Name: Olivia
Age: 34
Bloodline: Tyro

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 189 lbs
Job: Smith (formerly), Adventurer/Mercenary
Experience: Olivia was born as the eldest child to a family of craftsmen. For generations, Olivia's family had forged armor, weapons, and everything in between to support the soldiers fighting Fotia's dragons and its enemies. They had been doing so for so long, that it had become a family tradition by the time Olivia had been brought into the world. Every son and daughter of the family was expected to take up a trade, whether that be woodworking, blacksmithing or more recently, gunsmithing. The dreams of passing on the family business were seemingly crushed when Olivia was born prematurely and nearly died as a result of an infection. While healers expected Olivia to die as a baby, the little girl somehow managed to survive despite the best predictions of the doctors tending to her. As a child, her early birth caused difficulties in her initial development. She learned to talk and walk much later than her fellows, and her family became increasingly disilusioned with the girl, who may have been incapable of picking up the family trade.
As an adolescent, Olivia became widely known as a troublemaker. Olivia, finding herself being steered toward a future she didn't want, rebelled against her parents. She'd pick fights, steal and miss her classes. While this placed her in direct confrontation with her family, she believed it was worth it if it meant not ending up like a 'stuffy blacksmith.' After a particularly bloody fight with a classmate, she was conscripted into the army as punishment at age 16. From then onwards, she went through harsh training, something Olivia took in stride. In a way, the military life helped her regulate her emotions and find a new purpose in life. While her distaste for authority persisted, she was able to keep it down to fulfill her own interests. It was through the military that she was able to acquire the necessary skills to travel the world. Throughout the years, she learned fighting techniques common to the Fotian army, but put a spin to them during her mercenary years simply to "make them her own." Even when she had rebelled against her parents forcing her into a field she simply didn't want, Olivia volunteered to provide maintenance to weapons and even fix some. While she was there, Olivia learned how to take care of her own weapons and even how to customize them. After 14 years in the army, she decided to depart after the end of her tour to pursue a freelance mercenary career.
As a mercenary, Olivia was first only able to pick up small bodyguard contracts. However, over two years, she was able to achieve a good enough reputation to be trusted by the merchants guild for better paid guard jobs. During her career, Olivia fought pirates and bandits for the most part, not too dissimilar from her time in the military. Recently, she had hit a snag and the repetitive work with the guild has begun to frustrate her. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to make enough to both feed herself, maintain her weapons, buy ammo and travel the world. Though, she is hopeful that one day she will be able to find her big break and leave Fotia for new lands to explore.
Motivation: Olivia is motivated by two things, the desire to survive and the desire to explore. Since she was a child, Olivia was the curious sort and wasn't one to stay still for long. If trouble doesn't find her, Olivia will go out of her way to find it. She enjoys seeing new places and meeting new people. One of her favorite pass times is talking with other people and learning about their experiences. This drives her to want to see more of the world to share her own stories with those willing to listen.
Birthplace: Fotia

Two .41 repeater pistols called "Laura" and "Bertha". Both pistols have their nicknames engraved on them and have an ebony wood finish.

One .45-70 500 grain scoped sniper rifle. Built from scratch by Olivia based on a standard-issue rifle, it has an ebony wood finish and a custom-made detachable scope. The firing mechanism is engraved with the name "Hubert".

This machete, dubbed "Danny" is an old weapon and tool which has been with Olivia's family for at least three generations. Despite her falling out with her family, she has kept this machete as a prized possession. Unlike her other weapons, this one has no modifications, though the handle has been replaced due to years of wear and tear.

One break-open 16 gauge sawn-off shotgun. Dubbed "Blast Off", this shotgun has been heavily modified by Olivia, including adding in an ebony wood finish and engraving like most of her weapons.
Soul: 23 Stamina: 32
Heat Absorption - Can increase energy by devouring flames up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (+3 Soul / Stamina)
Fire manipulation - Can move ten feet of flames up to ten meters around. (-3 Soul / Stamina)
Heat resistance - Can resist up to 1000 Degrees Fahrenheit passively.
Fire breathing - Can unleash fire from her belly through her jaws up to resistance level. (2 Soul 3 Stamina per activation / Fireball)
Heat detection - Can sense various levels of heat around her up to ten meters.
Hot blood - Blood always running hot freezing in cold temperatures is not likely.
(Two unique Ability of choice)
Flame Strike - Can apply heat to physical strikes up to resistance level.
Dragon Slayer Chant - A brief chant that increases the resistance to chaotic spells and increases the effectiveness to chaotic creatures. (-5 Soul)
200 Gold Coins
(Weapon of choice with one special ability)
(Armor of choice with one special ability)
(One unique item of choice with one special ability)
Wyvern Egg