Age: 25
Bloodlines: 60% Dragon/20% Tyro/20% Oro
Appearance: Velok is a descendant woman of middling height, with a lizard-like tail, two metal horns crowning her head, grey scales adorning her arms, legs, and chest, and skin the cover of burning coals. On her back are a pair of heavy red bat-wings flecked with bits of rock-like scale. Even her eyes seem to smolder like hot coals, especially when she's about to use her breath weapon. Her skin, and even her scales, are warm to the touch from the hot thick blood that pumps through her veins like molten rock. Her nails and teeth are both hardened into iron-like talons and pointed incisors respectively.
Physique: Medium, even tone between her upper and lower body.
Abilities: Spells: Pets:
Faction: Therosi Job: Torturer Experience: Velok came into the world as the product of an Oro-Tyro hybrid barbarian living on the fringes of Gaia, and a dragon that had lain with him in human form before flying off into the mountains the following night. There, high in the rocky peaks of Gaia where the dragon made her lair, a child with red skin and tiny dragon features steadily grew. Every day she would rise, hunt fish and small animals with her beast-like claws and teeth, perhaps gather some herbs, and return to the cave she and her mother lived. All while thinking that this was the most normal thing in the world. At night, her mother would tell her stories of the first war between their kind and the terrifying scaleless monsters with wings like birds and magic that could split mountains. Other nights she would tell of the beautiful places she had flown over in her travels. Of trees the height of mountains, endless crystal beaches, and cities powered by the magma at the heart of the earth. Velok would always listen closely, and dream of the day she could fly with her mother to visit these places herself.
But she never flew, and after one fateful day neither did her mother.
As Velok entered her teenage years and her wings were finally starting to grow out, a band of men armored in dragon skin marched their way up the mountain under the banner of a red sword. Where boulders and other natural impediments may have kept away other trespassers, they blasted through with enchanted weapons and fire magic. Velok's last memory of her living mother was of the dragon telling her to hide before taking on her full terrifying beast form. By the time the roaring and sound of metal on scales stopped, there was one less dragon in the world and a Tyro warrior holding its severed head high in triumph. The moment she saw that, was the moment the young dragon-kin swore revenge no matter the cost.
More at home among the rocks than the dragon slayers, she shadowed them all the way down the mountain and stowed away in the wagon they loaded her mother's head into for transport. There she lay, quiet, next to the corpse of her only known parent, until it finally got warmer. Velok peeked out the back of the wagon to see that what she had mistaken for the sun was actually just the heat of Blaze Town. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of people and strange machines, the girl hoped into the warm curling mists before the hunters could carry off their prize to a local taven lest it be stolen. There they ate and drank late into the night, while Velok watched through the window out of sight.
As soon as the leader of the war band lay down for rest, his trophy in a chair facing him, Velok crept in. Originally she had just planned to slit the man's throat with her teeth, as she'd done with squirrels and mountain badgers before. But the sight of him brought back the fresh memory of his kill, and after carefully tying down his arms and legs with some bits of leather she found in an alleyway, he became her first subject. Velok unleashed all of her rage, grief, and pain on his body, forcing him to finally give up why they'd done what they'd done. They'd been hired to hunt down a feral dragon snatching cattle from the fields in the land of fire. The client never gave their name, and it was an opportunity for glory, so they took the job. She was supposed to have been nothing but a mindless beast, he swore to the divines.
Eventually such swearing drew the attention of his fellow dragon slayers. Velok fought with all of the ferocity of a teenage girl to try and escape. It just turned out that the half-invested fury of several grown warriors was more than a match for this. She was bound, gagged, and since she had no mark of citizenship on her, sold into slavery. Better that no one be around to say that the warband hadn't in fact slain a feral. In the cages of Blaze Town, Velok found that while her teeth and claws gave her an advantage in a one-on-one fight, it mattered little against superior muscle and numbers of other slaves. It was much better, she quickly found, to put on a smile, give whoever was on top in the pits what they wanted, then later haul them off away from their friends to a dark corner at night to further explore their apparent talent and passion for inflicting pain. Pain was useful in the cages. Kill or injure another slave, and you had damaged the master's property with all the unpleasantness that entailed. Poke a claw in this nerve cluster, drip fire-hot blood onto this patch of skin, and "the Demoness" as she grew to be called could exert influence over the rest of the kennels without being punished for it.
It went on like this for a year or two. Life as a slave was never comfortable, but Velok had carved out several luxuries for herself including her own cell and nobody daring to steal her food or belongings. Her life was shaken again when she was finally, quietly, sold off to a client that had heard of her penchant for torture and saw an opportunity.
Velok was ushered into a dungeon she didn't recognize, had her manacles unlocked, and a whip placed into her hand. A curtain rose, and there knelt a seraphim with its arms and wings bound in chains. Hardened by years of slave life, and fueled by stories of how the angels had fought her dragon ancestors for ages, Velok had her subject screaming the names and locations of her fellow seraphim in tears by sundown.
She still keeps that whip to this day.
Motivation: Seraphim are monsters with too much power and a religious hold over the populace. By bringing them to heel and harnessing their power, the Therosi not only make the world safer but also punish them for the unjust casting down of the dragons. And if slicing their flesh brings Velok a certain thrill, what of it? She is a new convert in an organization she has legitimate belief in, and wants to rise in its ranks. When she has enough time, freedom, and power, she could also set off in search of her father or even her mother's killers. Birthplace: Gaian mountains Items:
5 Gold Pieces 20 Silver Pieces
30 Bronze Pieces

Glutton's Gauntlet Enchanted Armor On activation, the mouth of the gauntlet opens to devour Wind magic up to the wearer's soul wellspring in mana. If the wearer's soul is at less than maximum, the gauntlet replenishes by the absorbed amount. If the wellspring is full, the spell absorbed can be re-casted by the wearer with the stored soul energy.
+50 Gold
+20 Silver
+10 Bronze
Master's Grasp - Channeling the magic of her draconic blood, Velok can cause chains of pure chaos energy to spring up from the ground and grapple any humanoid target in eyesight within 30ft. The chains don't do damage on their own, but they do pull the target down to their knees where they'll be much more receptive to any attacks. (Chaos/ Conjuration / -10 Soul)
Crest of the Dragon An elegantly-fashioned collar centered with a magical ruby that allows the wearer to project an aura of intimidating authority, while also resisting the divine magic of seraphim. That its design is based loosely on the standard slave collar should not be lost on the wearer.
Twin-Tailed Kiss A two-pronged whip enchanted with chaotic energies to feed off of the blood of those it strikes. The Kiss is not a weapon designed to deal damage or lasting harm so much as simple agony. As it feeds on more and more blood during a battle, the amount of pain (spirit damage) it deals with each sanguine lick increases. And of course, the deeper it drinks the brighter it glows.
Soul: 30 Stamina: 33
Hot Blood
Bleed resistance
Stone hard scales
Metal dense teeth
Metal dense horns
Heat & Cold-resistant scales
Binocular vision
Smell detection
Dragon wings & tail.
Fire & frost breath - A stream of fire or extreme cold that can reach up to 10 feet. (Fire/ Ice -5 Stamina)
Therosi Blood Seal - A tattoo that makes one resistant to mind manipulations and conjured illusions. But amplifies it when done by a blood mage. (-10 ER telepathy & Illusion based spells and abilities)
Chaotic seal - Writing a specific seal in dragon blood and placing it on a person allows one to either bind or awaken a chaotic aura in other beings. Binding cuts the effectiveness of low to medium-level chaotic spells by half and awakening amplifies chaotic spells and abilities x2. (-10 Soul)
(Spell of choice)
Therosi attire - A red hood that reeks of blood. Has the red moon attached to the belt tied to it. Increases blood magic/ abilities effectiveness by 5.
Red elixir - A large supply of red potions capable of replenishing the Stamina of Dragon, Nayu and Beastkin by +10.
(Enchanted Item of choice)
(Enchanted item of choice)