Name: Tiercel Dunne'za
⤜ Also known as “Oathbreaker”, a name given to him by his patron with intent to humiliate him, but was turned into a powerful alias and beloved nickname. He has been called “OB”, or “Oathie” by close friends before.
Sex: Male
⤜ Oathbreaker is cisgender and uses he/him pronouns.
Age: 26 years old
⤜ Most of Oathbreaker’s life, he’s been on the streets, sleeping in barns, and living by himself. He’s rather young, but has been through quite a bit of torment.
Bloodline: 75% Beastkin, 25% Nayu
⤜ A relatively undiluted bloodline of Beastkin with a splash of Nayu hidden within it. Oathbreaker’s Grandmother was a blind Nayu seamstress, who worked cloth and clothing. Oathbreaker’s parents were supposedly apart of a group serving Nuxta, which was how the two met. When he was born, his mother took the child and sent him away, to give him a fair shot at life, claiming to his father that the child had been still-born. Oathbreaker has never met his family, nor does he desire to.
Species: Beastkin
⤜ Most Beastkin resemble some mythological being and are much grander than Oathbreaker. He resembles an eagle or hawk, with odd fuzzy ears and a set of wings at his shoulders. He has clawed hands and feet, and sharp eyes.
⤜ Oathbreaker stands at about six foot two and is a broad-shouldered, rather well-tanned man. He has platinum blonde hair and dark fuzzy ears on his head, with a series of dark marks on his cheeks. Oathbreaker’s eyes are a burning orange color and he has elongated canines giving him a toothy grin.
⤜ Oathbreaker has a single white wing that unfurls out behind him on his right shoulder. He has a vertical line scar from where his old wing used to be. He tends to wear a fabulous white cloak and is fond of wide-brimmed ten-gallon hats, often cutting holes in them for his long, fuzzy ears.
⊱ Power 1: Life-Bane
Power description: Oathbreaker channels necrotic energy from his patron, which causes his attacks to be charged with dark magic. He deals vampiric damage and leeches the stamina and strength from his enemies. Often times after a series of hits and strikes, Oathbreaker is hopping around and is practically bursting with energy. Dark marks will appear on victims after four rapid, consecutive hits from Oathbreaker. All hits must make contact with skin. They can go through simple cloth clothing, but leather and metal armor block the Marks of Madness from proc'ing.
(Necromancy/ Striking +3 Stamina per successful strike. -3 Stamina from enemies stamina pool per strike. -3 Soul per activation, lasts for 60 seconds per activation.)
⊱ Power 2: Marks of Madness
Power Description: After four hits from Oathbreaker a dark Mark of Madness will appear on the exposed flesh of the enemy. He can activate this spell once two marks have appeared (eight rapid consecutive hits) and this spell is exceptionally effective against mages, for it causes the mana in one’s body to burn and shock the victim, effectively using their magic against them. These marks vanish after fifteen seconds if not triggered, and is weaker the less Soul one has.
(Necromancy/ Dark -5 Soul -5 Stamina per activation.)
Beast Blood: The general abilities of a beast including sharp hearing, smell, and sight. No risk of afflictions from raw meat. Fur aids in bare cold resistance. Sharp fangs and claws and well above average mobility, speed, and stealth. Also provides a connection to the natural forces, able to sense the entities of nature when they're near.
Novice smithing: Able to makeshift items that often do not have long-lasting use. However, the right materials and a proper forge can make something slightly better.
⤜ Umbral Strike: Oathbreaker raises a fist, darkness swarming around it, and smashes it against the ground, releasing a burst of black, life-draining magic in a ten foot radius. This has no effect on undead or constructs.
(Necromancy/ Dark -7 Soul per activation. -7 Soul/ Stamina from enemies hit by the spell.)
⤜ Dark essence stone: A stone that allows for dark spell enchantments to work.
⤜ Ring of Jumping: This ring was won in a bet. When worn, it doubles the jumping ability of the wearer.
(Requires 5-second charge. Only 3 uses per day.)
⤜ Demon Talons: These worn leather wrappings look innocent enough when left on a knuckle, but when the command word is said ("nadriin", translates to "reap") they begin to turn a pitch black color and the user's nails begin to extend into serrated claws. If a user already has claws, they augment them giving them a serrated, ridged edge for extra ripping power.
(120 second use. 30 minute cooldown. +6 Piercing/ Steel ER)
Pet: N/A
⤜ Oathbreaker dreams of owning a Hydra, or something of the like, but doesn’t have the time or money to invest in a pet at the moment. He barely has enough food to feed himself, let alone… however many heads/mouths a Hydra has.
Faction: Unaffiliated
⤜ “Factions are for [censored] losers.” Oathbreaker doesn’t like the idea of someone else making choices for him or bossing him about. He’d rather not work for ‘the man’ and has remained neutral in most worldly affairs. Everything sucks, but he’ll make the best of it.
Occupation: Street Fighter, self-proclaimed Bard, and “Hero” for Hire
⤜ When you aren’t a proper mage, haven’t had much combat training, and don’t know any trades, finding work can be very difficult. Oathbreaker works as a street fighter or gladiator to anyone willing to bet on the underdog. He can put on an excellent performance and makes battles seem dramatic. Bare-fists against bare-fists is what he does best, outmaneuvering and dancing around foes, taunting and teasing them.
⤜ Both in and out of combat, Oathbreaker adores song and dance and will use his theatrics as taunting and coping mechanisms. He thinks he could be the greatest bard in the land. Anyone with ears knows this is incorrect.
⤜ Those that know Oathbreaker usually assume he's nothing but a foolish drunk that has very little more to him. However, looking deeper-- Oathbreaker has quite a tale to tell. He's a rather loyal individual. If you need him, he is there for you. If you fall, he's got you. Oathbreaker will do everything in his power to keep his kin safe.
⤜ His confidence knowing no bounds, Oathbreaker is enthusiastic and will never back down from a fight, even if the odds are stacked against him. He loves a heroic tale and cannot resist a wager, even if it’s only got him in trouble. Along with this gambling and drinking addiction, Oathbreaker has a very smart mouth and tends to make cheeky, unhelpful, and often times inappropriate comments at the absolute worst times. He’s had sit-downs and ‘what’s appropriate’ talks with quite a few people, none whom have fazed him.
⤜ Though he can be hasty and impulsive when it comes to jumping into fights, Oathbreaker doesn’t really like to kill and resists this idea. Overall he’s a lover, not a fighter. But still a pretty great fighter, too. He frets about becoming evil and Oathbreaker does genuinely try to be good, but his moral compass can be a tad… off.
Experiences: “I made a deal. I gave away my soul for this power.”
⤜ Ever since Oathbreaker could remember, he’s been on his own. He couldn’t rely on anyone but himself, and wandered the streets of Gaia, particularly in the Giant’s Perch by himself. For a long time as a child, he struggled to make ends meet and begged, surviving off the compassion of Gaia’s citizens.
⤜ Little Tiercel was a joy to be around, despite his orphanhood. He delighted people with his wit, voice, and jokes, but could get underfoot and was an irritant to guards. Tiercel would harass them and try to get attention from anyone he could, but few guards understood this-- and he spent a lot of time running from them, which quickly turned into a game of roof-hopping and using his little wings to glide, jump, and fly away from these guards. He was always agile and light on his feet, even in his adulthood.
⤜ With no formal education, knowledge of trades, or much promise for magic, Tiercel was a bit stuck with his career path. He attempted to learn blacksmithing, but this didn’t go well whatsoever, burning himself and not liking being around a hot forge. Sewing frustrated him and tanning was boring. He has basic concepts of how to do these trades, but hasn’t done them by himself before.
⤜ He spent a little under three years working as an assassin for his "patron". He wasn't the greatest assassin, for he was always rather loud and dramatic, when good assassins know to keep their heads down and remain subtle. This period of time taught him he's a terrible rogue and earned her a few bounties that he later had to pay off with his "street fund". His assassin career abruptly ended when Tiercel refused to kill someone, and his patron ripped his right wing off-- branding him "Oathbreaker".
⤜ Since after that incident, Oathbreaker took to street fighting as an easy way to make money. With his magic from the demon, he was given an edge over other gladiators and with his rapier with was able to gain some popularity and standing— but due to his beastkin race and “scary” appearance, he’s had a fair share of hatred and violence towards him— making Oathbreaker initially distrustful to anyone who acts unkind initially.
⤜ Whilst on the streets as a gladiator, Oathbreaker took up gambling and card-playing, learning the better ways of "playing fairly" (he's an excellent cheater) and bluffing. He still immensely enjoys a game of spades.
Motivation: Money
⤜ The easiest way to get Oathbreaker to do anything is to involve money. His morals are questionable at best, and he can be a blabbermouth, but the promise of money keeps his mouth shut. To him, those shiny bronze coins are life and death. Coins are eating and being hungry, so Oathbreaker is more willing to gamble on questionable employers if they offer larger sums of money.
⤜ A huge fan of very strong liquor and playing spades. Less so of the bar fights that ensue afterward.
⤜ Faerie dust makes him sneeze and his eyes itch. Oathbreaker has no clue why.
Power 1: Life-Bane (Necromancy/ Striking +3 Stamina per successful strike. -3 Stamina from enemies stamina pool per strike. -3 Soul per activation, lasts for 60 seconds per activation.)
Power 2: Marks of Madness (Necromancy/ Dark -5 Soul -5 Stamina per activation.)
Umbral Strike: (Necromancy/ Dark -7 Soul per activation. -7 Soul/ Stamina from enemies hit by the spell.)
Ring of Jumping: (Requires 5-second charge. Only 3 uses per day.)
Demon Talons: (120 second use. 30 minute cooldown. +6 Piercing/ Steel ER)