Name: Itzel Chalchihuitlcue
Age: 25
Sex: Fully functional hermaphrodite, 100% sterile
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Bloodline: Oro/Seraphim 60/40
Group: Alliance
Physique: Slim and frail looking
Stamina: 28 Soul: 36
Earth Manipulation: While she can do the standard manipulations, she is more specialized in crystal manipulation. She can manipulate earthen materials, especially crystals, into other shapes, causing her to be able to make tools and equipment. When dealing with crystals, she can make more intricate designs than other earthen items. -3 Stamina per weapon. 0 for small weapons.
Air Manipulation: Itzel has two uses of this, a no cost capability to let her hover in place when flying and an ability that costs stamina to allow her to increase the speed at which she flies, allowing for faster travel and extra strength on attacks done at the increased speed as she flies by. Hovering involves her flapping her wings in conjunction with manipulating air to keep in place. -0
Racial Abilities:
Enhanced Reduced Strength: Stronger physically than other Seraphim but weaker than most Oro
Thicker Hide
Improved Air Capacity
Soul Sight
Crystal Conjuring (Earth, Conjuration): By using her soul essence, Itzel can summon crystal. The cost increases as she creates more crystal. She can form materials to manipulate into items at a relatively low cost, but she can also make entire defensive walls of crystal at a higher cost. -4 Soul per eight feet of crystal
Reflective Crystal Bulwark (Divine, Enchantment, Conjuration): By enchanting targeted crystals, Itzel can make them reflect spells that hit them and to cause physical attacks on them to conjure and spray crystal shrapnel on the attacker. -4 Soul per enchanted crystal mass.
Skills: Drawing, sculpting, crystal crafting, carving, proficient with armor and weapons
Pet: Royal Oro griffin/wyvern hybrid mount bred for beauty and combat. Slightly larger than a large horse. Named Gaston.
Experience: Itzel was born as a rarity, having gemlike scales and being a sterile hermaphrodite. So, she was given a large amount of attention throughout her early life, resulting in both education and training as well as pains taken to hide the less desirable fact about her sex. As part of her training, she discovered an affinity for crystals. By using crystals, she learned to craft items. The first spell she learned was how to conjure crystals for her use. She then could alter the crystal with her manipulation. This led to her taking courses in sculpting early on, supplemented with drawing courses to help her artistic ability.
Once she reached the age of 17, she began to experiment with forming more variety to her creations. She could already fashion items for sculpting as well as pieces for sculptures. She expanded that to include weapons and armor befitting a royal Oro. Despite being technically smithwork, her creations were always highly artistic and helped her avoid scorn since the forming happened through her magic and not physical labor. She also began getting letters and visitors trying to buy her womb. Other royals wanted her scales within their family and thus wanted to pay her to have a child. Even if she were fertile, she wouldn't have wanted to accept, so her secret gave her yet more resolve to say no.
Two years later, she encountered a group of nice seeming individuals. They convinced her that they were working to improve life for everyone. Because of her rather sheltered upbringing, she was unaware of what happened behind the scenes. The group had insidious desires, leeching money from Oro families. Itzel stumbled upon the plot one night as she took late afternoon walk to avoid a sudden influx of more offers. The cultists, as expected, were hostile. They attempted to attack her. She reflexively summoned crystal walls to prevent them getting to her. They had a man that could break through the walls. So, she panicked and just tried something with her magic. She intended to make the wall spiked, but instead it came out smooth. the cultist hit the wall, thinking it would break again, but it withstood his first hit and sprayed him with shrapnel. The wounds she inflicted slowed him enough for some of the guard to find and assist her. The guard dismantled the cult shortly after, though many families lost much of their fortunes.
That little taste of fighting, while incredibly scary, felt intuitively right to Itzel. Her family saw an opportunity to possibly get her to work towards a highly prestigious goal. They let her learn how to fight, pushing her to work to become a candidate to become Queen. She took to the bow and sling, even learning how to fire the bow with a shield on her arm. In melee, she intuitively defaulted to her dangerous tail. Until she turned 25, she trained as a warrior, the plan being for her to join the military. Then, the Alliance formed. Her family immediately put her in as a candidate, seeing yet another opportunity for prestige and getting her a better lot in society.
Itzel was accepted over the others due to her martial prowess and involvement in the cult's takedown. Now, only a month after her 25th birthday, she was sent out to meet the Alliance and show them both the beauty and strength of the Oro.
Motivation: Itzel's short term focus is to help the Alliance. She also has a particular hatred of cults and slavery, valuing freedom of thought and action. Her long term goal is to become the Oro Queen. She has heard some rumors of the Therosi slavers, so another long term goal in her drive to become Queen has led her to have the idealistic desire to end the Therosi.
Birthplace: Gaia, in the mountains among other royals.
Extra Info: Primarily uses her tail in melee. Smells like peppermint and cinnamon. If she sweats, the smell doubles in strength. She thrives in combat.
Money: 20 Gold 3 diamonds 2 emeralds
1 full stamina(And health) regenerating potion. 2 half regens. 1 full soul regen.
Necklace from the Dragon cult - A necklace that has a mysterious chaotic aura within it. Given to her before she left to meet the alliance. Said it will give her safer passage when in Wyvern territory.
Fire: 0
Water: 0
Wind: 57
Earth: 60
Light: 25
Dark: 0
Divine: 44
Chaos: 13
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 33
Spirit: 0
Telepathy: 0
Plant: 0
Ice: 0
Blunt: 25
Poison: 0
Steel: 22
Earth Manipulation: While she can do the standard manipulations, she is more specialized in crystal manipulation. She can manipulate earthen materials, especially crystals, into other shapes, causing her to be able to make tools and equipment. When dealing with crystals, she can make more intricate designs than other earthen items. (-3 Stamina per weapon. 0 for small weapons. -6 for large weapons.)
Air Manipulation: Itzel has two uses of this, a no-cost capability to let her hover in place when flying and an ability that costs stamina to allow her to increase the speed at which she flies, allowing for faster travel and extra strength on attacks done at the increased speed as she flies by. Hovering involves her flapping her wings in conjunction with manipulating air to keep in place. (-0 Cost for basic flight and hover. -5 Cost per strong gust projectile up to 10 feet. Can produce multiples to combine.)
Enhanced Reduced Strength: Stronger physically than other Seraphim but weaker than most Oro
Thicker Hide (Reduces enemy physical attack ER by 15.)
Improved Air Capacity (Can hold breathe for 20 minutes and resist high air pressure.)
Soul Sight (Can see the aura of beings and objects up to 30 feet.)
Crystal Conjuring (Earth, Conjuration): By using her soul essence, Itzel can summon crystal. The cost increases as she creates more crystal. She can form materials to manipulate into items at a relatively low cost, but she can also make entire defensive walls of crystal at a higher cost. (-4 Soul per eight feet of crystal.)
Reflective Crystal Bulwark (Divine, Enchantment, Conjuration): By enchanting targeted crystals, Itzel can make them reflect spells that hit them and to cause physical attacks on them to conjure and spray crystal shrapnel on the attacker. (-4 Soul per enchanted crystal mass.)
Bloodline: Oro/Seraphim 60/40
Itzel Affinity
Element: Divine / Earth / Wind
Schools: Abjuration 7, Conjuration 6 Enchantment 5, Transmuation 4, Divination 3, Illusion 2, Necromancy 2
Weakness- Striking 6/ Shatter, Water 3/ Sinking, Telepathy 3/ Confusion, Plant 2/ Binding, Fire 2/ Melding, Steel 2/ Chipping, Insect 1/ Swarmed, Chaos 1/ Soul Damage,
Resistance- Wind 7, Divine 5, Rock 5, Spirit 2, Blunt 2, Ice 2, Electric 2, Light 2, Poison 2