**Name:** Veritas Veridta
**Age:** 23
**Bloodline:** 60% Seraph 40% Beastkin
A rather tall-ish woman standing at 5 '10, she has white hair cascading down her back with feathered wings that cling to her back and feathers up covering her fox like ears. She has an above average breast size. A bushy fox tail, white in colored with a small grey strip around her tail, rests at her hip. She wears a dress and a set of gloves. She usually seems to shift from a more beastial form and a more regular human like form. More times than not, she remains in her human like-form to "blend" in as it were.*

Charm of Bloodlines (Enchantment/Telepathy): The exotic nature of a mixed race between a kitsune beastkin and a seraph draws people in supernaturally. As such, Veritas often uses it to charm people of both sexes to seduce them for at least an hour. while the person is affected, they are left with a satisfying feeling after the seduction fades. what happens after however is up to the person.**Makes those affected more susceptible to persuasion from the caster. (-5 Stamina when activated. Lasts 1 hour in time and affects those within a 10-meter radius. Only affects creatures capable of attraction.)
Fox Shape (Transmutation/Earth/Wind/Dark): Being part of a being that can be associated to trickery, she can change her shape temporarily into form a fox or a humanoid fox for about an hour. What more is there? She becomes a fox. (-10 Stamina. Alters the shifters typing to that of Earth, Wind and Dark. Increase their physical speed and strength x2 when in animal and half-animal form and their Ice/Dark Resistance +5. Costs -1 Stamina per minute remaining in this form.)
Portal jumping (Divine) - Capable of conjuring a small portal that allows only them to enter. Creates another portal up to 20 feet away to a previously visited location. (-10 Stamina per activation. The location must have been visited within the last hour. Can only activate two per day.)
Portal sensing (Divine) - Can sense the location of another conjured portal up to 30 meters away.
Ghost vision.
Angelic wings (Divine/Wind)- Wings capable of ease of flight and light as air travel.
Soul detection (Divine/Spirit) - Can sense the soul aura of creatures within 20 meters up to the size of a medium-sized animal.
Sharp teeth and claws (Earth/Steel)- Capable of cutting flesh with ease.
Heightened agility & Stamina - Being a beastkin allows more flexibility of joints at birth and the stamina of a wild beast by nature. (Reduces stamina cost of physical movements to 0 for the first five turns.)
Strong hearing and smell - Can hear nearly anything within a 30 meter radius. Can smell like a blood hound.
Sensory distortion (Evocation/Telepathy): A spell that would manipulate the senses of the targets. It can be up to 2 other people. the feeling of touch, sight, and hearing. Taste could be done but is tricky and is very ineffective. (Must choose targets within 30 feet radius and fire a mind beam that moves at the speed of an arrow, putting a successfully hit target under this spell. -5 Soul for Sound and Touch. -7 Soul for Taste and Smell. -10 Soul for Sight. Allows for multiple manipulations and costs -1 Soul per minute of continuous use.)
Flamber (Evocation/Fire): A flame based spell which mildly fires a small spout of flame. (-5 Soul. Reaches up to 5 feet in radius when activated and lasts for only 1 second.)
**Job:** Veritas Veridta doesn't have a main job per say. She mainly wandered doing small jobs, she could get away with while keeping on alert. A trickster she would be. Frivolous, aloof, and often rather seductive, she would get by by bed, illusions, and various divine like magics from her fathers side. Most of the time, she just keeps from sight focusing purely on her magic ability so she can keep safe.
**Experience:** She has mostly wandered the lands, keeping out of sight and doing odd jobs. Her main real experience was mainly cultivating her illusion magic to help conceal her seraph bits or manipulate the look to help make them seem like something else. Along with this, she often charms to keep out of trouble and get ride of problems though she is really modest... despite her clothing and the way she dresses. Much of her illusions mainly revolve around tricking one's sense of sight, mind, feeling and hearing. One such example is the ability to help someone along with needs as she remains on the side. Other things may include someone seeing images of an animal rather than a person. This mainly drove those she's attempted to get away from slavers, trophy hunters, and some fervent admirers. In terms of weapons, she mainly uses claws though they are mainly there to deter people if needed. She can mildly use them.
**MOTIVATION:** Her desire is to eventually find someone that would not take advantage of her and to keep her safe. Aside from that, short term wise, she wishes to gather money and live day to day with out getting into slavery. For now at least. There isn't much that is grand about this winged kitsune. Simply just another soul trying to find her place with out much distrust or lust.
**Birthplace:** She was born in the wilder area between Tidal and Onyx.
**Extra Information:** Vertias likes being patted and being brushed.
**Items:** 20 bronze Pieces, 20 gold pieces
Shaw of recovery: An item that can slowly recover one's mind and injuries if slowly. It usually rests around her shoulders, covering them. she can also adjust them to act as a fancy hood. Reduces soul and stamina ability cost by 2 when worn. (Can only be used on the first 2 abilities used per day.)
Hidden claw (Steel)- A set of iron claws like weapons that form into a set of fancier gloves that rests on a person's hand. It remains as a set of seemingly thin black gloves.
Beastkin amulet - A form of greeting from one beastkin to another. Allowing safe travel through beastkin held territory and even allows trade options.
Taxis Symbol Badge - When activated calls on an astral Taxis member to aid in battle. (Roll 1d3 1Taxis Healer (Recovers 3 wounds.) 2Taxis Preserver (Deflects any physical attack or spell projectile.) 3Taxis Uprooter (Unleashes a 10 meter radius dome of light energy with 66 ER.) (Can only be used once per day.)
Element: Divine/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark
Schools: Conjuration 7, Enchantment 6, Abjuration 5, Divination 5, Necromancy 3, Illusion 3, Transmutation 2
Weakness- Chaos 5/ Soul Damage, Striking 4/ Bone Break, Blunt 3/Daze, Fire 3/Burn, Ice 2/ Debilitation, Electricity 1/ Stun, Dark 1/ Silence, Water 1/ Damp, Earth 1/ Bury
Resistance- Spirit 4, Divine 3, Insect 3, Wind 3, Plant 2, Telepathy 2, Light 1, Poison 1
Element: Divine/ Earth/ Wind/ Dark
Schools: Conjuration 7, Enchantment 6, Abjuration 5, Divination 5, Necromancy 3, Illusion 3, Transmutation 2
Weakness- Chaos 5/ Soul Damage, Striking 4/ Bone Break, Blunt 3/Daze, Fire 3/Burn, Ice 2/ Debilitation, Electricity 1/ Stun, Dark 1/ Silence, Water 1/ Damp, Earth 1/ Bury
Resistance- Spirit 4, Divine 3, Insect 3, Wind 3, Plant 2, Telepathy 2, Light 1, Poison 1
Soul: 33 Stamina: 36
Max Wounds: 5
Charm of Bloodlines (Telepathy): **Makes those affected more susceptible to persuasion from the caster. (-5 Stamina when activated. Lasts 1 hour in time and affects those within a 10-meter radius. Only affects creatures capable of attraction.)
Fox Shape (Earth/Wind/Dark): (-10 Stamina. Alters the shifters typing to that of Earth, Wind and Dark. Increase their physical speed and strength x2 when in animal and half-animal form and their Ice/Dark Resistance +5. Costs -1 Stamina per minute remaining in this form.)
Sensory distortion (Illusion/Telepathy): (Must choose targets within 30 feet radius and fire a mind beam that moves at the speed of an arrow, putting a successfully hit target under this spell. -5 Soul for Sound and Touch. -7 Soul for Taste and Smell. -10 Soul for Sight. Allows for multiple manipulations and costs -1 Soul per minute of continuous use.)
Flamber (Evocation/Fire): (-5 Soul. Reaches up to 5 feet in radius when activated and lasts for only 1 second.)
Shaw of recovery: An item that can slowly recover one's mind and injuries if slowly. It usually rests around her shoulders, covering them. she can also adjust them to act as a fancy hood. Reduces soul and stamina ability cost by 2 when worn. (Can only be used on the first 2 abilities used per day.)
Hidden claw (Steel)- A set of iron claws like weapons that form into a set of fancier gloves that rests on a person's hand. It remains as a set of seemingly thin black gloves.
Rewarded Items -
Beastkin amulet - A form of greeting from one beastkin to another. Allowing safe travel through beastkin held territory and even allows trade options.
+20 Gold
Rewarded Abilities -
Portal jumping (Divine) - Capable of conjuring a small portal that allows only them to enter. Creates another portal up to 20 feet away to a previously visited location. (-10 Stamina per activation. The location must have been visited within the last hour. Can only activate two per day.)
Portal sensing (Divine) - Can sense the location of another conjured portal up to 30 meters away.
Ghost vision.
Angelic wings (Divine/Wind)- Wings capable of ease of flight and light as air travel.
Soul detection (Divine/Spirit) - Can sense the soul aura of creatures within 20 meters up to the size of a medium-sized animal.
Sharp teeth and claws (Earth/Steel)- Capable of cutting flesh with ease.
Heightened agility & Stamina - Being a beastkin allows more flexibility of joints at birth and the stamina of a wild beast by nature. (Reduces stamina cost of physical movements to 0 for the first five turns.)
Strong hearing and smell - Can hear nearly anything within a 30 meter radius. Can smell like a blood hound.