"Knowledge corrupts all but those with the purest of intentions. By guarding this knowledge, I protect the world from itself." [*] Age: 250 [*] Gender: Female [*] Height: 11.5m [*] Weight: Only 4,8 tons [*] Length: 58m [*] Sex Preference: Hetero [*] Blood: 100% Dragon [*] Group: None. Has good relations with some of the Magoi, but that's it. [*] Birthplace: Nobody knows for certain. Sophia herself also doesn't remember. Appearance and Apparel: As a dragon, her unique physiology makes her very different from other dragons. Her wings, one of the most unique aspects of her physiology, apparently are made of feathers, but upon closer inspection, its clear that they are actually razor sharp scales shaped exactly like feathers. Lightweight and aerodynamic, they are unique among the dragons. Some monks and other people use the feathers that rarely fall from her wings to make ceremonial daggers. In her human form, she has a completely white skin with some black parts and two white horns. The skin coloration is due to the excess of magic energy, that her shape-shifted body is unable to contain, and as a result, her body is overflowing with magic energy, causing the distinct skin coloration. Her imperfect shape-shift ability prevents her to change to any other form outside that one. [hider="Human" appearance] [img]https://s8.postimg.cc/m75pgeqfp/74760be59e7ba0ce6b279d99e8f1f630.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Sophia has an air of royalty to her, formal and very respectful. To those who befriend her, she is very kind and caring, acting almost like a mother would with its children, even using force to protect them if needed. She is very sociable, being rather easy to befriend her. She has an unusual intuition about people, and its very hard to lie to her or trick her. Differently from other dragons, she actually wants to know better others, she doesn't consider herself to be superior, on the contrary, it could be described as... a motherly behavior. She wishes to protect those with pure hearts and thirst for knowledge. That's why she is seen as an ally, almost like a "protector" of scholars and students. Backstory: Sophia was born different from other dragons. With an unique physiology and an incredibly different mentality, she always thought that knowledge was power. And dedicated her time to gather knowledge and study. Most dragons have lairs, where they hide their treasures and possessions, but Sofia built a library instead. As the years passed, the library grew, and with it, the knowledge stored inside. Years and years passed, towers that pierced the clouds, tunnels and caves that extended themselves like the roots of a great tree were built by her in one of the coldest and highest mountains in the Gaia territory. Eventually, wanderers found the library. Sofia believed that the knowledge wasn't meant to be hidden, but instead to be shared to all those who seeks for it. And as such, she gladly opened the great library's door to them. The notices spread fast, and just a few weeks after the first wanderers departed, scholars, mages and all types of scholars began to appear, seeking for the wise dragon and its great knowledge. Sofia welcomed them with open arms, teaching them and helping them to learn about magic and the world. But knowledge brings power, and those who seek power, often bring chaos with them. With that much knowledge, and power, on their hands, they began prohibiting others to enter in the library, attempting to have all that knowledge only for them, treating all the knowledge as theirs. Sofia saw, brokenhearted as they started to use that knowledge to their own benefit, in their endless and selfish greed. The wise dragon watched with sadness in her heart as the library became the reason for conflicts and battles. Watching all that hate and violence, Sofia became disappointed and displeased with their actions. They were not ready for all that knowledge. It broke her heart, but she knew what it had to be done. She needed to hide and guard that knowledge. To protect them from themselves. Flying high above the library, the wise dragon showed itself in all her beauty, and with a serious and authoritative voice, said: "Knowledge corrupts all but those with the purest of intentions. You are not ready to see the light of the knowledge." and with a great roar of sadness and grief, she closed the gates of the great library, isolating it and herself from the world and going on a deep slumber. Fifty years later, when Sophia woke up, she saw a very peculiar sight outside the library. It was a monastery. An order of monks had built an entire temple in order to help her and share her burden to guard dangerous knowledge by following what she had said fifty years ago before sealing the library. From inside it, she could see a little of the temple they built, surrounding the library. The monks there dedicated their lives to learn, study and protect the world from the knowledge they weren't ready to have. But from inside of the library, she could only see that much. Deeply curious about that order of monks, she shape-shifted to her human form, covered herself with a robe and went to see it from up close. The monks received her, a stranger, with open arms, explaining to her their philosophy, objectives and way of life, even mentioning her name. They saw her as a mentor. The words she said had inspired them. Inspired by their pure hearts and what they did in only 50 years, Sophia took off the robe and revealed her true self, transforming into a dragon. Like that, the great library's doors were opened once more. Together with the monks, the place became a big monastery, a sanctuary for all the scholars, mages and students with a pure heart and a thirst for knowledge. The monks and the dragon became more than just mentor and pupils. They became her students, her friends and companions, helping her to defend and expand the great library. No politics, no war nor conflicts dared to invade that sacred mountain. Only those who were tested and proven to be pure, honest and have a true passion for knowledge were allowed to enter and learn. Exp: A lifetime studying and gathering knowledge both magical and non magical. Many of the most dangerous grimoires, texts and scrolls were gathered and studied by Sophia, even the mythical and forbidden Grimorium Verum. The monks also taught her how to wield a sword, for her to protect herself when she was in her vulnerable, human form. Motivation: Sophia is the dragon of knowledge. It's her duty to guard all knowledge and just as she said once: "Knowledge corrupts all but those with the purest of intentions. By guarding this knowledge, I protect the world from itself." Weapons: A katana given to her by the monks after they discovered that she was completely vulnerable in her human form. She is by no means proficient with it and it serves more as means to intimidate than attack. Abilities/Powers: [*] Unique Physiology: Her lightweight scales are slightly weaker than those of other dragons, but they are much lighter. Her slim body coupled with her wings, which are made of razor sharp, feather like scales, allow her to fly faster and higher than other dragons. [*] Knowledge: Spending an eternity studying and reading a forbidden grimoire come with certain perks. [*] Razor Feathers: One of the few attacks she has other than her breath. Throws sharp feather like scales in a short area using her wings.
[*] Blood Traits:
[*] Regeneration
[*] Fire & frost manipulation
[*] Metal dense teeth and claws
[*] Plasma/Absolute Zero breath
[*] Smell detection
[*] Binocular vision
[*] Heat & Cold resistant scales & feathers
[*] Dragon wings & tail
[*] Imperfect Shapeshifting (only to her "human" form.) She can only stay in her human form for 2 days at maximum before having to spend one whole day as a dragon. Her human form isn't able to contain all her magical power. If she stays in human form for more than two days, it will cause a magic poisoning. She will get terribly sick and weak. Potentially lethal. While on human form, she is just a human. She cannot use any magic spells or her breath, as the magic would be too much for her shape shifted body to handle, resulting in a lethal case of magic poisoning. The only spell she can use while in human form is Rift.)[/b]
[*] Heat & cold manipulation & conjuration
[*] Rift: Tears a temporary hole on reality, opening basically a wormhole. For big distances it requires a lengthy casting time.
[*] Grimorium Verum - First Seal: Summons the gigantic Grimorium Verum, hovering way above the battlefield. Shackled by arcane chains and sealed by magic, It cannot be opened yet. Its presence on the battlefield absorbs soul essence from living beings. (excluding the grimoire master)
[*] Grimorium Verum - Second Seal: The arcane chains break, only the magic seals remaining. The Grimoire Verum stops absorbing soul essence, but it absorbs any spell, enchantment or magic in the area. (excluding the ones from the grimoire master).
[*] Grimorium Verum - Unsealed: The seals break and the Grimorium Verum opens, providing its master with unlimited soul essence and continuing to have the effects of the first and second seal.
- Sophia means "Wisdom" in greek.
The Grimorium Verum
The Grimorium Verum. A mysterious and powerful artifact. With uncertain origins, it existed since immemorial times. Said to contain the truth about all the magic itself, it emanated an incomprehensible power.
But all knowledge and power, comes with a price... An unending fountain of magic, forever overflowing with primal magic. It was only expected that it started to affect life around it. The Descended who came near it either were destroyed by the sheer amount of primal magic penetrating their essence, or were forever changed by it. Those who were able to survive became extremely powerful mages, much more attuned to magic, they had a frightening power. And with power, comes temptation... The power of the grimoire became very well-known across Edafos, and with the war already raging between the Seraphim, the Descended and the Dragons, it was no surprise for them to be interested on it.
Using the Primal Magic emitted by the Grimorium Verum to fuel powerful rituals and spells, the descended found a way to fight against the powerful, tyrannic dragons. The Seraphim used the power of the soul and essence to create mighty weapons capable of piercing the dragon's scales. The Lassa, wielding the crushing power of gravity, made their mighty wings useless. The Nayu, experts in shadow magic, swift and deadly, made their own shadows turn against themselves. The Oro, with their strength and might, used earth and air magic to match the dragons' strength. The Sol, relying in the power of nature and light, used light and plant magic to burn and trap them. The Tyro, hailing from the fiery volcanos, utilized fire magic powerful enough to repel their flames. The Dragons, in return, roared in rage and fear when the Descended united against them.
The first Dragon of Knowledge which swore to never partake on any conflict could only watch, terrified as the knowledge from the Grimorium Verum plunged Edafos into the fires of war.
Breaking its own vow, the dragon god of knowledge knew that it was necessary to intervene, otherwise the consequences would be inimaginable. The Grimorium Verum was too powerful, the world wasnt ready yet to the things that were hidden within its pages. With a small group of renegade mages and dragons, which fled from both of their factions, the dragon god of knowledge entered the war himself.
Maybe things would be different if the Descended or the Dragons were wishing to hear what the God of Knowledge had to say, they could have helped him to seal the grimoire, maybe things could have ended sooner if he had allied himself with one of the sides... But in the end, the God of Knowledge and its few followers jumped inside the war in a suicide mission to seal the grimoire, thus protecting the world from itself.
Fighting against both the Descended and the Dragons, the God of Knowledge and his followers sacrificed themselves, burning their own bodies and souls to seal the Grimoire away, with only a few of them remaining, they reunited themselves, isolating themselves from the war, lamenting for the death of the God of Knowledge. These same survivors would later form the Magoi, together witha rogue unconventional mage.
With the Grimorium Verum now sealed, the God of Knowledge dead and the war still raging, the First Seraphim made its move. Tearing the Dragon God apart, he divided its body, giving them to the Descended which would become the rulers of the lands once ruled by the Dragons. With an unsurmountable power, the First Seraphim ended the war forcefully. Any dragon which dared to defy its will would meet its wrath.
But even with the war ended and the Grimorium Verum sealed, its influence was enough to change the world radically. Its said that even today, the most powerful lineages of mages are descendants of the first group of mages who helped the ancient dragon of knowledge to seal the Grimorie.
But as the time passed, the seals became weaker and weaker. The magic within the Grimorie grew stronger and restless as it struggle against its shackles. But there was only one problem. After so many years, nobody was even close to the power that the ancestor mages and the dragon of knowledge had joined, and thus, breaking the seal completely was impossible.
Its common to the most powerful Grimories to have conscience, and the Grimorium Verum wasn't different. And to a Grimorie, there is only o e thing worse than being destroyed: being forgotten. The Grimorium Verum, which once had an incredible impact on the world, was now only referred on legends and myths.
Fearing being completely forgotten, the Grimorie started struggling against its seals and shackles. As it continued, day after day, year after year, the seals became weaker and weaker, until they became weak enough for the Grimorie to extend its magic a little further. Sending pulses of primal magic to try to get free, it tried to link its existence to another being's, but without success.
The Descended had become too frail and sensitive to magic, their bodies and essences weren't capable of holding not even a tiny amount of primal magic, as it was too brute and rough for them. Not even the western dragons, the living beings which were more attuned to magic were able to hold it.
As it continued to send the pulses of primal magic, the Descended who came in contact with it for a long time slowly became more powerful and resistant to magic, like an ember, rekindled by the Grimorie's influence, but still, it wasn't enough to hold it.
But that wouldn't last for long. One day, the pulses that the Grimorie sended started to resonate with another existence, being absorbed and reflected back to it. That particular existence was a rare one, a hybrid between a western and an eastern dragon.
Although very rare, sometimes when eastern and western dragons have an offspring, it is born with an incredible magic tolerance, md it was exactly that the Grimorium Verum needed.
The small dragon was nothing more than an embryo when the Grimorium Verum merged its existence with it. Being imbued with an endless supply of primal magic, changed the embryo. The Grimorie needed to make its adjustments to be sure that the baby would be able to hold its power, and as such, it shaped the baby to its own needs.
The result was Sophia. With smooth scales, agile, fast and with a unique physiology shaped by primal magic, it was a unique dragon, extremely different from others. Able to conjure long forgotten primal magic, even her breath was changed, instead of cold and fire, her breath resembled those of the primal dragons, the first dragons, as cold as the void, and as hot as the sun itself, beams of plasma and absolute zero breath.
Since it was a child, it was already able to summon the Grimorium Verum. Almost like it was drawn by it, the young dragon submerged itself on the forbidden Grimorie's pages, learning more and more about magic as the time passed. But the Grimorie wasn't a simple existence. In order to protect Sophia, and in return itself, it showed her only a brief part of its power. Even as a child, Sophia's magic was already strong enough to suppress the seals which the ancestor mages and the previous dragon of knowledge casted on it. With time, she would be able to completely break it whenever she wanted, and when that happened, the Grimorie would know that she was ready to unlock its true potential. But until there, it had to wait patiently as its creation grew. The primal magic in her resonating stronger and stronger each year that passed, it knew it was only a matter of time...
Fire: 78
Water: 55
Wind: 76
Earth: 35
Light: 39
Dark: 24
Divine: 76
Chaos: 100
Insect: 15
Electric: 22
Striking: 35
Spirit: 48
Telepathy: 21
Plant: 15
Ice: 88
Blunt: 44
Poison: 22
Steel: 63
Sophia - Affinity Element: Chaos
Schools: Evocation 8, Transmutation 6
Weakness- Divine 8/ Soul Damage, Telepathy 7/ Agro, Spirit 6/ Possession, Chaos 5/ Soul destruction, Steel 4/ Piercing
Resistance- Electricity 5, Fire 5, Water 5, Wind 5, Earth 5, Ice 5, Dark 3, Light 3
Soul: 300 Stamina: 120 Max Wounds: 55
[*] Unique Physiology: Her lightweight scales are slightly weaker than those of other dragons, but they are much lighter. Her slim body coupled with her wings, which are made of razor sharp, feather like scales, allow her to fly faster and higher than other dragons. (+2 Priority in air.)
[*] Knowledge: Spending an eternity studying and reading a forbidden grimoire come with certain perks. (Allows for deciphering spells, auras, their types and origins with ease.)
[*] Razor Feathers: One of the few attacks she has other than her breath. Throws sharp feather like scales in a short area using her wings. (Steel Type, knife-sized scales that reach up to 40 feet.)
[*] Blood Traits:
[*] Regeneration (Recovers 1 wound every 5 minutes.)
[*] Fire & frost manipulation (-15 Soul / Stamina per manipulation of ice and fire up to 300 feet in radius per minute.)
[*] Metal dense teeth and claws
[*] Plasma/Absolute Zero breath (-30 Soul/Stamina per use per minute.)
[*] Smell detection
[*] Binocular vision
[*] Heat & Cold resistant scales & feathers (Reduces enemy Ice and Fire attacks ER by 50)
[*] Dragon wings & tail
[*] Imperfect Shapeshifting (only to her "human" form.) She can only stay in her human form for 2 days at maximum before having to spend one whole day as a dragon. Her human form isn't able to contain all her magical power. If she stays in human form for more than two days, it will cause a magic poisoning. She will get terribly sick and weak. Potentially lethal. While on human form, she is just a human. She cannot use any magic spells or her breath, as the magic would be too much for her shape shifted body to handle, resulting in a lethal case of magic poisoning. The only spell she can use while in human form is Rift.) (Cuts Soul and Stamina in half.)
[*] Heat & cold manipulation & conjuration (-20 Soul / Stamina per conjuration of ice and fire up to 300 feet in radius per minute.)
[*] Rift: (Conjuration/ Divine) Tears a temporary hole on reality, opening basically a wormhole. For big distances it requires a lengthy casting time. (-15 Soul per 100 feet of distance.)
[*] Grimorium Verum - First Seal: Summons the gigantic Grimorium Verum, hovering way above the battlefield. Shackled by arcane chains and sealed by magic, It cannot be opened yet. Its presence on the battlefield absorbs soul essence from living beings. (excluding the grimoire master)
[*] Grimorium Verum - Second Seal: The arcane chains break, only the magic seals remaining. The Grimoire Verum stops absorbing soul essence, but it absorbs any spell, enchantment or magic in the area. (excluding the ones from the grimoire master).
[*] Grimorium Verum - Unsealed: The seals break and the Grimorium Verum opens, providing its master with unlimited soul essence and continuing to have the effects of the first and second seal.