Name: Candy - Lilith and Bloodlust fragment personalities
Age: 23 (she doesn't know)
Bloodline: 100% Seraph

[has both sets of clothes, always has halo, ball and chain, and mask regardless of outfit, no needle fingers]

Above: Lilith, hair color swaps and eyes turn green.
Below: Bloodlust, red and black hair, red eyes, pale skin, red halo..

Physique: 5'7" with a tight waist and hourglass body shape
Born and raised as a slave, the world beyond that of a Therosi slave is foreign to her. Her time spent as a slave left her broken and nearly catatonic. Once fully grown, her wings were removed to keep her from escaping, and the feathers and blood sold off to the highest bidder. Being completely Seraph, she was a prize at nearly any auction, many buyers having their own plans on how they could use her or enjoy her. It wasn't until she realized that her body had innate powers that she started to come to life, the gears in her once blank mind starting to turn, but not quite right. The day she escaped also gave her the first taste for spilling blood, and she took to it like a fish to water. Having seen first hand what atrocities the Therosi were capable of, she only saw it fitting to do the same. The next time she was laid down to satisfy the urges of her master, she quickly opened a portal beneath herself, closing it as fast as she had fallen through. When she reappeared, she was behind the man, who was instantly ripped into with the Seraph girl's halo, which dug through him like a large buzz-saw. This time when she was soaked in blood, she was smiling when she noticed it wasn't hers. The deep dark crimson, as if the very blood was tainted with their evil, enchanted her somehow. She quickly set that thought aside as she she then left her last master's home, screams ringing out as she left, humming happily. From there on out, she has simply wandered and killed anyone that she deems evil in her mind with little remorse or thought to consequences. She has built up a name for herself despite not actually having a true name, but rumors have spread across the land of a serial killer seraph that has been brutally murdering a number of people.
Motivation: To kill the deserving
Birthplace: Therosi slave containment camp, most likely Fotia
Extra info: LOVES CANDY
100% Seraphim -
Affinity Element: Divine
Schools: Abjuration 8, Divination 8, Enchantment 6, Conjuration 7, Necromancy 5, Illusion 5
Weakness- Chaos 8/ Soul Damage, Dark 5/ Silence, Striking 5/ Bone Break, Blunt 5/ Daze, Ice 3/ Debilitation, Electricity 3/ Stun, Fire 2/ Burn, Water 2/ Damp, Earth 2/ Bury, Poison 1/ Poisoned
Resistance- Divine 8, Spirit 6, Light 5, Plant 3, Insect 3, Telepathy 4, Wind 4