Character Sheet

Name: Jamie Ambrose
Age: 31
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Male
Bloodline: 80% Seraphim, 20% Nayu
Appearance: Baby fangs (which are completely useless, except from when you need to open a bag, but you can't so you need scissors or a knife... or baby fangs!), blonde, fluffy, short hair, fair skin, cream coloured wings, circular halo with a golden light.
Physique: 5"2 (161cm), not much muscle, but thicc. Very curvy for being a man.
Faction: The Aion
Job: Drag Queen Bard (Drag Queen name: Miss Bubble)
Birthplace: Sunfire Town
Pet: Calico Cat named Marshmallow (nickname Mellow)
Background story: Jamie was born into The Aion and has been educated how to properly use his bloodline abilities. He got quickly bored as he listened to his teacher's tutoring, listening to rambling was not his style. He was taught the basics of abjuration, divination, enchantment, conjuration, necromancy and illusion. His mentor was a conjuror so there was more focus on that school of magic. He was also trained in light flying, teleportation and close combat.
He was a shy, but energetic kid. His parents always tried to make him play sports, proper exercise. When he reached his pre-teens, he began to "borrow" his mom's makeup. His classmates laughed at him the first time he wore it to school, still he kept on wearing it every day, but after a week or two they got used to it and the girls started to wear face paint too.
16 years old and mad at the world. The teacher were unfair, his parents were over protective, too much homework, high expectations and no time to breathe. Jamie burst one day and refused to go to school, just sitting outside the classroom door, arms crossed and eyes painted with charcoal. This was not very popular... but the very next day he began to preach to his classmates. Everyone turned to him and he had never felt such confidence before. He'll never know if it was his Saraphim blood that made them strike with him, or if his speech actually reached them.
Jamie took an interest in performance a year later. Being his normal self on stage ended in trauma. His audience booed as he tried to perform his favourite monologue. One of his friends that he made during the strike, tried to comfort him. She encouraged him to try again, but this time dress as the character. He did.
In his mother's long, red dress, he went up on stage and started to speak. It ended with applause.
Jamie continued his acting, but later it evolved more to comedy. He started to run out of funny scenes from his reads so he began to write his own. That's when Miss Bubble was created. Miss Bubble was charming, funny, flirty and loved being in the center of attention. A Drag Queen was born.
This was also the moment he really started to embrace his abilities. He finally found a way to use them in his life. Jamie went back to his old mentor and asked for even more training in conjuration. He use most of his magic on the stage.
Now he feels it's time to go beyond Sunfire Town to finally see the world.
Experience: Demonstrations, striking, performing (comedy, acting, singing and a little dancing), enduring long lectures
Motivation: Having his own world tour, because that would be awesome.
Spells: - Aion's Call - Conjures an astral horn. After use it tells the Aion of the location of nearby danger and vanishes. (-5 Soul)
Conjure objects - Opens palms and let out a glow while focusing on the object to conjure. Conjure butterflies, bubblegum, needle and thread, bubbles, glitter, light sources (no brighter than a lamp).
Abilities: Charm people (when in drag), sewing
Extra: Out of drag he's bubble, but still introverted. His personality type is INFP. If he'd been an earthling, he would be a Virgo. When he's upset he flies (flying is not a specialty, but it helps fighting gravity) and climbs up to the top of the mother tree and just watch the scenery. He use a lot of pale colours in his style. He enjoys having a nicely decorated room. He sings in the shower. Addicted to chocolate, could live on lavender tea, hates school, is scared of riding horses (carts are kinda, maybe, a tiny bit acceptable).
-20 Bronze pieces.
- Wooden staff.
- Aion necklace. A necklace from the Aion proving one's allegiance. +2 Ice resistance.
- Butterfly knife. Enchanted * Can't break, never gets dull.

Credit to artist
Soul: 25 Stamina: 18
Bloodline Abilities:
Portal conjuring - Able to conjure a 6-foot wide that leads to another up to 1 mile away. (-5 Stamina -5 Soul per portal. Lasts for up to 5 hours.)
Soul manipulation - Can transfer Soul between descendants. (Can add or subtract up to 5 Soul from creatures with Soul essence.)
Ghost vision - Can see normally invisible astral beings.
Weapon & Armor conjuring - Can conjure a single piece of armor or a 3-foot blade with only half the durability of iron. (-5 Stamina -5 Soul per weapon / Armor)
Angelic wings - Lightweight wings that allow easy flight as if conjuring wind with each flap.
Air walking - Momentarily stand on air.
Halo light - A halo made of concentrated light.
Soul detection - Can sense the presence of living beings up to 3 meters around.
(2 Abilities of choice)
Spells -
Aion's Call - Conjures an astral horn. After use it tells the Aion of the location of nearby danger and vanishes. (-5 Soul)
(One spell of choice)
Items -
Aion necklace - A necklace from the Aion proving one's allegiance. +2 Ice resistance.
(One enchanted item of choice)