Name: Garaven Darian, nicknamed Garden

Age: 24
Bloodline: Sol, roughly 84%. Other than that, they are 16% Lassa
Appearance: Above average height of 5"8, very lean and short hair. They tend to wear overalls, and a Sunhat, as well as gloves. Their skin tone is of a darker green complexion, and they have two hazel eyes. In addition to this, they only have one arm.
Physique: Weak. So weak. A small breeze would threaten to snap them in two.
Light absorption (Light) - Can absorb light like that from a hot summer day without issue. (+1 Stamina per 5 seconds of light-absorbing.)
Concentrated light manipulation (Light) - Can concentrate to shine light from the body in beams of light in minor rays that can be blinding or burning if used for prolonged periods on one spot. (-1 Stamina per 5 seconds used.)
Minor Mind reading (Telepathy) - Can hear the thoughts of those within focus for a period of time. (-5 Stamina per activation, up to 15 feet distance.)
Astral projection (Telepathy) - Can temporarily, often in sleep, astrally project to travel place to place but cannot interact with physical objects. (Up to a mile distance, -10 Stamina if activated when not asleep.)
Telekinesis(Telepathy) - Can manipulate a handful sized object with their mind by having the object in their vision and moving them up to 18 mph up to 10 feet radius. (-5 Stamina per activation.)
Plant energy absorption (Plant) - Can absorb nutrients and energy from plantlife they touch. (+5 Stamina -1 Wound per 10 seconds of use.)
Plant manipulation (Plant) - Can make seeds grow and move vines and other plant life around with just the mind up to 10 feet in radius. (-3 Stamina per activation.)
Bright light resistance (Light) - Unaffected by unconcentrated lights in general and cannot be blinded by them.
Water Absorption (Water) - (-) Has the ability to temporarily attain gills for breathing under water, as well as fins to properly traverse in waters.
Nature's protection: (Abjuration/ Plant) As a reaction to a creature being attacked, they can immediately give said creature a ward made up of vines and barbs. This ward absorbs the hit, and the barbs deal half the damage that would have been dealt back to the dealer. (-5 soul per activation, only works on physical attacks.)
Soul: 28 Stamina: 22
Max Wounds: 4
Pet: A large Venus flytrap named Seymour.
Size: 2 feet tall.

Light - 33
Plant - 66
Poison - 28
Earth - 20
Weakness - Fire 7/10, Ice 5/10, Dark 3/10, Poison 3/10
Resistance - Insect 7/10, Light 7/10, Earth 5/10
Faction N/A
Job: They are a Herbalist/medic as their main job, and they're a gardener on the side.
Experience: Garaven had their sister die from an extremely deadly illness. It was her death that had inspired Garaven in the first place to take up herbalism and medicine, as to try and help others as much as they can.
Motivation: Despite them not stating such out loud, deep down they wish to find a way to bring their sister back.
Birthplace: Twilight.
Extra info: Garaven had almost fallen victim to the same illness their sister had, but unlike her, and with their current knowledge of medicine, they managed to survive, albeit at the expense of being forced to amputate their own arm. It is because of this they feel a sort of survival guilt.
20 bronze pieces.
20 Gold
Healing Herbs x7 - Can be used to craft potions or eat 5 to recover 1 wound.
Sap Water x2 - Recovers Stamina +5.
Medicinal Bracelet - Increases the effect of recovery potions +5.
Child of light attire - Handmade clothing formed from various beautiful plants and flowers held together by sweet hardened tree sap. Usually worn for traditional Vrondi gatherings. (+15 Plant ER when worn)
Gardening supplies
My literal freakin arm: This item holds within a deadly virus, still kept alive from within the arm due to the owners plant based body, Now taken form as a dried up wooden wand in the form of a hand seemingly grasping for something. The original owner of the arm can temporarily reattach it to their body, regaining all expended stamina and soul, and heal from up to 3 wounds. (Can only be used once a day. When removed cut stamina and soul by half and gain 2 wounds. Can only be used for a length of 1 minute.)
Blue Herb: This herb is a special modified variant, unlike naturally born herbs. Upon consumption, all stamina cost abilities are cut down by half for a minute.
Fire: 0
Water: 18
Wind: 0
Earth: 32 (+10)
Light: 48
Dark: 0
Divine: 0
Chaos: 0
Insect: 13
Electric: 0
Striking: 0
Spirit: 0
Telepathy: 46 (+10)
Plant: 54 (+10)
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 10
Steel: 0
Garaven Darian
Element: Light
Schools: Evocation 7, Abjuration 7, Conjuration 2, Divination 4, Illusion 5
Weakness- Dark 5/ Silenced, Chaos 4/ Soul damage, Earth 4/ Buried, Fire 4/ Burning, Poison 6/ Poisoned, Insect 4/ Gnawing, Spirit 4/ Possession, Steel 4/ Cut, Ice 4/ Frostbitten
Resistance- Light 8, Divine 4, Blunt 3, Telepathy 6, Plant 8, Water 4, Electricity 2
Soul: 33(+5) Stamina: 27(+5)
Purple Orb of Full Recovery x2 (Recovers all Soul, stam, and wounds of the user and or another)
Fire bomb (When thrown explodes within a few seconds.)
+7 Gold
-1 Sap Water
-2 Blue Egg
-15 Gold
+3x Fire Herbs - Mid Quality Fire herb for crafting, Warms the body and burns the tongue when ingested.
1 Fire Sand - Mid quality Fire material for crafting. Sands are always very warm like fresh hot sand under the sun.
1 Lava Stone - A rare magical Fire stone with visible lava inside of it providing a glowing light and used for crafting. Is not hot to the touch but if broken the pieces can produce lava heat.
New Gold Total = 10
Stat upgrade!
Fire: 0
Water: 18
Wind: 0
Earth: 32 (+10)
Light: 48
Dark: 0
Divine: 0
Chaos: 0
Insect: 13
Electric: 0
Striking: 0
Spirit: 0
Telepathy: 46 (+10)
Plant: 54 (+10)
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 10
Steel: 0
Blue egg x2
Item update:
Bronze -15
Gold -2
New total -
Bronze 5
Gold 18