bronze
High Jewelry - 250 Bronze
Royal Jewelry - 350 Bronze
Custom Design - 200 Bronze + Jewelry Level
(Enchanted Items)
Sunset Gem Bracelet - 300 Bronze - A glowing gem set into a golden bracelet that allows one casting Light, Telepathy, Divine and or Plant spells to do so with a +20 Effectiveness and a reduced cost of 20 Soul.