The Royal Dining Hall

The royal dining hall was being used by a congregation of Vrondi's royal families. Despite their regal appearances when amongst themselves in large enough number, they did seem like any other group of citizens. Young children of the future generation of Vrondi's leadership were running about. Their parents chase after them. Their servants clean up the mess from their sloppy eating. Dinner was a large family affair in these halls. The light that always shines so bright over Vrondi's jungle, keeping its vegetation strong, illuminated the white and gold structure of the castle. The sun shined through long multicolored windows, like towers of light. Bright enough to make the light of the king look minuscule in comparison.
The very king sat on his throne seat, away from the dining table, but high enough to observe his royal subjects. His direct lineage. His body was that of a descendant man. Yet unlike his subjects who wore attire decorated to the hues and shapes of a flower garden, his observable attire consisted of merely a pair of pants and boots. His body, though glowing with soft yellow aura throughout, still had the scarlet markings of a warrior decorated with war paint. His posture upon his chair was far too relaxed for a regal King, more akin to a warrior king, that he was. But under that physically intimidating form was a warmness. A calm knowing.
"These children are growing more and more insufferable during their mealtime." Muttered a gold and white dressed Sol man. Standing with long flowing white hairs and piercing green eyes. He stood close to the King's chair, on his left side. His straightened back and stiff posture was that of a refined noble. He looked with disgust at the loud rambunctious nature of the royal family's youth. But to his dismay, the King merely laughed. "Ah, but it was not MY time that upheld such mannerisms. It was after hundreds of years of prosperity did the people of this land decide to distinguish themselves from others. Calling themselves royals, and those below them common citizens." Vrondi grinned at the gentlemen who was sighing in disbelief at the King's words. "It was not just us, many others have done the same. You were the first King of this world after the Dragon War were you not? Did you not distinguish yourself from the others?"
The King shook his head. "Nay. I merely accepted a leadership role, to bring the light from my soul to the souls of all those around me. To give them the ability to prosper in nature's balance. Back then this castle was mere ruins and the lands were treacherous and untamed, nothing like it is today. Now we have travelers and caravans going about, using Vrondi as a hub of commerce and trade. It has made you all far too high and mighty and fat." The King chuckled at the end of his sentence, observing with a youthful grin at the older-looking noble. "My King you are being rude!" He grumbled.
As the dining hall, with all of its space and polish, was being rambunctiously used for dinner festivities a slight chill came in from out of the ether. A whirlwind of cold began to emerge from the ground before the King's throne. It happened within seconds. A visible tornado of cold suddenly appeared in this warm castle. Causing mist to mix within it, making it a white whirlwind. Little else was available for the wind to carry for visibility, as the dining hall floor was polished to perfection.
Beneath the white winds was a bright circle of cyan light laid flat on the ground. "A portal...?" The King spoke with light surprise, even as the noble stood back in fear at what was happening. "M-my lord what is?" Before he could stammer another utterance something began to rise from out of the portal as if being elevated from under the ground. The messy white hair, hued over with a cold blue. Like snow reflecting a blue sky. Sapphire blue eyes looked up from beneath strands of messy hair. His lean yet muscular frame was visible as he wore only a pair of black pants, decorated with blue symbols and dark blue shoes of the same color with black bottoms. Elegance, yet his shirtless form was not without feature.
"Mirror!" Shouted some of the royals children, noticing him first. Their parents soon after registering in their minds the waves of a cool mind, their Sol like telepathic link to this one who they find in great value and respect. Mirror the Frozen, leader of the Aion, and the most precious knight of the King stood shirtless, but his wings were out. Something not often displayed. Their size were rather large, showing his strength, the color of blue ice. Cool and almost transparent. Next to him were two mishapen boulders of ice. "My King..." Mirror spoke, his voice tired, yet his mind did not forget to show respect. He bowed, falling to one knee.
"I have brought to you two culprits of today's massacre in Sunfire... The Princess of Nero, my former subordinate, Lila Moriarty. And one of Nero's new slave armada, the conquered Basilisks and their kin." Mirror looked down, facing the ground he hid his face from remembering the recent horrors of today's battle. The royals behind him gasped, even the one next to the King almost stumbled as he stepped forward. "OH my!" He exclaimed in a weakening tone. The King however continued seated, taking a more meditative posture. Closing his eyes before speaking softly. "This is unfortunate... We must begin talks with Nero immediately. IF this is indeed their princess they surely will want her back. Perhaps a deal can be made." He sighed.
"No." Mirror spoke suddenly. "No!" He looked up, anger in his face and voice. "We mustn't make a DEAL with them. This is the time, we have proof of the royals being directly involved in the massacre of innocents! This is time to declare WAR my King!" Mirror began to plead with a desperate frustration. The King however did not seem moved. "You will have us declare war on Nero while Nuxta ravages our lands with his curse?" To these words Mirror stood to his feet in defiance. "We have a cure for Nuxta's curse! It is being produced by OUR people, the Taxis is under YOUR command and they are bringing an END to Nuxta's curse as we speak! Nuxta is no threat to us!"
"SILENCE!" Vrondi's voice echoed in the form of visible waves of light washing over all in the hall. "We will not weaken our forces even further to fight some petty war between the misguided Nero royals and the Aion! You have your trump cards next to you." The King pointed to the two ice prisons the Basiliskin and the Nayu Princess were in. "I suggest you use them wisely! As always you have the support of the Taxis against the Dolofon. But you will not get your war!" The King stood up with crossed arms. His eyes lit up as he stared flames into Mirror, who had no choice but to bow again. "Yes my King. Please excuse me as I must rest from defending the citizens of Sunfire..." He turned, and began to walk away. His face covered by his hair, hiding his anger.
The noble next to the King looked closely at the ice boulders. "Oh my.. Where will we put these?"
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