Name: Sahale Tiegal
Age: 32
Bloodline: Sol

Faction: Self employed wetwork broker and specialist
Experience: Sahale had started his life out from the bottom, a young orphan from Vrondi with seemingly nothing better to do than to wait for some family to perhaps considder adopting him. He never knew his parents, what happened to them, or why he was left there, but he didn't question it as he got older.. Instead, he ran away as a young boy and set out to make his own mark on the world with his own name. Tossing his old surname to the wind, he named instead made his own name of Tiegal from there on out.
He started as a petty theif before learning how to start using his control of plants to survive, a sympathetic guard trying to steer him on the right path. Though with this, it only increased his ability to steal even more, though he's only steal from people he would claim had so much that they wouldn't miss it, much less know. More often than not, he was right, as he could snatch something rom someone and them not notice. Crimes tied to him slowly seeming to vanish and the guard thinking he had straightened up his act. Often, Sahale would sell wares to the black market, where anything could be sold. He would use this money normally to help those he found less fortunate through anonymous donations. Soon he had the thought to start traveling the world, but upon leaving the fairly peaceful lands of Vrondi, he quickly started seeing how cruel the world could be.
In Sahale's mind, the only way to improve things around him was by the blade, and he started picking up wetwork jobs while in the black market. As proven, anything could be sold or bought in the black market, even bounties. Months turned into years and nearly two decades pass and Sahale had found himself in an interesting position. Instead of becoming the famous picture in his head when he was younger, surrounded by beautiful women and money, he had instead become infamous. True, while he was highly revered in the wetwork world as a master of the clandestine arts, he did so with no allegiance to a guild, vehemently opposing ever joining the 'prestigious Dolofon' as some would say. Instead, he kept to himself, and if someone wanted him to pick up a contract, he would 'simply' have them leave notice at black markets all over, knowing that eventually he would find them. It was never guaranteed he would take it, as he had long made enough to retire several times over, some even saying that he had owned his own mansion hidden away somewhere where nobody could find. He tended to become very picky about what missions he would agree to, and he would take them without the bounty provider ever knowing he had taken it until it had been done.
Sahale had become so prominent in his dealings with the wetwork world that he had even opened his own business, a broker of sorts. Sahale had enough connections and ties to the criminal underworld that if he chose to accept it, he would be a broker for contracts. He would take in the contract for a fee and assign it to a willing contractor, and once the job was complete, he would take a percentage of the reward as well. If the selected contractor was to fail, but the mission still operable, he would choose if he wants to handle it himself at the cost of waving his initial fee and taking half the reward, but his keen mind always seemed to pick the right person for the job, as none had ever failed him.
Every now and then, a job would come across that he would take personally, and it usually had to deal with women in some way or another. He was always known to be a flirt, and some would say lechor, but he would seem to always get the job done regardless, even if it was an assassination contract. Unknown to many, Sahale had a habit of sheltering these targets, as he obviously had a soft spot for women. If they started to get targeted by contracts and bounties, he would take the mission and make them disappear, safe from any would be aggressors.
Some rumors were true. Sahale did indeed have a mansion, even a loyal butler that couldn't be swayed against Sahale even if it meant his life. The butler, a master of many weapon forms and and accomplished mage, was even the first person Sahale brought to the mansion, having him help train and spare whenever he was home to sharpen his skills past that of an instinctual brawler into a refined combatant. As for the mansion, however, Sahale would not necessarily claim it as his own. Hidden away, with both magic and careful location, was a safe haven. Sahale would often find contracts he found distasteful, and opting to keep them safe, he would bring them here and fake their death. Normally this happened with women that caught his eye, but sometimes this would even be children. Sahale may have had the flaw of not normally extending this help to other men, but it was his belief that a man should be able to hold his own, or maybe alongside him and his peers. In this haven, he would provide anything that could ever be needed, and would even let some roam around away from the mansion so they didn't always feel stuck there, though usually under his own personal guard and a secure way back should someone think they were recognized.
This was used against him once, however, as a fake contract in Fotia was put up for him that he couldn't refuse. The assassination of a gorgeous young woman,. To Sahale, that would be a tragic waste of her beauty, and from his research on her, she didn't seem like she was a bad person, just that she was targeted to be killed so that her father could be swayed into letting go of his company that rivaled the person who posted the bounty. Sahale did his research and everything checked out, so he went with it, only to find out that it had been a trap that was years in the making to set up an environment that would surely lure him in. The girl was unaware of these proceedings, and was actually safe from any harm, so when Sahale came to extract her, she had no idea about anything that was going on. While trying to explain the situation to her, Sahale's enemies has already laid the trap, magically sealing him into the area, so when the guards came, he had nowhere to escape.
His charges insurmountable, there were only two options he was given when it came to his punishment. Firstly, execution, which he simply couldn't afford that, he was much too busy. The second option was to fight in the arenas as an entertainer until he paid off his debt. They underestimated him, however. He became a crowd favorite and a heart-throb of the ladies, ever the charmer. He was making the arena rich, despite him being unable to ever ay off his debt. The arenas they had him in, unlike the death arenas that were usually filled with slaves, prisoners, and other criminals to fight to death, was mostly more along the lines of competition, frequented by people wishing to prove themselves, annual festivals, and generally less of a blood sport than a martial arts matchup.
Thanks to him being well known, some of his friendlier associates from his line of work were able to eventually orchestrate his great escape, leaving a lot of broken hearts when he didn't show up for his next match, and yet another charge against him for backing out of his sentence. To this day, he continues his business as normal, treating the whole 'arena' fiasco as simply a vacation. A long six moth vacation, but a well earned one. Though he figured some R&R with some of the more agreeable ladies at his mansion would be far better.
Motivation: Money and women, providing for those he shelters at his mansion.
Birthplace: Vrondi capital
-fibrous clothing- plant based clothes can repair themselves as well as has an underlayer of herbs that can
mend wounds
-seed pouches for various plants
-sword in his picture
-throwing knives hidden in various places
-counter gauntlet- armored gantlet that protects the forearm and the back of the hand and wrist down to the
knuckles while maintaining open fingers for dexterity, useful in place of a buckler for deflecting attacks
without taking up a hand.
Soul: 37 Stamina: 40
New skills:
-light manipulation- (-5 Stamina -2 Soul per 5 feet of light) warping light to move it or simulate invisibility.
-Photon ghost- (-3 Stamina -3 Soul, Lasts for 10 minutes.) Can meditate to project a ghost form that is immune to physical damage nor can it wield a weapon but can command all other racial abilities.
New spells:
Insta growth- Transmutation/ Plant (-5 Soul per small plant -10 Soul per tree-sized plant) can instantly cause seeds to grow into mature plants.
Charmer- Enchantment/ Telekinetic (-5 Soul, works only on those that hear him.)
Can charm women for ten minutes a cast to be more susceptible to his words and actions, and subduing hostility.
New extra:
Rune warp- Sahale has a rune at each major location and a few special locations across the map. from the mansion he can go to any rune, but all other runes return to the mansion. The butler can only warp twice a day, and anyone in contact with sahale or connected in a series of persons to sahale will be warped (hold hands everybody). to signal a rune for teleportation, Sahale specifically has to send a signal by pouring a little bit of soul energy into the rune once ready, anyone else's soul will have no effect on the rune. Once the signal is received, the butler teleports Sahale back to the mansion.
(Each rune is one time use and requires a day of preparing to renew)
New skills:
-light manipulation- warping light to move it or simulate invisability
-Photon ghost- Can meditate to project a ghost form that is immune to physical damage nor can it wield a weapon but can command all other racial abilities.
New spells:
Insta growth- can instantly cause seeds to grow into mature plants
Charmer- can charm women for ten minutes a cast to be more susceptible to his words and actions, and subduing hostility.
New extra:
Rune warp- Sahale has a rune at each major location and a few special locations across the map. from the mansion he can go to any rune, but all other runes return to the mansion. The butler can only warp twice a day, and anyone in contact with sahale or connected in a series of persons to sahale will be warped (hold hands everybody). to signal a rune for teleportation, Sahale specifically has to send a signal by pouring a little bit of soul energy into the rune once ready, anyone else's soul will have no effect on the rune. Once the signal is received, the butler teleports Sahale back to the mansion
Light absorption - Can remove a small light source and turn it into replenishing energy. (+3 Stamina / Soul Per activation)
Light manipulation - Can harness light to outline a creature or object to make it glow brightly. (-4 Stamina -2 Soul)
Mind reading - If having eye contact can read a person's mind, intentions, and all. (-3 Stamina -2 Soul)
Telekinesis - Can lift objects up to 50 ibs 3 meters around. (-4 Stamina -2 Soul)
Force field - A forcefield of energy that deflects up to 100 ibs of force. (-5 Stamina -3 Soul)
Plant energy absorption - Can drain the life force of plants within 3 meters up to the size of a 3 foot plant. (+4 Stamina +2 Soul per 3 foot plant)
Mental communication - Can communicate with a willing partner nearby up to 3 meters around. (-3 Stamina)
Psychic detection - Can detect the presence of a sentient being nearby up to 3 meters when activated. (-3 Stamina)
Plant manipulation - Can manipulate plant life up to 3 meters around to move around rapidly. (-3 Stamina -2 Soul. Only affects plants up to 10 feet in size)
Bright light resistance - Light does not blind and intense light does not burn.
(2 Abilities of choice)
(2 Spells of choice)
+100 Gold