The new day arrived with the blazing heat of the sun being shaded away by clouds of ash from the volcanic activity. If not for the Tyro ability to control heat there would be far more than ash clouds escaping these volcanoes. The new day brought new trade. The gates opened with a slow lift of gears and steam, their loud noises waking any late sleepers in the lower district. Many would sit outside their windows looking at the gates open, two sides separating to allow the merchants, traders and other daily workers both in and out. Guards weary from an early shift checking their citizenship badges one by one, luckily there were at least four guards on duty so the line to get inside moved regularly.
As this happened the temple of the fallen goddess, a place of relaxation was greeted with some early sunlight. All of its patrons, priests, and visitors were fully relaxed and brimming for a new day. All of those who partook in the pleasures available inside. If not then at the very least one would get a nice warm place to sleep.
On the other side of the city of Fotia was the Colosseum. It was also preparing for a busy day. Papers on today's events were sent everywhere, reading.
Colosseum Battles
We will be having another battle between beast and warrior!
Come watch as our mightiest combatants fight for their lives against the legendary Wyvern Queen!
The first rounds will be Wyvernkin battles before the big main event at noon!
Specially made drinks brewed from herbs found in Wyvern territory are now half off!
The wyverns fell upon the ground as corpses rained from the sky. The crowd cheered with a roaring passion. Many of Fotia's most depraved citizens were here to enjoy the blood bath and spill their wine upon themselves in drunken delight. But the royals who sat on the balcony watched stoically. As if they were gods observing a sacrifice to their name. The announcer flew amongst the hot air balloons arriving for those visiting for free. They could clearly hear him shouting loudly into a horn that blared throughout the stadium. "Uh oh things are looking a bit dicey for our combatants!"
The wyverns combined attacks, unleashing multiple whirling twisters made up of flames. He was avoiding a few twisters but one hit Babel and he was torched immediately. His attire is burning and revealing his burning white flesh with glowing blue markings. He screamed in agony before unleashing a black flame from his jaws that cindered a wyvern before he himself fell to the ground still burning. The other two were able to avoid or dispel the flames, both being Tyro. But, distracted by the twisters, Octavix was clawed in the goggles by a wyvern. He fell over and was immediately taken upon by one of them clawing his weapon. "Ah! Gaaa--!! Damnit!!" Octavix shrieked before his weapon's red orb core exploded, taking him and the wyvern out in a rising cloud of black smoke. Now the only fighter left was Kandix, a former knight of Fotia. She simply stood in one location as the flames engulfed her. She seemed entirely unaffected by the flames. "Looks like we have the last stand!"
Kandix didn't seem interested in fighting, her blade remained to her side. It was the wyvernkin who wanted to finish her off. Flying at her as a group. In an instant a cloud of smoke surrounded her. The wyvernkin flying into the smoke. None could see what was happening. But inside the smoke, Kandix was striking the bellies of these wyvernkin while dashing around to hit each one swiftly. "Whaaaaats going on!?" The announcer shouted. "It looks like we have a smokescreen! That's no fun!" The crowd still excited announced their own displeasure at this. After only a minute the smoke began to clear. Kandix stood there with wyvernkin around her on the ground. "She did it! Kandix is the winner!!" The announcer shouted with a blaring horn.
"It seems she has won her freedom. But lets see what our lord king Magnixx Hanoxx has to say!" The announcer pointed his white-gloved hand to the balcony where the royals sat. The King's hand raised and the crowd grew silent. He closed fist and pointed his thumb sideways. The holding of their breath was palpable throughout the crowd. He then pointed it down. The crowd began to cheer. "The King has declared she continues to fight for her freedom! Now we can begin the REAL battles you've all been waiting for!"
The gates began to rise up again. This time smoke seemed to escape the darkness behind it. A growling beast could be heard as it stomped forward into the light. A full-blooded wyvern, a true dragon not like the smaller wyvernkin who shared descendant traits. The dragon had a chain around its neck that dragged under it. Two more then began to emerge. One green, one red, and another black. They sniffed around the air and looked at the crowds and snarled. They began to fly around like their smaller siblings earlier and hit the invisible barrier. They roared and screeched at the flaming barrier but, unlike the earlier wyvernkin who died from hitting the barrier, it did not affect them much. The heat of the spell rolled off their scales like water on oil.
They then began to notice their fallen brethren around Kandix and snarled at her with ferocious jaws layered with rows of daggers to intimidate her. But she merely looked at them with disdain.
The clear warm skies of Fotia gave clear sight to nearly a hundred hot air balloons flying through the sky. Fotia's capital has decided to export its arena battle to the rest of the kingdoms. Allowing many to come and go by their recent invention. These small 'air ships' effortlessly traveled in the sky with a gentle breeze guiding it along with dragon-riding knights for assured safety. Those brave, curious, or adventurous enough to come across the sky to observe Fotia's arena were promised one of the most enjoyable experiences of their lives.
Many of them heard of the terrible wyverns who lived within Fotia's outskirts. Dragons are capable of fending off even the legendary Sureiya who made dragon hunting their only goal. Only through this new technology, the airship, did the Fotians manage to defeat the wyverns, who were said to be a part of Nuxta's previous plan to eliminate the descendants and destroy their kingdoms. Only by making a truce was there now a brief peace from Nuxta, but before such a truce was made final the Sureiya attacked the wyverns nest, capturing its queen and many of her wyvernkin underlings.
Captured now, the wyvernkin queen will be put to death in the arena. Where gladiators both strong and weak will attempt to slay it. Retribution for the wyvern's feral hatred towards descendants. Many saw this as a good thing, despite the truce with Nuxta few believed keeping feral dragons that powerful alive to help Nuxta would be bad down the line. Many of the newspaper scrolls wrote about that sentiment specifically. Aiming to put the arena's brutality into fond words, even if not outrightly agreeing with the method of execution.
All the kingdoms now had citizens traveling on the hot air balloons. Arriving in the capital with new guests meant that the already packed arena would need more seats. Luckily the hot air balloons were able to circle the arena while midair. Allowing those inside them to see the arena clearly from high above with a pair of binoculars provided by the aircraft's guide.
Those who wanted down to attempt a closer seat were allowed to, landing on the ground to the arena's front gates.
There were sounds of the arena preparing to begin. Children screamed as they chased each other around the arena seats. Each of the seats was leveled like a case of stairs but at a greater height to allow each person to be seated with enough space from above or below. But those seated side by side were only a foot apart for the average size of a Fotian citizen. In the north corner of the Arena's box-like shape, sitting on a large decorated balcony inside the Volcano wall, were mysterious figures clad in decorative clothes and armor that shined with brilliant magical essence and rare jewels melted and reshaped into dazzling attire.
Walking from beneath this balcony on the warm sandy floor was a man dressed in eye-catching clothes and hair casually making his way to the middle of this huge arena. Easily two armies could battle in this arena, and sometimes they did. Closing behind him was the gate he walked out of. A large gaping maw carved into the volcano. The inactivity of the volcano was never assumed due to the boiling lava seen from above and the occasional slip of lava, hardening and cooling before reaching anyone or anything, but still enough to assume it was still active. Yet the Fotians knew how to create an entire fortress from this volcano, one capable of housing their worst criminals, beasts, and all other gladiators. A hot and hellish place.
The man bowed to the balcony once he was in the middle of the arena floor. He then turned to the audience all around him. He brought out what appeared to be a golden horn. "Welcome! Welcome!" His voice boomed like thunder, echoing throughout the arena. "Today is a historic day! An event like no other! A victorious celebration for Fotia's victory against the Wyverns of the outer lands! For hundreds of years we have fought back many enemies to claim our right due lands! To join together and end dragon god tyranny forever in all its many forms! Today we celebrate with one final battle, a dying gasp of their feral rebellion against us!" The man paused for the roar of the crowd. Nearly shaking the arena. Yet still more were entering the show.
"I will be your announcer! Furix Lancia and we honor our lord the king of Fotia and the royal family of our great nation's founders!" He pointed to the finely decorated balcony. There sat the king and his closest family and guardians. High upon his chair he sat, the wealth visible from afar. The sound of music began to permeate through the crowd. Golden horns could be seen around the arena, echoing the music from a live band sitting in a special zone of the arena seats. Drums were prominent as people cheered along, the hype building up. "We will begin this show with a contest! Notorious criminals from across Fotia's lands are here today to fight for their freedom against the evil wyvernkin! We will begin with a match of three on three!" His gloved hands snapped and the gates behind him began to open. "Starting with the worse criminal to ever lay hands on a hammer and gear! Octavix Rollo!" A slender Tyro man walked out, he had basic leather armor on and a pair of goggles. But in his hands was a modified rifle, one carrying what appeared to be a red orb attached to it.
"Watch out for this engineer, he discovered a deadly use for some of the weapons our militias use! Next we have a foreigner to these lands, but still one of our newest top fighters Babel Ramida!" A long bearded pale fellow stepped from out of the shadows. He wore a black tightly fitted silk robe that reach beyond his feet and covered his hands, dangling in the breeze as he seemed to almost slide as he walked forward. Two large white horns with enchantments visibly written onto him were on his head. He was tall, at least eleven feet in height, but his eyes were blindfolded. His black beard and hair were twisted into long ropes that went down to his chest and lower back. "A man cursed with dark djinn blood, those who best him in battle may have their wish granted! The only problem is he takes your soul after! No wonder why he's here!"
"And finally we have our final criminal scum looking to redeem themselves! Lady Kandix Xonoxia a previous royal guard! She's responsible for leading a rebellion of soldiers who wanted to overthrow the Sureiya! After everything they've done for her! how could she!?" The crowd booed now, the announcer gesturing for them to calm down. "Here she is!" He pointed to the open gate and walking out of the shadows was the broken armor of a knight being worn by a woman with red dreaded hair, a hazelnut complexion with burning orange eyes. She had one black horn on her head similar to a unicorn. Her armor, though disheveled, was black and heavy. She was the average height of a Tyro woman. On her side was a sheathed straight sword and in her arms was a spear. She looked to the ground as she walked forward, still with a semblance of pride.
The announcer was met with a hot air balloon. He stepped onto it and began to float into the sky. "Don't get cocky folks! The wyvernkin are not to be taken lightly!" The gates began to reveal three figures at once. These various beings had no arms, instead, they had wings, and claws on their feet. Yet despite their lack of arms, the small hand-like appendage allowed one of them to wield a staff. They had no armor, barely even clothes, but their hide had scales akin to full-blooded dragons. Their sharp teeth snarled wildly at the crowd around them. They began to fly immediately. Going for the sky instead of fighting.
"Oooh look at that! They're trying to escape! Well, we've got that covered!" One of the wyverns screamed as it hit an invisible barrier. It lit on fire as it did so. "A magical fire barrier! Something we prepared just for this day. The wyverns began to fly to the crowd, a child screaming in fear as it neared. But again it hit a barrier, tumbling on it and being scorched to nothing before it hit the ground. "Oof. We lost two of'em already. Welp, SEND OUT MORE!" A handful of wyvernkin began to escape the open gate and fly onto the arena floor. The three criminal gladiators prepared themselves as they were surrounded.
Octavix, the thin tyro man who seemed a bit out of place in battle aimed the rifle in his hand and fired. Creating small blasts of red energy that disintegrated one of the wyvernkin's wings when it hit.
Babel the blindfolded nayu man opened his mouth, revealing his vampiric fangs. Out from his mouth escaped what appeared to be an elongated soul-like creature. It began to fly out independently and once reaching a wyvernkin, enter into it. Once inside it rips a visible spirit out from the wyvern and quickly retracts itself into Babel's mouth. He swallows the soul after, burping with pleasure.
Kandix merely stood there. As if she was trying to avoid fighting. Only when a wyvernkin unleashed a fireball in her general vicinity did she react by repelling it with a single hand. Not engaging in the slightest. Resulting in many boos from the crowd.