[*] Age: 22
[*] Gender: Female
[*] Height: 6'9"
[*] Weight: Now that's just rude to ask, isn't it?
[*] Sex Preference: Bissexual
[*] Blood: 50% Tyro 50% Dragon
[*] Group: Temple of the Fallen Goddess
[*] Birthplace: Fotia
Appearance and Apparel:
Standing at 6'9", calling Nailah beautiful would be an understatement. With a silky smooth skin of a delicate red tone, it's almost like it invites others to touch her. Alluring breasts and large hips coupled with her clear draconic features, such as forearms and feet covered in ruby red scales, dangerous looking claws, talons, two horns and a tail contrasting beautifully with her immaculately white hair are sure to attract male and female stares alike.
But Nailah is far from a defenseless and fragile girl. Beneath her silky smooth skin hides powerful and flexible muscles. Powerful enough to give her a surprising strength but still flexible enough to not hinder her agility and discreet enough to give her a feminine and alluring appearance. According to the other priestess at the Temple, Nailah's body is a almost a work of art. Her exotic and wild beauty coupled with her draconic features is only further enhanced by her smile, displaying white and delicate, but undeniably sharp and dangerous looking teeth.
"Forged by the raging fires of passion and desire of the goddess herself, Nailah is as beautiful as she is dangerous."
- Head Priestess of the Temple of the Fallen Goddess.
Nailah's personality is as fiery as her scales and skin. Flirty and sensual, being alluring and charming is on her very nature. Kind and sweet when the situation calls for it but provoking and flirty when appropriate, Nailah is a difficult girl to understand regarding her true motives and objetives.
Cunning and mischievous, Nailah is no stranger in using her charm or her body to get what she wants, those two being her best weapons outside of her physical. Ironically enough, it is incredibly hard to make Nailah lose her temper. Even when fighting, Nailah will often have a provoking smile on her face, flirting and provoking her opponent.
"Fickle as a candle's waning flame, kind and inviting as a warm fireplace but at the same time, intense as a raging wildfire"
- Words of a Fotian noble who used to visit the Temple of the Fallen Goddess.
Nailah's origins are uncertain to all, including herself. Born of the union between a tyro and a dragon, some say that she was the fruit of a female dragon slayer who lost a fight against a powerful dragon, or even a male dragon slayer who fell for a female dragon... Found by Fotian nobles wandering the mountains by herself. Speaking absolutely nothing, she looked so small, so delicate but at the same time so dangerous, wild and wary of others. Hunting smaller animals to eat, fleeing from bigger ones with nothing more than her bare teeth, claws and talons, that strange little hybrid immediately caught the interest of the Fotian noble, who promptly captured her and took her back to Fotia as a 'pet'. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for Nailah, her many attempts to escape and after almost ripping half of the noble's face off with her claws after he tried to grab her quickly earned her a place at the Fotian arenas...
Treated as a slave and thrown to the fighting pits she was forced to fight and kill for her own life. At first, Nailah had troubles fighting against others preferring to only run from them as she saw no reason to fight against them. Scared and confused with all the people looking at her while running away from bloodthirsty gladiators, she didn't give a good show at first. Unfortunately, the ones responsible for the slaves had means to make them fight. The concept was simple: If she wanted to eat, she would have to fight. It was a subtle but terribly effective tactic. As the hunger started to take it's toll on her body, Nailah had no choice but to fight.
Despite her young age, nobody cared about a little hybrid dragon girl fighting at the pits... Especially on Fotia, famed for it's dragon slayers. The people at the arenas wanted to see only one thing: violence and blood. They cared not about who was the one fighting down there. Fortunately for Nailah, the news of a small hybrid girl having to fight for her life on the arenas reached the ears of the head priestess of the Temple of the Fallen Goddess. Disgusted by seeing a small girl fighting in the violent and ruthless arena, the priestess used her influence and thanks to a few whispers on a certain noble's ears, the head priestess was able to take her out of the arenas, taking her to the Temple with her.
The Temple of the Fallen Goddess, a famous religion on the city of Fotia was a cult to a goddess they called the 'Fallen Goddess'. According to their teachings, pleasure and desire are sacred things to be worshiped and enjoyed by all, unlike other religions, which saw pleasure as an 'evil' act, as something that should be frowned upon. it's name comes from worshiping the same 'goddess' that the other religions and sects deemed as evil, the goddess that was rejected by the others.
As she followed the head priestess inside for the first time, it was almost another world compared to what she had lived until that moment. There, Nailah would be greeted by a completely different environment. Beautiful priestesses, aromatic candles, a comforting and inviting ambient, food, drink, big and soft beds, sofas. There were people laughing, talking with each other, drinking together and doing much more... There was even a small room where guests could brawl against themselves or even against some of the beautiful priestesses who knew how to fight, only to end up on their arms after the fight ended, with priestesses caressing them and taking care of the small bruises after the fight.
Thanks to the Priestesses of the Fallen Goddess' tutelage, teachings and care Nailah would grow up to become a stunningly beautiful woman. Soon, many came to the temple to see Nailah. Some wanted to fight against her only to have her tend their scratches and wounds after they were finished, others came due to her kindness and warm embrace yet others were more attracted by her... wilder side. But all in all, it was undeniable that Nailah was loved by both guests at the temple and the women who lived there equally. Unfortunately, as much as she was liked and loved that place, she thirsted for more. As the time passed, she started to grow restless. Staying too much at one place was something that went against her blood, her very nature... This feeling continued until one day she couldn't take it anymore and went to tell the head priestess her desire to leave. As much as it pained to see Nailah go, the head priestess herself couldn't deny her request as she saw Nailah as her own daughter. She knew how dangerous Nailah was and knew that she could protect herself well. With a pain on her heart, but at the same time happy and satisfied with what Nailah had became, the head priestess said her farewells to Nailah, as she left to wander through the lands to know more about herself and the world that she lived in.
Before being taken in by the Temple, Nailah had to fight for her life on the harsh Fotian mountains, hunting and being hunted by bigger animals, giving her fast reflexes and powerful muscles that would only be sharpened after she was caught by Fotian nobles and sent to the Arenas to fight.
After being taken in by the Temple's priestesses, they taught Nailah how to write, read and more at the Temple of the Fallen Goddess, Nailah learned a lot of things, including how to use their unique spells and the unique charming magic used by the priestesses at the Temple. There, she also learned how to be more feminine, including how to train her body to become smooth, soft and inviting without loosing her strength, turning her from a feral, inelegant mass of muscles to a beautiful woman.
While Nailah's motivation is a mystery even to herself, she tries to live her life to the fullest while traveling the lands, passing on the Temple's teachings to those who are willing to receive it and doing what she can to make her life interesting.
None other than her claws, talons and tail. Made of draconic scales thanks to her hybrid blood, her talons and claws can easily cut and rip flesh and muscle, leather armor or even pierce light armor given enough momentum. The tip of her tail is made of sharp dark scales, being useful to either deflect blades or pierce her enemies.
Silver: 100
Gold: 220
Ruby: 2
Mythical beast blood capsule - Grants the wearer of this strange necklace the ability to smell, see, hear, and taste a little better.
Gaian Royal Circlet - Increases Divine earth spells. Reduces the effects of mind manipulations. Increases charm enchantments. Modified by Nailah, she uses it now as an Armlet.
Stamina: 58 Soul: 45 Max wounds: 8
Burning Desire: A special type of magic taught on the Temple of the Fallen Goddess, it can make even an enemy attracted and extremely susceptible to orders given by the user and go as far as to shake their own resolve by merely touching the user's skin, similar to pheromones. While the effect is not that strong with a quick touch, needing either prolonged touch or multiple touches, a deep kiss given by the user while this ability is active can go as far as to completely erase the target's desire to fight. -0 Soul
Fantasy: Nailah's magic can create 'clones' that look and sound exactly as her. Normally, they can only be differentiated from her real body by either magic or by touching/attacking them, but if the target has already been affected with 'Burning Desire', she can do as much as make her target feel her clones touching their skin, making them feel even the softness of her own skin or her breath coming from her clones. They still are unable to inflict any actual harm and will disappear if attacked, but now they can 'touch' and be touched. 3x Clone -0 Soul x5 -3 Soul x7 -5 Soul etc. When using clones against enemies affected by Burning Desire. Otherwise, clones cost 0 Soul. She can have a maximum of 4 clones active at the same time.
Dragon's body: Nailah is able to heat up any part of her body, be it her claws, skin, talons & etc. to temperatures much higher than a normal person would be able to survive. She uses this specially with her claws, talons and tail making her strikes able to easily cut and melt through even heavy armor or animal carapaces. If she uses it to defend herself against other fire based attacks, it costs 0 stamina. -5 Stamina.
Draconic Instincts: Nailah's draconic blood thickens and boils on a stressful situation or when she feel she is in danger, causing her physical abilities to raise dramatically as she takes a more feral posture. Her attacks become way stronger and lethal becoming almost a different person, much more feral and violent, not holding back with her attacks and always going to kill, going as far as to use her teeth. When in this 'mode' she has enhanced senses, reflexes and strength. As a drawback, it requires a good deal of energy and stamina, resulting on her becoming extremely exhausted or even passing out when she finally deactivates it, depending on how much time she spent with it activated. The activation is voluntary, as it is the deactivation. The exhaustion and the drawbacks of using said skill appear the second she deactivates it of gets too wounded to continue conscious or keep fighting. Nailah learned to 'control' this state forcibly, when she was young and had to fight for her own survival in the fotian arenas. Due to that, she doesn't like to use this ability and will only use it as a last resort as she fears that others will be afraid of her. Out of the arenas, when she was older, there were very few cases she entered this state. One of them was to protect a merchant family that were kind enough to let her travel with them from Bandits. After seeing the carnage and what she did with the bandits, even though the mercaht family was unharmed, they were terrified of her and left her behind.
Fire breath: Being half dragon, this ability was always natural to her. Breathing fire was always as easy as breathing normal air to Nailah. -5 Stamina
Lover's Veil: A passive mind spell used to make the user harder to detect and/or identify, completely eliminating one's presence. As long as the user is not being directly stared at, they could be following someone only meters away from them without being noticed. It has a range of 20 feet. This ability also has a second effect, which makes it so others really need to concentrate to actually 'see' or perceive Nailah, otherwise it's almost like even if they're looking at her, their brain dismisses it as unimportant information. Unless they're completely focused on her, concentrated and most importantly, do not break line of sight, they will be able to see them, otherwise, it will take a while for them to 'find' her again. This semi-passive ability can become quite a problem when fighting against Nailah if one encounters himself on a location with many places for Nailah to break their line of sight, becoming heavily confusing and disorientating. In practical terms, it's almost like whenever her target breaks it's line of sight or looses it's concentration, Nailah will vanish from their vision, almost like a 'flicker' type of invisibility spell. -5 Soul
Blood Traits:
Half Dragon: Due to her draconic lineage, Nailah has sharp claws and talons that she uses as weapons, coupled with her tail due to the sharp and hard scales on it's end. Her tail also gives her an incredible sense of balance, which coupled with her muscles and dragon blood allow her to be much more agile and faster than others normally would.
Of Dragons and Dragon Slayers: Nailah's mixed blood gives her not only increased strength, stamina and durability thanks to her draconic blood, but also resistance and affinity to fire thanks to her Tyro blood.
Affinity Element:
Fire / Chaos
Evocation 8, Transmutation 3, Conjuration 2, Enchantment 2, Illusion 3, Divination 1
Divine 4/ Soul Damage, Telepathy 6/ Agro, Spirit 3/ Possession, Steel 1/ Piercing, Poison 2/ Poisoned, Water 1/ Damp
Fire 10, Light 4, Electricity 3, Plant 3, Wind 3, Ice 3, Dark 2, Insect 3
Fire: 65 Insect: 0
Water: 0 Electric: 0
Wind: 0 Striking: 28
Earth: 0 Spirit: 20
Light: 5 Telepathy: 0
Dark: 0 Plant: 0
Divine: 32 Ice: 0
Chaos: 43 Blunt: 0
Poison: 0 Steel: 10
- Her bodily temperature is noticeably hotter than other descended.
- Nailah has no problem in exposing her body to others. That's one of the main reasons while she always wears almost no clothes.
- Nailah is actually a rather kind and warm woman and can even act in a motherly manner, comforting or even giving advice if someone close to her is feeling bad or down.
- There are only a few people who know about Nailah's past. She absolutely despises talking about it.
Hot Spring Recovery - Time in the hot springs of the temple of the fallen goddess has charged the core of this character. Boosting their soul & stamina +10, and boosting their max wounds +2 for 24 hours.
Fire: 65 Insect: 0
Water: 0 Electric: 0
Wind: 0 Striking: 28
Earth: 0 Spirit: 20
Light: 5 Telepathy: 0
Dark: 0 Plant: 0
Divine: 32 Ice: 0
Chaos: 43 Blunt: 0
Poison: 0 Steel: 10
Stamina: 58 Soul: 45
Max wounds: 8
Ability unlock
(One new ability of choice)
Spell unlock
(One new spell of choice)
Nailah - Stats
Affinity Element: Fire / Chaos
Schools: Evocation 8, Transmutation 3, Conjuration 2,
Enchantment 2, Illusion 3, Divination 1
Weakness- Divine 4/ Soul Damage, Telepathy 6/ Agro, Spirit 3/ Possession, Steel 1/ Piercing, Poison 2/ Poisoned, Water 1/ Damp
Resistance- Fire 10, Light 4, Electricity 3, Plant 3, Wind 3, Ice 3, Dark 2, Insect 3
Fire: 55
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 5
Dark: 0
Divine: 32
Chaos: 33
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 28
Spirit: 20
Telepathy: 0
Plant: 0
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 0
Steel: 0
+200 Gold +100 Silver
+5 Soul +10 Stamina