30x30 meter room. Hot Desert. Fire ghouls spawn here. 6 Flame orbs scattered around the area. Flame orb (fire) - Casts a fist sized ball of fire that flies at 50 mph. Only 2 uses.
30x30 meter room. Wet grassland with rushing deep river all around. Warrior Water nymphs spawn here. 6 Water orbs scattered around the floor. Water orb (water) - Casts a fist sized ball of water that flies at 50 mph and recovers 10 Soul on the one hit. Only 2 uses.
30x30 meter room. Windy and stormy with clouds whirling not far above. Harpies spawn here. 6 Wind orbs scattered around the floor. Wind orb (Wind) - Casts a miniature 15 foot tornado that spins at 40 mph and moves up to 20 mph for one minute before dissipating. Only 2 uses.
30x30 meter room. Rocky uneven terrain. Rock golems spawn here. 6 Earth orbs scattered around the floor. Earth Orb (Earth) - Casts a fist sized ball of earth up to 50 mph and blocks one physical attack on the one hit. Only 2 use.
30x30 meter room. Jungle terrain with several giant trees. Giant Insects spawn here. 6 Light orbs scattered around the floor. Light orb (light) - Casts a tangible fist sized ball of light energy up to 50 mph and recovers 1 wound on the one hit. Only 2 uses.
30x30 meter room. Poorly lit stone cold floor with torches along the walls. Undead spawn here. 6 Dark orbs scattered around the floor. Dark orb (Dark) - Casts a tangible fist sized ball of darkness that flies at 50 mph and makes invisible the one hit. Invisibility Lasts for 2 minutes. Only 2 uses.
Main Room - Clean and clear stone flooring with well lit giant room. 80 meter room with a grand prize hanging high above in the sky. This is where the final battles will take place.