Name: Dremmick Valswei
Age: 23
Bloodline: Dragon / Nayu

(reference only, a number of changes in description)
Appearance: 6'1"
Black, short, and messy hair with a close cut and thin beard that goes along the edge of his jaw. He has a stern face with hazel eyes with slit pupils that hold a piercing gaze. Its not that he's always angry, it just seems to be his neutral face. His whole right arm is ragged looking and closer to a red-black shade than the rest of him and reached the base of his neck, his right pectoral, his right shoulder-blade, and down a few ribs. This gruesome sight would at first seem like a terrible wound, but upon further more professional inspection, would reveal an evil taint, which seemed to be spreading further across his chest. This is the caused by necromancy and where he pulls his blood magic from. His horns, if he still had them, would have grown from his temples and swept back with his hair, however, there are just two stumps there now, cut away so that his heritage would be easier to conceal. He also has a a draconic tail that he hides in his sash that goes around his waist, and two scars on his back where his wings used to be.
Mostly quiet and reserved until he gets to know somebody well enough to trust them, Dremmick is not very sociable. He is very cold in his decisions due to his kill or be killed lifestyle as of recent years, however he is not [i]normally[/i] sadistic unless they really deserve it. Once he gets to know someone and trust them however, he does start to open up and talk more, even make a few facial expressions and moods other than contempt! While mildly pessimistic, he tries to think most things through as much as possible before doing them, though understands how the best laid plans can still go to waste. He does have a 'Doc' complex to where if there was any way he thought he could be able to save one of his comrades, he will not stop to save them till they were safe or he could say he died trying. Also, if he does talk to people, he is a proponent of dry or dark humor, and as a bit of mental recoil to bad puns. Not the person to ask for opinions.
He wears a large black hood that covers most of his face when worn save for his eyes. When the hood is down, it distorts the silhouette of his shoulders and hangs loosely about his head, nearly covering the whole neck and almost reaching the lower end of his jaw. He has a cotton shirt he wears under a layered leather vest, both of which are sleeveless for ease of movement. His whole right arm is covered in bandages up past the shoulder, covering up the dark arm entirely. A dark red sash is wrapped around his waist with the loose ends hanging at his left hip. It tops off a dark gray loose fitting pants that have a few random patches here and there for having to fix various imperfections in the fabric. The pants ended tucked into some leg wraps that ran from his upper calf, just below the knees, to the ankles, in which it run under the foot to keep secure. As for his feet, he wears some cloth shoes that leave the large toe separate and leather pads on the bottom for grip and protection.
A rope dart, normally rolled up and hanging from the front left of his sash.
A large karambit, sheathed at his back, just above his butt pack (explained below), drawn right handed.
A sword breaker, sheathed at his back as well, bundled with his karambit and drawn left handed. The bundle is held onto the back of the vest. If you don't know what a sword-breaker is, this is a good example:
He has a heavy canvas cloth harness that runs between his shirt and vest. It holds up what could be considered a leather belt with a built in butt pack with three pouches. The middle contains a roll of bandages, a small surgical blade, a bottle of alcohol (sometimes in drink form if no pure alcohol is available), and a tourniquet. His left smaller pouch holds various vials of crushed herbs or liquids for medicinal uses and antidotes. Finally the right pouch holds a notepad, charcoal pencil, a tiny small vial of ink, and a pen. This pack sits just above his sash, though it tends to hang over it in the back.
The notepad contains information gathered on Dremmick's travels, mostly of few important details to remember and plenty of info on plants along with their various uses and properties such as what is poisonous and what can be used medically.
While currently unaligned, he joined the Therosi for the sheer purpose of learning blood magic
A little thinner than average with a lean build. His right arm however (the one wrapped in bandages), looks to be eerily thinner than his left.
Stamina: 31 Soul: 44
Acrobatic- His build helps in giving him a light and solid frame with superb muscle control, agility, and dexterity. Has knowledge of medicine and first aid.
Soul Sight- through concentration he can see souls and life energy with his bare eyes. When using this ability, his irises will start to glow.-3 Stamina -3 Soul
Chaotic Blood Amp- Appying his own blood to a spell, Dremmick can amplify blood magic that deals in chaotic blood type spells.
Necromancy - the ability to siphon, absorb, and distribute life force between bodies.+? Soul +? Stamina When Released! -8 Soul -5 Energy
Blood magic - the ability to move, use, and replicate his own blood for medical uses or to form objects. Objects can range from weapons, projectiles, light barriers, etc. This is channeled thought his necrotic right arm and various wounds that don't go completely healed since he obtained the cursed magic. Upon running out of magic energy will it will start to feed off of life force. Overuse of this magic will cause the necrotic curse at his arm to spread as he would need to siphon life force and apply it to himself and further his decent into a lich.[color=red]-5 Soul -3 Stamina[/color]
Dremmick had grown up with his parents until about the age of twelve years old. His family studied in necromancy and would travel the world to heal the sick and revive people who had recently met an untimely end. This backfired however when they revived a man who was found murdered in an alley. Although the life energy was pulled from an animal, when the man reported to the guard that he had been murdered and then resurrected, the first thing that they did after capturing the murderer was hunt down the Valswei family. While most clients the Valswei family undertook were fine with the prospect of necromancy bringing their loved ones back to life, even if it was at the hands of Dragon and Nayu couple, it wasn't necessarily legal either. Dremmick's parents left him with his aunt and uncle while they were on the run. Unfortunately, they didn't make it that long, and were publicly hung for dealing in the dark arts of lichdom. Which wasn't really true since they didn't steal life force to strengthen themselves as a lich would.
Three years had passed and while Dremmick's heart still ached for his parents, he knew there was nothing he could do. His aunt and uncle discouraged the use of necromancy and, as botanists, taught him the healing and medicinal values of herbs and other plants instead. However, he would still tinker with the magic behind their back when he was alone. Being so close to Tyro territory, they removed his horns by cutting them off as close to his head as possible so that he was harder to recognize as being mostly dragon, like his father. In public, he always wore a hood to hide the stumps that were left behind. He took the same vow as his parents, to never resurrect someone who had been dead for over a few hours, as decomposition would start and retrieving the soul would also prove to become nearly impossible, never to take the life force from other people, and never turn his gifts toward lichdom.
Two years later he was slowly became adapt at transferring life forces and reviving small animals such as birds with the life force from rats that he caught around the house. He even learned over time how to slightly control his control However, this time of peace was surely not to last. One day, there was a knock on the door, and the moment Dremmick's uncle answered, he was impaled by a sword as a group of men stormed the house. they didn't look like the regular guards that took his parents, and better armed than common bandits. Mercenaries perhaps? The aunt quickly tried to escape with Dremmick, but she was not as fast and bid him to go on without her. He refused while turning around to help his aunt up onto a horse when an arrow cam flying past his shoulder, striking is aunt in the heart. Dremmick panicked as he tried to help her but it was too late. He didn't have the time to revive her. He couldn't leave her here either, there had to be something he could do. He knew what it was, but he had to break a promise.
Apologizing to his parents quietly as he stood back up, Dremmick faced the men following him. His plan was to steal their life energy and restore his aunt's which was quickly fading, but the hastily dawn out plan failed, drastically. Not having practiced on humans before and with hatred in his heart, he did more than just remove their life force. The first two men gave up more than some life energy, their very soul was ripped from them and crushed, but just before he could heal his aunt, two arrows struck him in the chest, and he did what only seemed natural to keep himself alive, he healed himself. He could feel a burning start at his right arm, but he ignored it and kept fighting. Eventually his mind faded and everything went black.
When he awoke, he noticed that his home was nothing but ashes. He didn't even remember it catching fire, but there it was, already burnt out, nothing left. When he used his arm to help himself stand up, there was a shock of pain. He looked down a his arm to see it bloody, shriveled and heavily injured, he thought it was that burning sensation from earlier, but something told him it wasn't only his blood, and that's when he looked around and saw nearly eight dead men that surrounded him. He took a step back in a mix of fear and disgust. He turned away to look for the horses, but they weren't there anymore, however, his aunt was still there, deathly still. He limped over as fast as he could. He tried to think of something fast to save his aunt, and in the rush of things didn't think of the time that may have gone by since she died. Or the fact that he didn't have any other life energy to use anymore but his own, but he tried anyway. He was purely trying to will any form of life energy into her while screaming for her to get up. Suddenly, the wound on his arm seemed to grow, and color was coming back to his aunts face. Dremmick put the agonizing pain at the back of his mind when he thought he was reviving his aunt, but just as soon as he stopped trying to heal her, the color faded back out of the vessel. He was not strong enough, or skilled enough, to revive a human, especially after this amount of time, even if it did cost him more of his own bodies energy. He fell to the side as the exhaustion caught back up to him and it was all he could do just to keep his eyes open.
He heard shouting from what looked like four knights approaching the scene. "Over here! We found the necromancer!" His eyes shut, and hen they reopened he could momentarily see them surveying the scene. "My God, all this from that young one there?" More time seemed to slip by as he reopened his eyes one last time to see an older bearded knight approach him. "It is a sorry lot you drew young one," he said with a solemn face, "May the afterlife be kinder to your tortured fate." With that he raised his battle ax over his shoulder. Dremmick held his hand up as if that would stop the inevitable, but the ax fell, and all went silent.
The next thing Dremmick knew, he was waking up in what seemed to be a cave. There were arcane makings all around him, but the place seemed abandoned a long time ago. He looked at his arm and noticed the heavy scaring and unnatural look had seemed to reach up a little past his shoulder now. But it was also then that he noticed... it was a little breezy. His face flushed red and looked around again to make sure nobody was there, but then he noticed some clothes and gear in the corner of the cave, next to a dying lantern. He put on the clothes and noticed the leather vest and harness fit him well, and since he was a little chilled he put the hood on as well. He rummaged through the pouches and noticed very familiar sets of herbs and antidotes, and more specifically, his aunts notebook with her initials on the outside, S.V., Silvia Valswei. Dremmick waited there for weeks to no avail before deciding move on. He didn't know what happened after he died, but he had to find answers. And after that, kill the ones responsible for the attacks on his family.
Six years have passed and since then Dremmick has practiced his magic and grown more adept, but still hides it and never uses it publicly, however, he still rarely disregards the rule to take life energy from people as an attack should the emergency arise. This has caused the plagued area at his arm to spread further, and now it goes past the shoulder and covers his right pec and right shoulder blade, as well as reaching a few ribs further downward and up close to the base of the neck. He has had more practice in medicines and poisons while becoming fairly accomplished in physical fighting as well. He has even partaken in a few mercenary and assassination groups in order to find information on his attackers and earn money to support himself, as well as practice his own form of blood magic during a brief enlistment with the Therosi, channeling it through his cursed arm.[/hider]
Motivation: To find out why he was revived and to find his family's killers
Birthplace: Was raised roaming around between the countries, never stayingin one place save for the couple of years he spent with his aunt and uncle outside of Fotia
Extra Info:
Dremmick really doesn't care for people that much. Unless he finds a group to fight for and for once actually align himself with, he could care less who he kills. After all, neither sides of the spectrum were really his friends in past experiences.
He detests liches. He sees them as overcome with greed and their own power of life and death and believes that they should be eliminated given the opportunity. After all, they aren't the most hospitable people and he blames their abuse of power with the cause of necromancy to become as hated s it has, which in his mind, is the cause of his family's death in the first place.
Loves breadsticks, and carries a small supply wherever he goes. they are thin, buttery, lightly salted, and crunchy. where he gets them from at random times, nobody knows.
Acquired Equipment

Sacred Bark Light Armor - A very light weight set of armor made from sacred tree bark and wool. The bark on its outer layer catches sharp projectiles and is made from a tree bark known for being one of the least penetrable trees. It does not however have an advantage over slash attacks.
RIP Pic I had for this dagger
Old Dagger of Aki - An old, chipped yet still refined dagger. It serves little purpose as a dagger and rather is a ceremonial piece left from an old assassin turned Taxis hero who died long ago. When hit against another stone it sparks aflame and stays on fire until put out. If held too long the wielder may be burned.
Eternal Bindings- A light blue cloth rolled up with golden runes along its surface. When worn it constantly heals the affected area. It also contains magical distortions or anomalies. Immune to fire. Durable as steel.

Conjuration staff- A small to medium sized staff with steel on its ends. It allows one to direct their magic into spheres of influence. Allowing Conjurers to amplify their summons and animators to direct their influences on larger beings.
Chaos Blood Magic Book- a book of varying blood magic spells pertaining to using chaotic magic instead of divine, drawing upon the elements of the hosts blood's affinity

Buen - A middle aged Beige colored horse with cyan markings that moves fastest at night and can see in the dark.
Journal entries
Getting really tired of babysitting out here. Just a little longer and I'll be done with them.
Seems like I'll be sticking around a while with this group. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me.
I should have kept that previous entry to myself, sure enough, this 'alliance' has caused me nothing but trouble.
Today my curse has grown exponentially. It now has spread further, nearly covering the upper portions of my chest and reaching down my back. That fool of a healer demands respect yet can't even control her power, its pathetic. I heard the voices again. They all sounded like a twisted version of my own, calling for me to delve deeper into madness with promises of power. Save for one. It sounded like you. I could hear your voice call to me, warning me of the assassin that approached me. I don't know if this is some silver lining, but if I one day start to lose myself to this curse before I can fix this mess I've caused, would I be able to hear you more? Ciara, hold out for me just a little longer. Nuxta is on the move, and I fear that if we separate now, he will try to steal you away, and I cannot let that happen. We will be together again, I swear it.
Ciara, I know it has been a while since I have written anything, but I'm certain by now that you see everything I do. Things have moved faster than I could keep track. Some of our group has called it quits and the challenges we face are starting to even wear at me. It is reaching a point where I am not sure if I can keep them safe. We are constantly fighting, and its taking its toll. If I were on my own, I could simply leave, but I can't tear myself away from this and leave them. Its odd to admit, but I think I'm growing fond of this group. Though, that's just the reason why I'm worried, its too much like before. When we return, I should probably leave this alliance. It would be safer for them, if not for my own past following us but for what I might become if I have to keep fighting. What would happen if I can no longer trust myself to protect those around me? What if I give in to the promise of power? I wonder if I would keep my sanity just long enough. That is neither here nor there, however, first I need to find you a host. I have seen some of the machinations from Tearia before, last time we were in Vrondi. If they are a type of golem using a soul core, maybe I can find you a body there. I know it isn't a true body, and maybe I should look into less desirable methods using the body of someone worthy of death instead, but even if I deemed them evil, I know its not something you would want, is it? Looks like the rest of the group is catching up, I'll try to write again soon, my love.
Money: 13 gold
Total Worth: 130
Max Wounds: 7