Enemy Map Rules
Player characters that are not in a current story beat can travel and enter one of these enemy locations. When entering an enemy's territory you must follow the map entryway which is usually the only hallway leading outside the map image. The squares on the map image are not set to scale.
1. When entering an area you can head to the markers on the map and roll for an encounter. Sometimes you will be rewarded, otherwise, you may spawn an enemy in the location of the marker.
2. After rolling and encountering an enemy you must roll for the enemy's Attack Pattern which tells you what movement the enemy will make. The moves usually consist of the use of an Ability, use of a spell, physical attack, evasion, a counterattack, and fleeing.
Ability - Enemies using abilities alone simply use their ability in the most accurate way possible. If there are obstructions, status effects, or other disruptions that specifically make using their ability inaccurate the enemy will likely miss but will still use it if possible. This also includes characters evading the ability.
Spells - Much like abilities spells can be avoided or disrupted but even if so the enemy with this roll will use it regardless if possible.
Evasion - Any attack or spell used on the enemy with this roll will attempt to evade it. This can be disrupted in many ways but if an enemy has a specific ability to aid in this you will have to factor that into the likelihood of success.
Defending - Reduces the ER of the next attack. However, if there is no attack and another roll is made the defender will no longer be defending so the ER reduction is no longer applicable.
Counter - Counters are often applied to evasion, allowing an enemy to avoid an attack and quickly strike back. This results in the player character missing and getting hit while attacking. Without specific abilities or spells, this will result in an auto-hit.
Fleeing - Enemies attempting to flee will do so by simply running most of the time. This can be prevented but only if the player character has a significant speed of action or attack.
Not-Possible - If certain rolls result in an impossible scenario or attack the enemy will automatically prepare for a dodge this turn, increasing their likelihood to evade if targeted for a detectable attack.

**** Click on Location ****
North East
Lair of the Sacred Tree
Name: OPHIS PTEROTOS (Winged Serpent)
Description: A mythical creature. A winged snake that can bite with corrosive venom. It protects sacred trees that produce cleansing fruits, whose nectar can be stored and turned into soaps or incense that can clear a status ailment or make one immune to them for a short while. They can also remove curses and are of the highest quality, having the Light/ Divine Element (Must be crafted by an alchemist or learned through alchemy training).
Size: 6 to 4 meters
Affinity: Poison/Wind
Encounter Rate: 2d4
Weakness - Fire 3/10, Ice 5/10, Steel 4/10, Earth 3/10
Resist - Dark 3/10, Light 3/10, Plant 3/10, Water 3/10, Wind 5/10
Soul: 20 Stamina: 35
Max wounds: 3
Abilities: Corrosive Spit (Poison) - A venom that can spit out up to 20 feet and burns on contact through most flesh and fur for five minutes. (-5 Stamina)
Spells: Gale Blade (Wind) - A blade made of magical wind that can fly from this creature's wings when it is taking flight. It flies up to 10 meters and cuts like a flying blade of steel. (-5 Soul)
Wind: 38
Earth: 15
Chaos: 18
Poison: 55
Trap - A pit that has many snakes inside of it covered by a false grassy floor cover made of twigs. Only characters who fly, or have experience in traps can avoid this. Others must escape the 50-foot pit or avoid the trap some other way.
Sacred Tree - A massive tree within a shallow lake with many branches that holds a rare fruit sought after for its healing abilities. Fallen skeleton warriors sunk deep in the waters all around it. (Roll Encounter dice for every 2 fruit grabbed. Max 6 fruit.
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Corrosive Spit, 2: Attempts Flight and uses Gale Wind, 3: Evades attack, 4: Evade attack and counter with bite, 5: Evade attack and counter with bite, 6: Corrosive Spit, 7: Gale Wind, 8: Flees Battle
Sacred Tree Fruit (Light/Divine) - Rare high quality crafting material. Or can be eaten to remove the effects of a curse or negative status effect.
South East
The Shrine of Majestic Dew
A deep cave. Moss grows all around that can be collected and used for crafting anti-poison potions (5 moss total). The ground is soft with mostly grass but the walls all around are fairly narrow not allowing anyone above 7 feet tall or wide to stand or move freely. Vines hang in the path that needs to be cut down when moving through. Luckily in the more open spaces, there is sunlight coming through the top like a cavern.
Trap - A pit that has many snakes inside of it covered by a false grassy floor cover made of twigs. Only characters who fly, or have experience in traps can avoid this. Others must escape the 50-foot pit or avoid the trap some other way.
Green - Exit Hall - Roll 1d6 1:Forest Fairy x2 2:Mandrake x3 3:Forest Fairy x1/Mandrake x2 4:Forest Fairy 5:Mandrake 6:Fairy Dress
Blue - Roll 1d6 1:Forst Fairyx3 2:Mandrakex3 3:Forest Fairyx2/Mandrakex2 4:Mandrake 5:Fairy Blade 6:Mandrakex3
Gold - Roll 1d6 1:Fairy Staff 2:Mimic 3:+500 Gold 4:Mimic 5:Mimic 6:Mimic
Forest Dew Fairy
Description: A mythical creature. A small creature is able to fly freely through forests and
collect the sweetest of nectar from the best sources in the forest. Often collecting mixtures and creating their own concoction with powerful effects. Can move very swiftly, outpacing and maneuvering even small insects.
Size: 3-5 inches
Affinity: Plant/Light/Divine
Weakness - Steel 9/10, Fire 7/10, Dark 6/10, Chaos 5/10, Ice 4/10, Poison 3/10, Insect 3/10
Resist - Light 10/10, Plant 10/10, Divine 10/10, Water 8/10
Soul: 30 Stamina: 30
Max wounds: 1
Abilities: Spore Cloud (Poison) - Unleashes a cloud of spores that covers a wide radius within seconds. If an enemy inhales it they will fall asleep. (-5 Stamina. 5 meter radius before. It lasts for 1 minute.)
Forest Merge (Plant) - Can move through living plant life like a ghost through walls.
Healing Dew (Water/Plant) - Can drip healing nectar into the mouths of an ally. Increasing their wounds +5. (-5 Stamina)
Nature's Shield (Conjuration/Divine/Plant) - Conjures a small shield that resembles a large leaf before them. Reflects back effects of spells and attacks that hit it. (-10 Soul. Lasts until new ability, attack, or spell is activated.)
Water: 33
Wind: 23
Light: 55
Divine: 40
Plant: 100
Poison: 66
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Spore Cloud 2:Forest Merge 3:Nature's shield 4:Evade attack and Spore Cloud 5:Evade attack and Forest Merge 6:Nature's Shield 7:Spore Cloud 8:Flee
Healing Dew Drop (Water/Plant) - Liquid that tastes sweet and heals 1 wound.
Description: A mythical creature. A small creature that is entirely a plant in makeup. Mostly found underground in enchanted forests. If taken out of their hiding place they often emit a loud scream that can damage eardrums.
Size: 5-8 inches
Affinity: Plant/Earth
Weakness - Steel 9/10, Fire 7/10, Ice 4/10, Poison 3/10, Insect 3/10
Resist - Light 10/10, Plant 10/10, Water 8/10, Earth 7/10
Soul: 0 Stamina: 0
Max wounds: 1
Abilities: Scream (Telepathy) - Unleashes an incredibly loud scream that can immobilize and wound the ears of those nearby who hear it. (30 meter radius. It lasts for 10 minutes.)
Hide (Earth) - Digs into the earth and hides. (Increases evasion chances. Reduces enemy accuracy.)
Water: 33
Earth: 30
Light: 35
Plant: 100
Telepathy: 66
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Scream 2:Evade and Scream 3:Scream 4:Scream 5:Evade attack and Hide 6:Hide 7:Hide 8:Flee
Mandrake (Plant) -The body of a mandrake. Can be used as a primary ingredient for potent potions that remove all manner of curses and supernatural ailments.
Treasure Chest Mimic
Description: A mythical creature. A monster that takes the shape of many inanimate objects. All
in the hopes to devour a living soul. Not naturally occurring this creature is conjured to be the ultimate trap. Immune to telepathy and illusion spells and abilities.
Size: Size of a treasure chest.
Affinity: Dark/Steel/Chaos
Weakness - Divine 10/10
Resist - 10/10 All types except Divine
Soul: 0 Stamina: 0
Max wounds: 6
Abilities: Chaotic Jaws (Chaos/Steel) - Can bite with the force to rip apart steel plates.
Tongue Wrap (Blunt) - Unleashes a tongue that wraps around its prey and drags them into its jaws. (Up to 20 feet. Reduces enemy hit by this evasion chances of next attack greatly.)
Defend (Steel) - Defends against the next attack. Reducing the ER of physically damaging attacks by 15.
Chaos: 77
Steel: 80
Dark: 66
Blunt: 88
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Chaotic Jaws 2:Tongue Wrap 3:Tongue Wrap 4:Chaotic Jaws 5:Defend 6:Defend 7:Chaotic Jaws 8:Tongue Wrap
All items that can potentially be rewarded inside the chest.
Fairy Dress (Plant/Divine) - A beautiful white and multicolored dress that grants the wearer faux fairy wings of multicolored light. Increases Plant and Divine ER of wearer +12. Can momentarily reduce their size to that of a fairy. (Size reduction lasts for 3 minutes. Costs 10 Soul per 3 minutes.)
Fairy Blade (Steel/Plant/Divine) - A beautiful silver and multicolored straight sword. Reduces the Steel/Plant/Divine resistance of enemies hit by this blade -3. Can momentarily reduce the size of this blade to be fit for a fairy. (Lasts for 5 minutes after activation. Costs 1 soul per 5 minutes after.)
Fairy Staff (Plant/Divine) - A beautiful white wood staff with multicolored flowers growing on it. Increases Plant and Divine ER of spells +15. Can conjure a fairy from inside the staff that listens to the holder of this staff. Can momentarily reduce the size of this staff to be fit for a fairy. (Lasts for 5 minutes after activation. Costs 1 soul per 5 minutes after.)
South East
The Castle Of Gothmog Udon
A beautiful castle that sits in the forest by the waters. Often sought after by enemy bandits. However many that enter this castle with hostile intentions do not return. Few know more than elkmen and other beastkin can be found near here.
Room 1 A large stone-floored space with sunlight shining down from the beautiful emerald glass ceiling.
Room 2 A medium-sized stone floor room with sunlight shining down through the beautiful emerald glass ceiling.
Room 3 A circular room with pillars and barrels all around giving enemies many places to hide.
Room 4 A living quarters where bandits sleep and eat.
Room 5 The Bandit Leader's Room, upon entering you must engage them if not hidden.
Room 6 A storage room.
Room 7 A combat room where bandits train.
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:Elkmenx3 2:Elkmenx4 3:Elkmenx5 4:Forest King Rune 5:Forest Fairy x3 6:Elkmenx2
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:Elkmenx3 2:Elkmenx4 3:Elkmenx5 4:Forest King Scrollx3 5:Forest Fairy x3 6:Elkmenx2
Treasure Chest - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:Mimic 2:Forest King's Pendant 3: +300 Gold 4:Mimic 5:Mimic 6:Mimic
Traps - Bell traps attached to strings that dangle in the hall forcing any passing through to make a noise alerting those nearby of their presence. When activated roll 1d4 1:Elkmenx2 2:Elkmenx3 3:Wolfx3 4:Wolfx4
Name: Gothmog Udon
Description: Bandit camp leader. Having lived in the wilds and outskirts of towns has given
them a hardened life. As such they're often in fights and are proficient with the weapons that they use. They can use a variety of attacks and spells not often seen outside of criminal circles. Upon encountering Gothmog if you are 50% or more Beastkin or have a black market pass, you can begin trade.
Size: 8 feet
Affinity: Light/Fire/Earth/Wind
Weakness - Striking 7/10, Water 3/10, Ice 3/10, Poison 3/10
Resist - Fire 4/10, Earth 4/10, Wind 4/10, Light 4/10
Soul: 40 Stamina: 40
Max wounds: 9
Forest Merge (Plant) - Can move through living plant life like a ghost through walls.
Forest King Slash (Steel/Wind) - Unleashes a projectile arc from the swing of the blade that cuts with slightly more force than the blade swing. (-5 Stamina. Reaches up to 30 feet and moves at extreme speeds.)
Forest King Twin Slash (Steel/Light) - Lunges forward and attacks at extreme speeds with their blade. Effectively attacking twice with one swing. (-3 Stamina. Reduces evasion chances of the target. Does double its ER on a hit.)
Beast summon (Enchantment/Telepathy) - Conjures an animal of the forest to defend them 1d6, 1:Bear 2:Wolf 3:Bearx2 4:Elkmen 5:Wolfx2 6: Elkmen x2 (-5 Soul)
Forest King's Domain (Conjuration/Plant/Fire/Earth) - Transports those within a 20 meter radius of the caster into a deep enchanted forest that is very difficult terrain to move through with very strong thorned plants and roots all over. These plants are highly resistant to fire and burning, and able to last under a forest fire. (-10 Soul. Lasts for 3 turns before transporting back.)
Items: Forest King's Armor (Steel/Plant/Earth) - Reduces the ER of enemy Dark/Steel/Fire/Water/Ice/Blunt/Striking spells and attacks -25. (Lasts for 6 turns.)
Forest King's Blade (Steel/Plant/Earth) - When 20 or less feet away from medium to large plant life can absorb its lifeforce to increase the sharpness of the blade. (-5 Soul to activate. Increases Steel/Plant/Earth ER. Medium +10, Large +20. Lasts for only one attack.)
Fire: 33
Light: 45
Water: 23
Earth: 66
Steel: 68
Wind: 63
Plant: 75
Telepathy: 55
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d10/ 1:Evade attack and counter with Forest King Slash 2:Evade attack 3:Forest King Twin Slash 4:Evade attack and counter with Forest King Domain 5:Beast Summon 6:Forest King Domain 7:Forest King Slash 8:Beast Summon 9:Evade attack and counter with Forest King Twin Slash 10: Forest King Domain
Forest King's Armor (Steel/Plant/Earth) - Reduces the ER of enemy Dark/Steel/Fire/Water/Ice/Blunt/Striking spells and attacks -25. (Lasts for 6 turns.)
Forest King's Blade (Steel/Plant/Earth) - When 20 or less feet away from medium to large plant life can absorb its lifeforce to increase the sharpness of the blade. (-5 Soul to activate. Increases Steel/Plant/Earth ER. Medium +10, Large +20. Lasts for only one attack.)
+500 Gold
Forest King's Rune Stone (Earth/Divine) - A hand-sized stone with a rune carved into it. Enchanting the stone to have a magical ability. Activates by being fed soul. Allows the user to reduce the cost of spells cast against beastkin by 20 ER. Reduces the cost of spells of 50% or more Beastkin by 20 soul. Can also be used for crafting. (Lasts for 10 minutes. Costs 10 Soul.) (Sold for 500 Gold.)
Forest King's Scroll- A white scroll. When activated conjures a Forest King ghost that is tangible and shares stats, spells, and abilities equal to the Forest King. Listens to the user's every command. (Lasts for 10 minutes. Can only be used once a day. Only one use per scroll.) (Sold for 700 Gold Each.)
Forest King's Pendant- A gold pendant that holds a mysterious picture. Allows the wearer to speak to beasts of the forest and command them momentarily. Commanding small to large animals with ease. Also can command mythical forest creatures momentarily. (Can control one Elkmen, Faun, Nymphs, Fairies, Mandrakes, Wolves, Bears, Vipers, and Flying Serpents at a time. Can directly command them for up to 20 minutes per activation 1-hour cooldown.) (Sold for 800 Gold.)
South East
Bush Nest of Bloody Ages
An initially dark lair overgrown with forest life. that grows brighter from sunlight during the day from holes in the cave ceiling. It houses many Fauns and Forest Nymphs that help spread balance throughout the forests of Vrondi. Navigation is difficult due to the quickly growing plant life.
Room 1 A large mostly empty room with two broken-down pillars. The ceiling is mostly bare but some vines and tree branches block just some of the light coming in from above.
Room 2 A large mossy stone room with three toppled pillars on the ground. The ceiling is mostly bare but some vines and tree branches block just some of the light coming in from above.
Room 3 - A large circular floor with the ceiling mostly bare but some vines and tree branches blocking just some of the light coming in from above. An old statue of what used to be a seraph sits half crumbled in its center. An east hallway leads to another exit of the dungeon that closes behind those that leave, unable to be opened from the other side.
Red - Bell traps attached to strings that dangle in the hall forcing any passing through to make a noise alerting those nearby of their presence. When activated roll 1d4 1:Music Faun x3 2:Wolf x3 3:Bear x3 4:Giant Beetle x5
Green - Roll 1d6 1:Bolaziel's Rune 2:Elkmenx4 3:Music Faunx4 4:Wolfx4 5:Mad Druid x3 6:Giant Beetle x4
Blue - Roll 1d4 1:Bolaziel's Scalex2 2:Bolaziel's Scale 3: Bolaziel's Scalex3 4:Bolaziel's Scalex5
Gold - Upon entering this room battle with Jungle Dragon Bolaziel must begin.
Jungle Dragon Bolaziel
Description: A mythical creature. A Dragon that is not often seen. Little is known about this Dragon other than it hides in the forests of Vrondi. Upon encountering Bolaziel you can roll a 1d3 1: Combat 2: Trade 3: Bolaziel Flees (80% or more Dragon blooded characters can begin trade immediately.)
Size: 25 feet tall / 4k ibs
Affinity: Chaos / Plant / Light / Earth
Weakness - Steel 7/10, Dark 5/10, Poison 5/10, Divine 5/10, Fire 3/10, Ice 3/10
Resist - 10/10 Plant, 8/10 Light, Telepathy 8/10, Chaos 7/10, Water 5/10, Earth 5/10
Soul: 80 Stamina: 60
Max wounds: 12
Abilities: Mind Forest (Plant/Telepathy)- Can sense the location of anything touching plant life within a 60 meter radius and can sense their auras and physical sizes. (Passive ability.)
Dazzling Gleam Breathe (Light) - Unleashes a stream of light energy that can burn through flesh with ease. Takes a second to visibly charge but once fired cannot be reacted to. (-5 Stamina. Only actions being made before the attack is released can count towards evasion chances.)
Forest Merge (Plant/Earth) - Merges into nature avoiding all attacks. Reemerging from the ground after. Also heals 1 wound. (-5 Stamina. All attacks and spells are avoided immediately.)
Forest Claw (Plant/Earth) - Claws that swipe with the furious power of nature's fury. (Physical attacks have Plant/Earth typing.)
Overgrowth (Conjuration/Plant) - Unleashes a storm of forestation that binds and damages those caught in it. Leaving behind many tree roots and vines that can block paths or areas. (-12 Soul. Has a 15 meter radius around the caster.)
Roar of the Forest (Enchantment/Telepathy) - Strikes fear in the hearts of those that hear this roar. If too weak in spirit the creature that hears this roar runs in fear. Causes those affected to run for 1 minute in fear. (-5 Soul.)
Obliterating Spores (Evocation/Chaos/Plant) - Unleashes a slow-moving thick blast of yellow spores into the air that explodes after making contact with something and dissipates after 30 seconds. (Reaches up to 100 feet in a cone.) (-5 Soul.)
Earth: 75
Light: 78
Chaos: 70
Telepathy: 75
Plant: 83
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d15 / 1:Claw Slash 2:Roar of Forest 3:Dazzling Breathe 4:Forest Merge 5:Overgrowth 6:Obliterating Spores 7:Dazzling Breathe 8:Forest Merge 9:Claw Slash 10:Forest Merge 11: Roar of Forest 12: Obliterating Spores 13:Overgrowth 14:Dazzling Breathe 15:Obliterating Spores
Bolaziel's Scale x15 - Highest quality Chaos/Light crafting material.
Dragon Eyex2 - Highest quality Chaos crafting Material.
Dragon Heart - Highest quality Chaos crafting Material.
Bolaziel's Treasure - +1000 Gold. +200 Emerald.
Bolaziel's Rune (Earth/Divine) - A hand-sized stone with a rune carved into it. Enchanting the stone to have a magical ability. Activates by being fed soul. Allows the user to walk through pure forestation with ease like a ghost through walls. Immune to all attacks with Plant typing. Can also be used for crafting. (Lasts for 10 minutes. Costs 10 Soul.) (Sold for 500 Gold.)
Bolaziel's Scales- Highest quality Chaos/Light crafting material. (Sold for 40 Gold Each.)
South East
Secret Forest Sanctum
A cave entrance going underground. It is rather difficult to directly traverse due to the overgrowth however the lack of ceiling makes daylight essential for an easier search. Stone floors and walls made of uneven blocks covered in moss give structure to a decently sized corridor and larger rooms.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with two southern corridors.
Red - Roll 1d6Roll 1d6 1:Winged Serpentx3 2:Elkmenx2 3:Bearx3 4:Elkmen 5:Elkmenx3 6:Beast Scroll
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room with an old seraphim statue inside.
Green - Roll 1d6 1:Giant Beetlex4 2:Elkmenx3 3:Beast Flute 4:Elkmen 5:Dark Forest Witchx3 6: Elkmen x2
Room 3 A medium-sized grassy cavern room.
Blue - Roll 1d6 1:Beast Sight Orb 2:Elkmenx4 3:Elkmenx3 4:Elkmen 5:Winged Serpent x3 6: Music Faun x2
Purple - Roll 1d6Roll 1d6 1:Elkmenx3 2:Beast Mask 3:Wolfx3 4:Elkmen 5:Music Faunx3 6:Beast Mask
Deep Forest Elkmen
Some Beastkin that live freely in Vrondi's jungles often hide deep in the forest's caves. Protecting their own territories they live by their own codes and magics. Upon encountering a Deep Forest Elkmen you can roll a 1d3 1: Combat 2: Trade 3: Elkmen Flees (80% Beastkin or more blooded characters can begin trade immediately.)
Size: 8 Feet, 250 ibs
Element: Earth/ Wind/ Dark Weakness- Fire 4/ Burning, Steel 4/ Cut, Light 4/ Blinded, Divine 5/ Soul Damage, Striking 2/ Dazed Resistance- Dark 5, Earth 4, Wind 3, Poison 3, Insect 2, Blunt 1
Soul: 25 Stamina: 55
Max wounds: 4
Abilities: Mind Forest (Plant/Telepathy)- Can sense the location of anything touching plant life within a 30 meter radius and can sense their auras and physical sizes. (Passive ability.)
Horn Rush (Plant/Steel)- Capable of momentarily dashing to attack at 2x their normal speed with their horns. (-5 Stamina, decreases evasion chances.)
Spells: Root Hold (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures strong healthy tree roots around a foe from the ground and wraps around their legs with incredible haste. (-5 Soul)
Beast summon (Enchantment/Telepathy) - Conjures an animal of the forest to defend them 1d6, 1:Bear 2:Wolf 3:Bearx2 4:Elkmen 5:Wolfx2 6: Elkmen x2 (-5 Soul)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d10 / 1: Horn Rush 2: Beast summon 3:Root Hold 4:Horn Rush 5:Horn Rush 6:Beast Summon 7: Root Hold 8:Horn Rush 9:Horn Rush 10:Beast Summon
Telepathy: 52
Plant: 68
Steel: 68
Drops: Elkmen Battle Staff (Plant) - A staff made of sacred bark. Allows the user to control plant life nearby to either make it rapidly grow or move at will. (20-meter radius. -5 Soul per activation. -1 Soul per minute of continuous use.)
Cursed Beast Skull (Dark/Chaos) - A skull that launches a cursed evocation spell at the speed of an arrow that makes those hit by it an enemy of all beasts within a 100 foot radius. Causing animals and beastkin to frenzy on the one hit by this curse. (Lasts for 1 hour. Only 1 use. Only animals the size of a wolf to that of a bear.)
Beast Scroll - A scroll when unrolled and activated conjures a beast made from plants to obey the summoner's orders. (Roll 1d3 1 - Mouse 2 - Wolf 3 - Bear. Lasts for 24 hours. Only one use.) (Sold for 80 Gold.)
Beast Flute - A flute when properly played into a song can calm nearby beasts and even have them obey the user's orders. (Lasts for 5 minutes for every minute of the song playing. Affects animals from the size of bears to the size of a mouse that can hear the music.) (Sold for 250 Gold.)
Beast Sight Orb - A orb that allows one to see from the eyes of a known animal up to 1 mile away from the size of a bear to the size of a mouse. (Seeing an animal counts as knowing it. Lasts for 5 minutes after activation. Only 5 uses total.) (Sold for 80 Gold Each.)
Beast Mask- A mask made from various materials that resemble a snarling furred beast. When worn at night turns the wearer into a 100% Beastkin with all bloodline abilities. (Mask cannot be removed when worn at night until daylight. Wearer loses all bloodline abilities not related to Beastkin and gains Beastkin weakness/resistance in exchange for their original.) (Sold for 300 Gold)
South Right
Secret Cavern of Druids
A deep cave. Moss grows all around that can be collected and used for crafting anti-poison potions (5 moss total). The ground is soft with mostly grass but the walls all around are fairly narrow not allowing anyone above 7 feet tall or wide to stand or move freely. Vines hang in the path that needs to be cut down when moving through. Luckily in the more open spaces, there is sunlight coming through the top like a cavern.
Traps - Trap floors that fall into a pit with poisonous vines and spores. Causes those who fall into it and are cut or breathe in the spores to receive 1 wound every 2 turns.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with one southern corridor going west.
Encounter 1 - Roll 1d6 1:Mad Druidx3 2:Music Faunx3 3:Forest Witchx3 4:Forest Witchx4 5:Forest Cloak 6:Mad Druidx4
Encounter 2 - Roll 1d6 1:Mad Druidx3 2:Forest Boots 3:Forest Witchx3 4:Forest Witchx4 5:Music Faun x3 6:Mad Druidx4
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room.
Purple - Roll 1d6 Roll 1d6 1:Mad Druidx3 2:Forest Gloves 3:Forest Witchx3 4:Forest Witchx4 5:Music Faun x3 6:Mad Druidx4
Gold - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:+140 Gold 2:Forest Skirt 3:+120 Gold 4:x3 Vipers 5:x3 Poison spiders 6:Forest Skirt
Room 2 A circular room with trees and vines all around making navigation difficult and giving enemies many places to hide.
Blue - Roll 1d6 1:Mad Druidx3 2:Music Faunx3 3:Forest Witchx3 4:Forest Witchx4 5:Forest Tunic 6:Mad Druidx4
Exit Corridor
Forest Cloak (Plant) - A hooded cloak with bush berries and twigs like a forest allowing perfect camouflage in vegetation. (+3 Plant ER. Reduces Plant and Light ability and spell costs -3.) (Sold for 100 Gold.)
Forest Boots (Plant) - Boots with soft moss soles. (+1 Plant ER. Reduces Plant and Light ability and spell costs -1.) (Sold for 50 Gold.)
Forest Gloves (Plant) - Gloves made of soft plant material. (+1 Plant ER. Reduces Plant and Light ability and spell costs -1.) (Sold for 50 Gold Each.)
Forest Skirt (Plant) - A skirt made from leaves and flowers. (+3 Plant ER. Reduces Plant and Light ability and spell costs -3.) (Sold for 70 Gold)
Forest Tunic (Plant) - A soft frilly shirt designed with many leaves and flowers. (+3 Plant ER. Reduces Plant ability and spell costs -3.) (Sold for 70 Gold)
South Left
Ruinous Cavern
A deep cave. Moss grows all around that can be collected and used for crafting anti-poison potions (5 moss total). The ground is soft with mostly grass but the walls all around are fairly narrow not allowing anyone above 7 feet tall or wide to stand or move freely. Vines hang in the path that needs to be cut down when moving through. Luckily in the more open spaces, there is sunlight coming through the top like a cavern.
Room 1 A large moss and stone-floored space with sunlight shining down through the open ceiling and remnants of the clear glass structure that once stood here long ago.
Room 2 A medium-sized stone and moss floor room with sunlight shining down through the open ceiling and remnants of the clear glass structure that once stood here long ago.
Room 3 A circular room with pillars and barrels all around giving enemies many places to hide.
Room 4 A medium-sized grassy cavern room with an old seraphim statue inside.
Room 5 A large-sized grassy cavern room with fallen stalagmites on the ceiling.
Room 6 A small-sized grassy cavern room with a puddle of water sitting in the middle.
Room 7 A small-sized grassy cavern room with a broken dragon statue inside.
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:Music Faunx2 2: Wolfx3 3:Nomadx2 4:Forested Bow 5:Forest Nymphx3 6:Mad Druidx2
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:Crystal Leafx3 2:Wolfx3 3:Mad Druidx2 4:Bearx3 5:Bearx2 6:Music Faun x3
Treasure Chest - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:Gold Nectarx2 2: Gold Nectarx4 3:Gold Nectarx5 4:Vipersx7 5:Poison Spidersx7 6:Crystal Seed
Traps - Trap floors that fall into a pit with poisonous vines and spores. Causes those who fall into it and are cut or breathe in the spores to receive 1 wound every 2 turns.
Forested Bow (Plant) - A large bow made of nearly unbreakable wood. Arrows fired from this bow are enchanted to deal Plant type damage. Adds +7 ER when under sunlight. (Sold for 240 Gold.)
Crystal Leaf (Plant/Ice) - A very rare item that is shaped like a leaf and cool to the touch. Can be crushed and adds ice typing to weapons for 5 minutes. (Counts as Light & Water Typing for crafting.) (Sold for 50 Gold Each.)
Gold Nectar (Light/Divine) - A golden liquid inside a jar. Similar to honey in texture. Said to taste very good and increases max wounds when eaten +2. Max Soul and Stamina +10. If injured heals +2 wounds. Increases Dark and Chaos resistance +2 Grades. (Lasts for 1 day. Only 2 can be eaten per day.) (Sold for 130 Gold Each.)
Crystal Seed (Plant/Ice) - A very rare item that is shaped like a seed. Can be eaten to change the elemental Affinity of the user permanently. (If multiple Affinities choose up to 2 to change.) (Sold for 500 Gold)
Dark Forest Hide-Away
Going up the mountain trail an ancient dungeon that is, clearly upon sighting it, often used as a home by forest animals and covered in vegetation. It is rather difficult to directly traverse due to the overgrowth however the lack of ceiling makes daylight essential for an easier search. Stone floors and walls made of uneven blocks covered in moss give structure to a decently sized corridor and larger rooms.
Room 1 A large mostly empty room with two broken-down pillars. The ceiling is mostly bare but some vines and tree branches block just some of the light coming in from above.
Room 2 A large mossy stone room with three toppled pillars on the ground. The ceiling is mostly bare but some vines and tree branches block just some of the light coming in from above.
Room 3 - A large circular floor with the ceiling mostly bare but some vines and tree branches blocking just some of the light coming in from above. An old statue of what used to be a seraph sits half crumbled in its center. An east hallway leads to another exit of the dungeon that closes behind those that leave, unable to be opened from the other side.
Red - Trap tiles when stepped on activates a swinging log attached to an old rope down the hall.
Green - Roll 1d6 1:x2Giant Beetle 2:x2 Dark Forest Potion 3:x3 Dark Forest Herb (Mid) 4: x3Poison Spider Swarm 5: Dark Forest Witch 6: x3 Dark Forest Herb (High)
Blue - Roll 1d4 1:Dark Forest Staff 2:30 Gold 3: Dark Forest Witch 4: x3Poison Spider Swarm
Gold - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:Dark Forest Witch 2:Dark Woods Ring 3: +100 Gold 4: x4 Vipers 5: x3 Giant Beetle 6: x3 Poison Spider Swarm
Dark Forest Witch
A wise mage capable of entering the eternal forest realms hidden deep in Vrondi's mythic jungles. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on this Witch in a forest. Upon encountering a Dark Forest Witch you can roll a 1d3 1: Combat 2: Trade 3: Witch Flees (50%Sol or more with 50% or less Nayu blooded characters can begin trade immediately.)
Size: 6 Feet, 140 ibs
Affinity: Dark/Plant
Weak - Fire 8/10, Divine 5/10, Steel 5/10, Light 4/10, Electricity 3/10, Ice 3/10, Striking 2/10
Resist - Dark 8/10, Poison 7/10, Earth 5/10, Wind 5/10, Water 5/10, Insect 4/10
Soul: 58 Stamina: 22
Max wounds: 4
Abilities: Mind Forest (Plant/Telepathy)- Can sense the location of anything touching plant life within a 30 meter radius and can sense their auras and physical sizes. (Passive ability.)
Thorn Garden (Plant/Poison) - Grows plants from the plant beneath them and forms a barrier wall of black thorned plants with a corrosive venom dripping from thousands of needle-like thorns. (-10 Stamina, Those who touch the thorns and have a 38 or more ER must undergo 'Poisoned' status and receive 1 wound every turn.)
Spells: Root Hold (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures strong healthy tree roots around a foe from the ground and wraps around their legs with incredible haste. (-5 Soul)
Call of Night (Enchantment/Dark/Telepathy) - Calles upon the minds of an animal of the forest to defend them 1d6, 1:x4Viper 2:x3Poison Spider Swarm 3:x2 Bear 4:x3 Giant Beetle 5: x5Poison Spider Swarm 6:Dark Forest Witch (-5 Soul)
Cursed Fruit (Conjuration/Dark/Plant) - Conjures a black fruit that when consumed grants the eater greater powers but reduces their health in return. (-5 Soul, +1 wound, +20 Dark ER and +10 Plant.)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d10 / 1: Cursed Fruit 2: Call of Night 3: Root Hold 4: Thorn Garden 5: Thorn Garden 6: Call of Night 7: Evade attack and counter with Root Hold 8: Call of Night 9: Evade attack and counter with Cursed Fruit 10: Flees Battle
Telepathy: 60
Plant: 75
Dark: 55
Poison: 77
Drops: Dark Witch's Attire- A black dress and robe combination with black vines and flowers are sewn into its seems. (When worn properly increases Dark and Plant ER +10. Reduces Light and Divine ER against wearer by -10. Increases the wearer's crafted Dark potions using Plant materials ER result +15.)
x3 Cursed Fruit - Conjures a black fruit that when consumed grants the eater greater powers but reduces their health in return. (-5 Soul, +1 wound, +20 Dark ER and +10 Plant.)
Dark Forest Witch Staff (Dark/Plant) - A sturdy staff made of black wood. (Reduces cost of Dark and Plant Spells by 5 for 3 uses. Dark and Plant spells cast with this item move at a slightly increased speed. Reducing evasion chances.)
Dark Forest Potion (Dark/Water) - A black and purple elixir that grants the user +10 Dark and Plant ER. Heals 1 wound per turn. Grants 8 reduction cost on Dark or Plant spells or abilities. (Lasts for 3 turns after use.) (Sold for 40 Gold Each)
Dark Forest Herb (Mid) (Dark/Plant) - Herbs are meant for crafting. (Sold for 20 Gold Each.)
Dark Forest Herb (High) (Dark/plant) - Herbs are meant for crafting. (Sold for 40 Gold Each.)
Dark Forest Witch Staff (Dark/Plant) - A sturdy staff made of black wood. (Reduces cost of Dark and Plant Spells by 5 for 3 uses. Dark and Plant spells cast with this item move at a slightly increased speed. Reducing evasion chances.) (Sold for 180 Gold)
Dark Woods Ring (Dark/Plant) - Increases the wearer's crafted Dark potions using Plant materials ER result +15. Increases Dark and Plant ER +5. (Sold for 100 Gold)
South West
Ocenia's Rest
An ancient place that is being camped out by bandits. These bandits call themselves the "Ocenia Outlaw Crew", have some control over beasts, and are mostly considered criminals by most kingdoms. They do however protect the nomads that create villages nearby or inside their camp. Provided that they give tribute.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with two southern corridors.
Red - Roll 1d6 1:Divine Potionx3 2:Bandit x3 3:Bear x2 4:Mounted Bandit x2 5:Viperx3 6:Nomad
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room with an old seraphim statue inside.
Green - Roll 1d4 1:Viperx4 2:Bandit x4 3:Divine Necklace 4:Bandit x2
Room 3 A medium-sized grassy cavern room. The Bandit Leader's Room, upon entering you must engage them if not hidden.
Purple - Upon Entering you encounter Bandit Leader Roll 1d4 1:Divine Ring 2:Bearx3 3:Banditx5 4:Mad Druidx2
East cave corridor
Blue - Roll 1d3 1:Divine Steelx5 2:Bandit x3 3:Bandit x4
Name: Ocenia Bandit Camp Leader / Ocenia
Description: Bandit camp leader. Having lived in the wilds and outskirts of towns has given them a hardened life. As such they're often in fights and are proficient with the weapons that they use. They can use a variety of attacks and spells not often seen outside of criminal circles. Upon encountering a bandit if you are in the Factions Dolofon, Therosi, or have a black market pass, you can begin trade.
Size: 6 feet
Affinity: Water/Earth/Dark/Light
Weakness - Fire 6/10, Steel 3/10, Insect 2/10, Chaos 1/10
Resist - Water 4/10, Divine 3/10, Dark 3/10, Electric 3/10, Earth 2/10
Soul: 25 Stamina: 38
Max wounds: 7
Abilities: Vanishing Step (Light/Water) - Capable of turning invisible and manipulating the moisture within plant life to allow them to quickly slide moving 1.5x their speed while doing so for a brief moment. (-5 Stamina. Reduces evasion chances of target during next attack. Lasts for 1 turn after activation.)
Double Slash (Steel) - Can attack twice in one attack with two blades. (-3 Stamina. Can only be used if holding two blades.)
Reinforcements (Telepathy)- Calls on a lower-ranked bandit to aid it in battle. (Adds another camp Ocenia's Rest bandit combatant to the battle next to this one.)
Spells: Death's Kiss - (Enchantment / Dark) This is activated by her lips touching the flesh of a living creature and placing a spell on their souls. Everyone they see becomes Ocenia visually. They also are filled with a maddening fury toward Ocenia. (-8 Soul, Lasts for 3 turns after activation.)
Items: Potion (Water) - Drinks from their potion heal 2 wounds. (Can only use 2 times per battle.)
Light: 45
Water: 58
Dark: 66
Steel: 76
Plant: 43
Telepathy: 55
Striking: 20
Attack Pattern - Roll for enemy turn 1d8 /1:Vanishing Step 2:Healing Potion 3:Vanishing Step 4:Evade attack and counter with Double Slash 5:Evade attack and counter with Death's Kiss 6: Healing Potion 7:Death's Kiss 8:Reinforcements
Ocenia's Blades (Steel/Water/Dark) - Two blades that are enchanted with various elements.
Ocenia's Mark - A temporary tattoo that allows trade with bandits. Lasts for only one day.
Pirate's Navigator - A device that allows one to navigate more quickly when traveling. Reduces travel speed from one place to another.
Divine Potion (Divine/Water) - Reduces wounds by 2. Increases Divine ER +8 for 3 turns. Can be used to craft high-quality Divine-type weapons. (Sold for 30 Gold each.)
Divine Necklace (Divine) - Increases Divine ER +8 when worn. Increases Chaos resist +2/10 and reduces Chaos ER against the wearer and those within a 10-meter radius around them -12. (Sold for 50 Gold.)
Divine Ring (Divine) - Increases Divine ER +8. Increases Chaos resist +2/10 and reduces Chaos ER against the wearer and those within a 10-meter radius around them -12. (Sold for 50 Gold.)
Divine Steel (Divine) - Can be used to craft high-quality Divine-type weapons. (Sold for 40 Gold each.)
South West
Elkroi Nest
Description - An initially dark lair overgrown with forest life. that grows brighter from sunlight during the day from holes in the cave ceiling. It houses many Fauns and Forest Nymphs that help spread balance throughout the forests of Vrondi. Navigation is difficult due to the quickly growing plant life.
Traps - Trap floors that fall into a pit with poisonous vines and spores. It causes those who fall into it and are cut or breathe in the spores to receive 1 wound every 2 turns.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with one southern corridor going west.
Blue - A mysterious crystal barrier sits here keeping something behind it and not allowing entry from above or below. Only those that know 5 different Light & or Plant spells can dismantle the barrier momentarily. Has a treasure chest with items inside. x5 Light Herbs (Rare) x3 Light/Divine Stones (Rare), Light/Plant Type armor set, Light/Plant type Sword, Light/Plant type Shield, 300 Gold.
Green 1 - Roll 1d6 1:Wolfx3 2:Music Faunx2 3:Nomad x3 4:Forest Nymphx2 5:Viperx4 6:Insectoid Plating.
Orange - Roll 1d4 1:Insectoid Helmet 2:Giant Beetle x2 3:+6Emerald 4:Spider Swarm x3
Room 2 A large mossy stone room with three toppled pillars on the ground. The ceiling is mostly bare but some vines and tree branches block just some of the light coming in from above.
Yellow - Roll 1d6 1:Music Faunx3 2:Wolf x3 3:Insectoid Rifle 4:Forest Nymphx2 5:Bearx2 6:Bandit x2
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room.
Purple - Roll 1d6 1:Insectoid Shield 2:Viperx5 3:Spider Swarmx3 4:Nomad x2 5: Mad Druidx2 6:Insectoid Blade
Room 3 A circular room with trees and vines all around making navigation difficult and giving enemies many places to hide.
Insectoid Plating (Insect/Steel) - Several plates of armor that can be fashioned into the upper body or leg armor. Reduces Dark/Earth/Light/Plant typing ER against wearers of this armor by -10. Increases Insect ER +8. (Sold for 100 Gold)
Insectoid Helmet (Insect/Steel) - A helmet that resembles a bug's head. Reduces Dark/Earth/Light/Plant typing ER against wearers of this armor by -5. Increases insect ER +6. (Sold for 70 Gold.)
Insectoid Rifle (Insect/Steel) - A weapon partially made from organic material. Reduces Insect/Steel type resistance against those hit by this weapon's projectile -3/10. (Sold for 180 Gold)
Insectoid Shield (Insect/Steel) - Increases Dark/Earth/Light/Plant type resistance against the shielder when blocking with this shield +3/10. (Sold for 120 Gold)
Insectoid Blade (Insect/Steel) - Reduces Insect/Steel typing resistance against those hit by this weapon -3/10. (Sold for 150 Gold.)
Camp Sunder
An ancient place that is being camped out by bandits. These bandits call themselves the "Sunder Guardians", have some control over beasts, and are mostly considered criminals by most kingdoms. They do however protect the nomads that create villages nearby or inside their camp. Provided that they give tribute.
Room 1 A large moss and stone-floored space with sunlight shining down through the open ceiling and remnants of the clear glass structure that once stood here long ago.
Room 2 A medium-sized stone and moss floor room with sunlight shining down through the open ceiling and remnants of the clear glass structure that once stood here long ago.
Room 3 A circular room with pillars and barrels all around giving enemies many places to hide.
Room 4 A living quarters where bandits sleep and eat.
Room 5 The Bandit Leader's Room, upon entering you must engage them if not hidden.
Room 6 A storage room.
Room 7 A combat room where the bandits train.
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:Banditx3 2:Healing Potion 3:Nomad 4:Banditx2 5:Wolfx2 6:Nomad
Encounter - Roll 1d6 1:+30 Gold 2:Mounted Banditx2 3:Banditx2 4:Antidote 5:Bear 6:Mounted Banditx3
Treasure Chest - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:+40 Gold 2: Telepath Ring 3: +20 Gold 4: x4 Vipers 5: x3 Music Faun 6: x4 Wolf
Traps - Bell traps attached to strings that dangle in the hall forcing any passing through to make a noise alerting those nearby of their presence. When activated roll 1d4 1:Wolf 2:Bandit 3:Bandit 4:Wolf
Name: Vrondi Bandit
Description: A bandit from camp sunder. Having lived in the wilds and outskirts of towns has given them a hardened tribal life. As such they're often in fights and are proficient with the weapons that they use. They can use a variety of attacks and spells not often seen outside of criminal circles. Upon encountering a bandit if you are in the Factions Dolofon, Therosi, or have a black market pass, you can begin trade.
Size: 5 -7 Feet
Affinity: Light/Earth
Weakness - Dark 6/10, Blunt 5/10, Striking 5/10, Fire 3/10, Wind 3/10, Steel 2/10
Resist - Earth 4/10, Light 2/10, Chaos 2/10, Divine 2/10
Soul: 25 Stamina: 30
Max wounds: 4
Abilities: Blade Rush (Steel) - Launches themselves at an enemy and attempts to stab into them. (-5 Stamina, reaches up to 20 meters.)
Spells: Vanishing Steel (Illusion/ Dark) - Capable of releasing a reflective barrier that makes their weapon invisible. (Decreases evasion likelihood for targets.)
Items: Item Swap Scroll (Divine) - When activated the target swaps weapons with the user of this scroll instantly teleporting them into each other's hands. (Only 1 per battle. Only carries a sword.)
Potion (Water) - Drinks from their potion heal 2 wounds. (Can only use 2 times per battle.)
Bandit Armor (Steel) - Reduces ER of Steel/Earth/ and Blunt physical attacks against them by 10.
Not all bandits have a mount but some do. Those with a mount move at x3 their normal speed when attacking. The Elk Shares stats with the rider.
Earth: 33
Dark 26
Striking: 33
Steel: 46
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Blade Rush 2:Healing Potion 3:Vanishing Steel 4:Evade attack and counter with Blade Rush 5: Evade attack and counter with Swap Scroll 6: Healing Potion 7: Vanishing Steel 8:Blade Rush
Rewards: +30 Gold
Healing potion (light) - Recovers 1 wound instantly after use.
Bandit Armor (Steel) - Basic Armor that is often used as a base to craft new armors.
Bandit Sword/Spear/Shield (Steel) - Basic weaponry often used to craft new weapons. Roll 1d3 1:Sword 2:Spear 3:Shield
Name: Sunder Bandit Leader / Elkoi
Description: A bandit from camp sunder. Having lived in the wilds and outskirts of towns has given them a hardened life. As such they're often in fights and are proficient with the weapons that they use. They can use a variety of attacks and spells not often seen outside of criminal circles. Upon encountering a bandit if you are in the Factions Dolofon, Therosi, or have a black market pass, you can begin trade.
Size: 6-8 Feet
Affinity: Light/Earth/Wind
Weakness - Steel 5/10, Dark 4/10, Fire 4/10, Ice 4/10, Insect 3/10, Chaos 2/10
Resist - Light 5/10, Plant 5/10, Divine 2/10
Soul: 35 Stamina: 40
Max wounds: 6
Abilities: Light Blitz Rush (Steel/Light) - The body glows as it moves at double its natural speed for a single slash strike. (-5 Stamina, reaches up to 15 feet.)
Reinforcements (Telepathy) - Calls on a lower-ranked bandit to aid it in battle. (Adds another camp sunder bandit combatant to the battle next to this one.)
Spells: Vanishing Loot (Conjuration/ Light) - Capable of stealing an item in the enemy's inventory by teleporting the item into their hand. (-10 Soul. 20 meter radius. Number each item then rolls a dice.)
Items: Gold Armor of the Forest (Steel/Plant) - Reduces the ER of enemy steel and dark physical attacks and spells by -15.
Potion (Water) - Drinks from their potion heal 2 wounds. (Can only use 2 times per battle.)
Light: 45
Steel: 66
Plant: 60
Striking: 53
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Light Blitz 2:Healing Potion 3:Vanishing Loot 4:Evade attack and counter with Light Blitz 5:Evade attack and counter with Light Blitz 6: Healing Potion 7:Light Blitz 8:Reinforcements
Rewards: ((All items previously stolen.))
+50 Gold
Gold Sword of the Forest (Steel/Plant) - Increases the ER of attacks on enemies of Dark and Earth with this weapon +8.
Gold Armor of the Forest (Steel/Plant) - Reduces the ER of enemy steel and dark physical attacks and spells by -8.
Elkoi's Crown (Steel/Plant) - A crown that also protects the forehead. It increases telepathy, plant, and light ER +8.
Name: Vrondi Nomad
Description: A descendant that lives outside of the kingdoms in a more lawless state of life. They often receive protection from either living close to the kingdoms or with bandits. Paying tribute to both. When encountering a Nomadic Villager you can begin trade instead of combat.
Size: 4-6 feet
Affinity: Light/Dark/Earth/Wind/Water
Weakness - Steel 10/10, Fire 5/10, Chaos 4/10, Poison 4/10
Resist - Light 2/10, Dark 2/10, Earth 2/10, Water 2/10
Soul: 5 Stamina: 15
Max wounds: 2
Abilities: Call For Help - Calls on a Bandit and makes an escape.
Spells: None
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1:Flee 2:Flee 3:Call For Help 4:Call for Help 5:Flee 6: Call for Help 7:Call for Help 8:Flee
Rewards: Nomadic Blood (???) - Blood of a nomadic descendant whose bloodline is of severe hybridization. Can be used in crafting for Light, Dark, Earth, Water, and Wind elements.
Healing Potion (Water) - Can remove 2 wounds from the user. (Sells for 5 Gold)
Elkoi Potion (Water/Light) - Gives the ability to remain immune to all poisons for 2 turns. (Bandit Leader Sells for 10 Gold)
Nomadic Blood (???) - Blood of a nomadic descendant whose bloodline is of severe hybridization. Can be used in crafting for Light, Dark, Earth, Water, and Wind elements.
Faun Lair
An initially dark lair overgrown with forest life. that grows brighter from sunlight during the day from holes in the cave ceiling. It houses many Fauns and Forest Nymphs that help spread balance throughout the forests of Vrondi. Navigation is difficult due to the quickly growing plant life.
Traps - Trap floors that fall into a pit with poisonous vines and spores. Causes those who fall into it and are cut or breathe in the spores to receive 1 wound every 2 turns.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with one southern corridor going west.
Green 1 - Roll 1d6 1:Wolf 2:Music Faun 3:Music Faun 4: Forest Nymph 5:Viper 6: Telepathic Circlet
Green 2 - Roll 1d6 1:Music Faun 2:Music Faun 3:Forest Nymph 4:Forest Nymph 5:Bear 6: Telepathic Bracelet
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room.
Purple - Roll 1d6 1:+20 Gold 2:Viper 3:Forest Nymph 4:Music Faun 5: Mad Druid 6:Telepath Robe
Gold - A treasure chest that activates when opened. Roll 1d6 1:+40 Gold 2: Telepath Ring 3: +20 Gold 4: x4 Vipers 5: x3 Music Faun 6: x4 Wolf
Room 2 A circular room with trees and vines all around making navigation difficult and giving enemies many places to hide.
Blue - Roll 1d6 1:+3 Emerald 2: x2 Music Faun 3:Forest Nymph 4:x3 Giant Beetle 5:x2 Forest Nymph 6:Telepath Gauntlets
Exit Corridor
Name: Musical Faun Description: A mythical creature. Who plays its flute and attracts creatures of the forest to aid it in its pursuit to keep the balance of the forest in order. Upon encountering a Faun if you are 80% Sol or more you can begin trading instead of combat. Size: 4-5 feet tall. Affinity: Plant/Earth Weakness - Fire 8/10, Ice 7/10, Dark 6/10, Steel 5/10, Striking 4/10 Resist - Plant 10/10, Light 8/10, Water 7/10, Telepathy 6/10, Poison 6/10, Insect 5/10, Earth 4/10 Soul: 20
Stamina: 28 Max wounds: 3 Abilities: Song of the wild (Telepathy) - With this song a creature will come to aid this Faun. (-5 Stamina, roll 1d5/ 1: Wolf 2: Forest Nymph 3: Music Faun 4: Forest Nymph 5: Wolf 6: Forest Nymph
Forest Hop (Plant) - Jumps into the forestation vanishing and untraceable by all-natural means. Still noticeable by soul sight or soul sense and other extra senses. Spells: Root Hold (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures strong healthy tree roots around a foe from the ground and wraps around their legs with incredible haste. (-5 Soul)
Growth Heal (Transmutation/Plant) - Merges into nearby plant life and heals by taking their matter into its own camouflaging themselves in the process. (-8 soul, heals 1 wound per minute while hidden. Cannot be detected by normal sight and helps evade attacks.)
Light: 23
Telepathy: 56
Plant: 77 Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Forest Hop 2: Song of Wild 3: Evades attack 4: Evade attack and counter with Song of Wild 5: Evade attack and counter with Root Hold 6: Forest Hop 7: Growth Heal 8: Song of Wild
Forest Flute - A mythical flute that grows plant life nearby when played correctly. (Will trade for 30 Gold or x5 Light Crafting Material.)
Faun horn - A crafting item with both Light and Earth material inside. (Cannot Trade)
Name: Forest Nymph Description: A mythical creature. Spiritual forest creature that keeps the balance of nature. Often mistaken for trees or other beautiful plant life. Upon encountering a Forest Nymph if you are 80% Sol or more you can begin trading instead of combat. Size: 4-5 feet Affinity: Plant/Water/Earth Weakness - Fire 8/10, Ice 7/10, Dark 6/10, Steel 5/10, Striking 4/10 Resist - Plant 10/10, Light 8/10, Water 7/10, Telepathy 6/10, Poison 6/10, Insect 5/10, Earth 4/10 Soul: 45
Stamina: 0 Max wounds: 3 Abilities: Forest Growth (Plant) - Grows strong plant life around themselves to avoid damage. (Reduces incoming attack ER by -20.)
Forest Lash (Plant) - Turns arm into a vine and whips it at an enemy. Spells:
Overgrowth (Plant) - Unleashes a storm of forestation that binds and damages those caught in it. Leaving behind many tree roots and vines that can block paths or areas. (-12 Soul. Has a 15 meter radius around the caster.)
Nectar Absorption (Plant) - Turns into a large full-grown tree and begins to heal 1 wound per turn. (-5 Soul. Cannot be harmed except by destroying the tree. Lasts for 2 turns.) Plant: 80
Light: 56
Earth: 66
Water: 35
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Forest Growth 2: Overgrowth 3: Forest Lash 4: Evade attack and counter with Forest Lash 5: Evade attack and counter with Overgrowth 6: Nectar Absorption 7: Forest Growth 8: Nectar Absorption
Healing Fruit (Plant) - A fruit when eaten heals up to 3 wounds rapidly. (Will Trade for 15 Gold or 3 Light Crafting materials.)
Power Fruit (Plant) - A fruit when eaten makes the next ability or spell used have +15 ER. (Will Trade for 15 Gold or 3 Light Crafting materials.)
Telepathic Circlet (Plant) - A silver and wooden circlet that increases telepathy type ER of wearer +5. Reduces enemy Enchantment and Illusion spell effects on wearer ER -5. (Faun Trades for 20 Gold.)
Telepath Bracelet (Plant) - A silver and wooden bracelet that increases telepathy type ER of wearer +5. Reduces enemy Enchantment and Illusion spell effects on wearer ER -5. (Faun Trades for 20 Gold.)
Telepath Robe (Plant) - A brown and green hooded robe with forest pattern designs on it. Increases telepathy type ER of wearer +10. Reduces enemy Enchantment and Illusion spell effects on wearer ER -10. (Faun trades for 40 Gold.)
Telepath Ring (Plant) - A silver and wooden ring increases telepathy type ER of wearer +3. Reduces enemy Enchantment and Illusion spell effects on wearer ER -3. (Faun Trades for 15 Gold.)
Telepath Gauntlet (Plant) - A single left or right-handed gauntlet made of silver and wood increases telepathy type ER of wearer +10. Reduces enemy Enchantment and Illusion spell effects on wearer ER -5. Allows the wearer to add Telepathy type to their physical attacks that use the hands. (Bows, Swords, Punches etc. -5 Soul -5 Stamina per activation. Lasts for 5 minutes or 2 turns.) (Faun Trades for 50 Gold.)
North West
Ancient Jungle Temple
An ancient dungeon that is, clearly upon sighting it, often used as a home by forest animals and covered in vegetation. It is rather difficult to directly traverse due to the overgrowth however the lack of ceiling makes daylight essential for an easier search. Stone floors and walls made of uneven blocks covered in moss give structure to a decently sized corridor and larger rooms.
Room 1 A large mostly empty room with two broken down pillars. The ceiling mostly bare but some vines and tree branches blocking just some of the light coming in from above.
Blue - A mysterious crystal barrier sits here keeping something behind it. Not allowing entry from above or below. Only those that know 3 light spells can dismantle the barrier momentarily. Has a treasure chest with items inside. x3 Light Herbs (Rare) x3 Light Stones (Rare) Light armor set, Light Sword, Light Shield, 200 Gold.
Green - Roll 1d6 1: Giant Beetle 2: x3 Light Herbs (Mid) 3: x3 Light Stones (Mid) 4: Poison Spider Swarm 5:Viper 6: x3 Light Herbs (High)
Red - Trap tiles when stepped on activates a swinging log attached to an old rope down the hall.
Orange - Roll 1d4 1: Light Spear 2: 30 Gold 3: x5 Poison Mushrooms 4: Poison Spider Swarm
Room 2 A large mossy stone room with three toppled pillars on the ground. The ceiling mostly bare but some vines and tree branches blocking just some of the light coming in from above.
Yellow - Roll 1d6 1: x3 Light Stones(High) 2: x3 Light Herbs(High) 3: Light Gauntlets 4: Giant Beetle 5: 30 Gold 6: Poison Spider Swarm
Room 3 - A large circular floor with the ceiling mostly bare but some vines and tree branches blocking just some of the light coming in from above. An old statue of what used to be a seraph sits half crumbled in its center. An east hallway leads to another exit of the dungeon that closes behind those that leave, unable to be opened from the other side.
Purple - Roll 1d6 1: Light Boots 2: 50 Gold 3: Light Helmet 4: Light Shield 5: Light Armor 6: Light Sword
Giant Beetle -
Size: 6-4 feet 180 ibs
Affinity: Insect
Weak - Steel 6/10, Fire 6/10, Ice 5/10, Light 2/10
Resist - Plant 6/10, Dark 5/10, Insect 6/10
Soul: 0 Stamina: 33
Max wounds: 4
Abilities: Strong Pincers (Insect)- Double the wounds received by those who are wounded by this creature.
Flying Charge (Insect) - Capable of momentarily flying to attack at 1.5 their normal speed. (-5 Stamina, decreases evasion chances.)
Earth Dig Spring (Earth) - Capable of digging underground quickly and springing up for an attack. (-5 Stamina, evades all above ground attacks.)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Pincer attack 2: Flying Charge 3: Prepares to defend (-15 ER of next hit) 4: Pincer attack 5: Earth Dig Spring 6: Prepares to defend (-15 ER of next hit) 7: Earth Dig Spring 8: Flying Charge
Earth: 46
Insect: 68
Drops: Giant Beetle Egg - An egg that will eventually hatch into a giant beetle.
Insect Shell - Tough shell of an insect that can be used for crafting insect items.
Poison Spider Swarm -
Size: 5-3 inches
Affinity: Poison / Insect
Weak - Steel 7/10, Fire 8/10, Ice 6/10, Wind 3/10
Resist - Poison 10/10, Plant 6/10, Dark 3/10
Soul: 0 Stamina: 0
Max wounds: 1
Abilities: Poison bite (Poison)- Those hit by this receive damage over time resulting in minor wounds and slowed movement every 3 turns. Cannot be removed except through an antidote.
Swarm Call (Insect) - Calls another spider swarm to aid it in battle.
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Poison Bite 2: Hides 3: Evades attack 4: Evade attack and Hide 5: Swarm Call 6: Hides 7: Poison Bite 8: Flees
Poison: 50
Insect: 70
Drops: Poison droplets- Can be used to craft ill poisoning concoctions or ill causing poison resistance potions.
Light Herbs - Herbs for Crafting
Light Stones - Stones for Crafting.
Light Spear - A decent sized spear that has a constant glow. Has both Steel and Light typing.
Light Gauntlets - Armor that reduces Dark and Poison ER from physical enemy attacks by -5. Has Steel and Light typing.
Light Boots - Armor that reduces Dark and Poison ER from physical enemy attacks by -5. Has Steel and Light typing.
Light Helmet - Armor that reduces Dark and Poison ER from physical enemy attacks by -5. Has Steel and Light typing.
Light Shield - A shield that reduces Dark and Poison ER from physical enemy attacks by -10. Has Steel and Light typing.
Light Sword - A normal length sword with a constant glow. Has both Steel and Light typing.
North East
Deep Jungle Cave
A deep cave. Moss grows all around that can be collected and used for crafting anti-poison potions (5 moss total). The ground is soft with mostly grass but the walls all around are fairly narrow not allowing anyone above 7 feet tall or wide to stand or move freely. Vines hang in the path that needs to be cut down when moving through. Luckily in the more open spaces, there is sunlight coming through the top like a cavern.
Room 1 A large grassy cavern space with two southern corridors.
Red - Roll 1d6 1:+20 Gold 2:Wolf 3:Bear 4:Mad Druid 5:Viper 6:Book of Light
Room 2 A medium-sized grassy cavern room with an old seraphim statue inside.
Green - Roll 1d4 1:Viper 2:Mad Druid 3:Light Staff 4:Wolf
Room 3 A medium-sized grassy cavern room.
Purple - Roll 1d4 1:Grass Sword 2:Bear 3:Wolf 4:Viper
East cave corridor
Blue - Roll 1d3 1:Grass shield 2:Wolf 3:Viper
Druid Wolf - A swift wolf that cannot be easily snuck up on.
Size: 6-4 feet.
Affinity: Plant/Telepathy
Weak - Poison 6/10, Steel 6/10, Fire 5/10, Ice 4/10, Insect 3/10, Wind 3/10, Chaos 2/10, Dark 2/10
Resist - Plant 8/10, Earth 8/10, Light 7/10, Water 4/10, Electricity 3/10, Telepathy 3/10
Soul: 10 Stamina: 38
Max wounds: 2
Abilities: Howl (Telepathy)- Can call another Druid Wolf from the earth to aid it in combat. (-5 Stamina)
Spells: Root Hold (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures strong healthy tree roots around a foe from the ground and wraps around their legs with incredible haste. (-5 Soul)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Howl ability 2: Root Hold 3: Evades attack, 4: Evade attack and counter with bite 5: Evade attack and counter with bite 6: Howl ability 7: Root Hold 8: Evade attack and counter with bite
Plant: 38
Telepathy: 38
Drops: Light Essence Stone - A rare stone that carries the essence of light for crafting items.
Druid Bear - A strong antlered large animal that often has a bright light emitting from its crown of antlers. Mostly found sleeping.
Size: 8-6 feet. 800-500 ibs.
Affinity: Earth/Plant
Weak - Poison 7/10, Steel 4/10, Fire 3/10, Wind 3/10, Striking 3/10
Resist - Plant 6/10, Earth 8/10, Light 4/10, Water 4/10, Electricity 3/10, Ice 4/10, Insect 4/10
Soul: 20 Stamina: 48
Max wounds: 5
Abilities: Roar (Telepathy)- Reduces the ER of physical attacks that hear this roar by -10 for 2 turns. (-5 Stamina)
Antler Charge (Earth/Plant) - A full-speed charge to skewer an enemy with its horns. (-5 Stamina)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Roar ability 2: Antler Charge 3: Evades attack 4: Evade attack and counter with claw slash 5: Roar ability 6: Antler Charge 7: Normal physical attack 8: Normal physical attack
Earth: 45
Plant: 33
Drops: Tough Pelt - Tough hide that can be made into strong earth-type resistant armors.
Stone Tree Horn - Can be used to craft a rare Earth and Plant spell channeling staff.
Grass Viper- A venomous snake that is nearly invisible in the grass of the cave floor.
Size: 4-2 feet
Affinity: Poison
Weak - Steel 7/10, Fire 6/10, Ice 5/10, Wind 3/10
Resist - Plant 6/10, Dark 3/10, Insect 6/10
Soul: 10 Stamina: 22
Max wounds: 1
Abilities: Paralyzing bite (Poison)- Those hit by this bite cannot move for up to 5 minutes or 3 turns. (-5 Stamina)
Grass Invisibility (Light) - When in the grass can turn mostly invisible, aiding in its evasion and allowing it to sneak up to prey. (-5 Stamina, increases evasion chances of targeted attacks greatly. Reduces evasion chances of enemies greatly after activation.)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d8 / 1: Grass Invisibility 2: Paralyzing Bite 3: Evades attack 4: Evade attack and counter with Paralyzing bite 5: Grass invisibility and evade attack 6: Grass invisibility 7: Normal bite attack 8: Paralyzing Bite
Poison: 60
Light: 26
Drops: Paralyzing venom fangs- Can be used to craft paralyzing concoctions or paralyze resistance potions.
Mad Druid
Druid- A wise mage capable of entering the eternal forest realms hidden deep in Vrondi's mythic jungles. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on this Druid in a forest. Upon encountering a Druid you can roll a 1d3 1: Combat 2: Trade 3: Druid Flees (80% or more Sol characters can begin trade immediately.)
Size: 7 Feet, 180 ibs
Affinity: Plant/Light
Weak - Poison 7/10, Ice 6/10, Steel 5/10, Fire 5/10, Wind 3/10, Striking 3/10, Dark 3/10, Insect 4/10
Resist - Plant 10/10, Earth 8/10, Light 6/10, Water 5/10, Electricity 5/10
Soul: 58 Stamina: 22
Max wounds: 4
Abilities: Mind Forest (Plant/Telepathy)- Can sense the location of anything touching plant life within a 30 meter radius and can sense their auras and physical sizes. (Passive ability.)
Telekinetic Blast (Telepathy) - Knocks back foes with a powerful force able to send even large animals flying several meters. Can be unleashed up to 10 feet in radius from the hand. (-5 Stamina)
Spells: Root Hold (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures strong healthy tree roots around a foe from the ground and wraps around their legs with incredible haste. (-5 Soul)
Beast summon (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures an animal of the forest to defend them 1d6, 1:Viper 2:Wolf 3:Bear 4: Viper 5: Wolf 6: Viper. (-5 Soul)
Healing Fruit (Conjuration/Plant) - Conjures a fruit from their staff to eat and heal themselves. (-5 Soul, heals 2 wounds.)
Attack Pattern: Roll for enemy turn 1d10 / 1: Healing Fruit 2: Beast Summon 3: Root Hold 4: Telekinetic Blast 5: Root Hold 6: Beast Summon 7: Beast summon 8: Beast summon 9: Healing Fruit 10: Flees Battle
Telepathy: 60
Plant: 75
Light: 55
Drops: Druid's Attire- When worn increases Plant, Light, and Earth ER +5. Reduces Dark and Poison ER against wearer by -10. Increases the wearer's crafted Light potions using Plant materials ER result +15
x3 Healing Fruit - When eaten reduces wounds by 3 immediately. (Can only eat one per turn.)
5 Emerald
Book of Light
A simple-looking book with golden text inside. When read over time it can increase the reader's light ER +5 and allows them to learn 1 new Light or Plant type Evocation or Abjuration spell if their Light or Plant ER is above 35.
(Druid trades for 10 Gold.)
Light Staff
A simple-looking wooden staff with gold runes drawn over it. Allows the wielder to cast Light, Plant, and Earth spells for a reduced cost of 10.
(Druid trades for 8 Gold.)
Grass Sword
An almost leaf-like blade shaped similar to a blade of grass and deals Plant and Steel type ER damage.
(Druid trades for 15 Gold.)
Grass Shield
An almost leaf-like shield shaped similar to a oak and defends with Plant and Steel Type ER against damage.
(Druid trades for 15 Gold.)