Name: Willow “The Deerstalker” Blackwings
Age: 36
Bloodline: 80% Owl Beast blood
20% Oro Blood

Appearance: Her face is rounded and soft, with a rather pointed nose and larger than normal gold eyes that seemingly don’t blink. Willow keeps her brown and black hair swept back or tied into a small, neat bun when actively stalking. Her nose is small, flat and close to her face. It has some resemblance to a beak, though not sharp like one. Willow possesses talons she meticulously keeps as clean as she can, and normally keeps retracted unless bored.
She normally wears a long jacket that is a woodland camouflage pattern. The inverse side of the jacket is a flat, soft yellow and orange color. She switches to this side of the coat when not stalking. This jacket doubles as a raincoat, and she can line it with a smaller, second coat if she worries about being too cold. It has cuts into its shoulder blades, so her brown-and-black wings can rest gently at her back, and also extend them if she wishes too. While still being unable to fly, she keeps them out, preferring the comfort to that than the tight binds that would be required to hide them. She will only bind her wings if it is absolutely necessary.
Her attire underneath the coat is a pair of black and grey leggings, and a loose-fitting oversized brown shirt with no design or attempt to make it look fancy. She wears white cotton footwraps when actively stalking, to better feel the earth and will only put on thick, hobnailed brown leather boots when the terrain demands it and presents hazards to her walking.
She is pale, but tans rather easy and will do so in a short period of time. She has no scars, tattoos, or any markings of note other than a pierced left ear with a small metal stud in it. She normally takes it out when stalking, if she can remember to before her hunt.
She occasionally shivers, but it’s more so the hair on her arms raising as she hears something far off, or smells it, and wonders what it can be and her active imagination takes her places mentally.
Physique: Her build and frame are rather unassuming, herself not looking fit despite being so. She could easily gain clear, visible musculature if she chose to cultivate it, but doesn’t. She’s waif like and thin, constantly on the move and looking frailer than she really is.
Abilities: 1. Owl beast blood- Willows' heritage grants her the following benefits:
Slow, silent flight and steps
Ability to turn head almost 360°
Talons, able to rend some arms and armor.
Self Taught Ranger
2. Self Made Ranger- Willows' dedication in pursuing her dream (and persistence) give her:
Hand to hand combat, focusing on take-downs and disarms.
Survival skills allowing her to survive a week with no equipment
Throwing weapon training
Tracking, hunting, and stalking skills, for both urban and rural environments.
Spells: None.
Pet: None currently, but is good at understanding animals and could tame them with some effort.
Faction: None, at this time. Centered on self survival at this stage and has no intent to ally with a faction, but would like to be knighted as a ranger someday.
Job: Rat / Vermin extermination. Mercenary work. Hunting.
Experience: She hasn’t gone through too much, that’s the best and worst thing of living the life of some sheparding girl. This changed one day, when on a whimsy she did something reckless. She stole the combat backpack of a local master at arms who was chasing a fugitive out of impulsivity alone. She sat, quiet, and waited for him to drop his backpack before the two fought. When the clanging steel and swears were happening, she ducked low, grabbed his bag and ran to the first wooded area she saw, hoping it would have the things she needed.
She has spent a few nights in the wild, completely ‘cut off’ from civility. In the cold and dark, she struggled to find what she needed to survive. She damn near died many times doing so- getting the wrong berries for eating a few times. Making snares properly, but baiting them wrong. Not being able to sufficiently clean her few kills. Nearly freezing, her pitiful fires hardly keeping her warm. After four long days, and five nights she barely made it to Onyx town. Dirty, haggard and exasperated she made it. She immediately slid against the first stone wall she saw, and rested there until she was pegged with a loitering fee. Upon realizing what that constable saw, he easily slung the girl over his right shoulder and dragged her over to a lodge, which cleaned out the few coins she had in fees for renting and eating.
Out of desperation she resorted to rat catching, her natural talents making it easy for her to wipe out the few nests she'd find, and keep her alive. Barely living, but eating more days than not. One again, desperation struck, and she looked at her pilfered gear, the stolen knives and net. The two pilum. She, on another whimsy, decided to sign om as a sellsword and coachman for caravans and merchants who would take her- where the school of hard knocks would be her combat training. She has scars, some larger or smaller on her arms and waist, where the feathers aren't as reminders of her ability as a fighter when it came to fair fights. She realized her talons did better in a melee, and her weaponry the Gods' didn't grace her with was best used being thrown at a foe. This lead Willow to her next endeavor - small time mercenary.
This she did well at, with her ease in tracking prey from her rather potent senses. Her smell and hearing helping differentiate potential marks, and her vision ensuring she would never get slipped by in a crowd. Her ability to move quietly, budding and bounding with each application. It was nearly nine months coming, but after, she wanted a final test for herself. To see if she can be what tavern tales speak of, and soldiers rumor of. She wanted to be a Gaian ranger, or at least imitate one well enough. Willow's marks would go down easier 'ere it be from her strict training, or from the rumor mill doing it's job.
Then, scrounging all but her last pennies, she tried to buy books and reading lessons to give her some woodsmanly knowledge before her attempted month long excursion. It paid minor dividends, at least letting her know how to do some edibility tests and find water. While absolutely miserable, she did make it. Through harsh winds, rains, and thin air. Through nature's wrath itself- as if the mountain conspired to kill her - she made it. Barely, but she made it. When she walked back to town again, she rested against the same wall, but this time with a smile.
Motivation: Willow’s current goal is to get knighted as a ranger, and if that can't happen then keep bringing bounties in alive so she gets paid more.
Birthplace: Outskirts of Onyx Town, to a inconsequential hamlet
Extra Info: None at this time.
Items: 20 Bronze Pieces
Her Harpoon and thick rope to reel in speared prey.
Five throwing knives.
One weighted net.
One normal fishing style net.
Her backpack, containing a sleeping bag, one day of bottled water and food, and a change of small clothes, weighing no more than 8 pounds total.
Soul: 18 Stamina: 26
Spirit Call - A unique ability to call and communicate with the spirits of nature.
Blood Frenzy - If fresh blood is present can go into a frenzy increasing strength/agility for 5 minutes but reduces stamina by half after.
(One ability of choice)
Wind aura - Conjure winds to help with flight. Can direct them to form a small tornado. (-5 Soul)
(One enchanted item of choice)