Name: Blair Mournore
Age: 23
Bloodline: Seraphim

Image is mostly a reference.
Appearance: Has dark brown hair and light blue eyes with dappled brown and white wings(Image). He typically wears a cloak to hide his wings in a weak attempt to conceal his lineage.
His face tends to remain rather neutral with the only thing giving away his feelings are his eyebrows furrowing in anger, raising in interest, ect.
Physique: Stands 5’7’’ and weighs 144 lbs; has a lean build riddled with scars from the various beatings he endured.
Personality: INTJ
Blair has become callous as a result of his upbringing and built a thick hard-hearted wall around himself. He’s rather untrusting of people and has a difficult time opening up emotionally, even more so romantically. Typically he’s rather aloof and judgmental, but tends to let his guard down to those he perceives as destitute.
He spends more time thinking than speaking, easily spending minutes digesting words someone has spoken only to reply with a short, calculated answer. Being rather blunt as well, he has no issue saying what’s on his mind no matter how upsetting it could be, should you ask. He’s also quite honest and will only ‘lie’ by means of withholding information.
Despite the thick layers he’s grown, he does have certain habits of behaviors that hint towards his past. He’s very particular about keeping things neat and orderly and will frequently try to organize things, even if it’s someone else’s. If someone were to speak very commandingly to him he might initially react very docile until he comes back to his senses. When people move quickly or suddenly around him he’ll flinch, thinking they mean to hit him.
Soul manipulation, Portal sensing, Air walking, Angelic Wings, Soul Detection.
Light step - Can move silently hardly making any noise.
Halo light summon - Can summon or hide a glowing halo light. Can increase its brightness to blind or have it vanish entirely. (-5 Soul)
Pet: None
Faction: The Aion / Seraphim Knights
He was born with no name as property of slave master’s in Nero that specializes in breeding seraphim. They were often sold before they were even conceived so their future masters could pick any features they desired for their slave. Of course, ‘mistakes’ did happen and when they did, it would cost the slave masters precious time and potential money. He was one of these mistakes when he was born with brown hair and a spotted mixture of brown and white wings when he was supposed to take after his mother’s white coloring. His buyer was immediately disinterested, and with no foreseeable future being sold he was considered rubbish. Those that were typically sold for quite cheap to whoever would take such undesirable expenses off their hands. Brothel owners, blood cattle drivers, other slave masters, and less well to do families wanting a slave were the typical buyers. Frequently strange men would come and buy in bulk. He never knew what happened to those that were bought by them but luckily he never found out. He was considerably undesirable since he would always retreat into his mind, leading others to believe he was stupid, when they couldn’t have been more wrong.
In the years as he grew older a slave tried to escape before him, who had picked the lock to their shackles. He watched as they worked and studied them, though when they escaped they were ultimately found and beaten to death. Despite the grisely outcome he decided to try teaching himself and succeed where they failed. Over the next few weeks he grew out his nails and when they were long enough, ripped them out to use as lockpicks as the other slave had. Then he practiced for months. When he finally was able to unlock his shackles he would keep practicing until he could do it in seconds. This skill alone wouldn’t have been enough to guarantee escape so he continued to develop what other skills he could without calling too much attention to himself. When he was brave enough, he would unlock his chains and sneak around the area to watch the guard’s movements and study for potential weaknesses they had in their defenses. Though all of his self training proved to be for nothing when a Nayu woman took interest in him, or at least he thought until he developed a new plan.
He was sixteen when he was sold. After a year of trying to charm potential buyers he was finally bought by an old Nayu nobleman that had a ‘special’ house outside of the city he was to serve him at. Once he was chained inside the man’s carriage and set off with him back to his home, he waited patiently for his moment to strike. When he was far enough away from the city he lockpicked his shackles easily and used the chain to strangle the old man. He then climbed out the carriage as it was still moving and tried to stab the driver with his makeshift lockpicks. The driver was stronger so this proved difficult, but since the ex slave had the element of surprise he was able to push him downwards into the horse hooves and was finished off by the wheels crushing his skull. With that he had killed for the first time, twice, and earned his freedom. Part of ensuring he kept it was taking the dead nobleman’s citizen badge. Since he had no name either he took his and became Blair Mournore.
Though he had an identity he still needed to fend for himself to survive. He took up robbing travelers, leaving them alive and only taking as much as he had to until he came across a woman traveling with a slave. Something inside him snapped as he tortured her and left her barely alive body in a forest to slowly die. Her slave walked free and for the first time Blair felt as though he had purpose. After the encounter, he decided to devote himself to only attacking travelers with slaves, killing them in gruesome ways as their slaves watched. Some would rejoice and run free while others would cry and beg him to stop. The latter confused him greatly. With each kill his knowledge of different races weaknesses grew and his techniques were honed. He was a quick learner in understanding how to use a blade effectively or to cause as much pain as possible.
Eventually he was contacted by an organization called The Aion that claimed to want to free the seraphs, but he was initially quite suspicious. Despite his skepticism he decided to join, fully expecting to have to make a hasty exit should something inevitable go wrong. Much to his surprise they were everything they claimed to be and more. In the seven years since he joined, Blair had been trained and taught to fight with more precision than he could’ve learned on his own. With every mission he was given, his sense of purpose grew as he was redirected to a more righteous cause. He’s become fiercely loyal to The Aion and will do whatever it takes to ensure freedom for all seraphs.
Motivation: To serve The Aion, eventually free all the slaves in Nero, and punish those he deems responsible.
Birthplace: Nero
Extra Info:
Blair doesn’t know how to read and is currently trying to learn.
Nero Citizenship Badge - Allows one to enter Nero's Capital by the protected front gates.
Feather Dagger - A dagger shaped like a feather. It is extremely light yet durable.
Aion communicator - An orb that allows one to speak with the Aion. Only seraphim auras can activate it.
+100 Bronze
+50 Silver
+20 Gold
Soul: 35 Stamina: 18
Fire: 0
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 10
Dark: 5
Divine: 20
Chaos: 0
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 0
Spirit: 10
Telepathy: 0
Plant: 0
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 0
Steel: 12
Rewarded Item(s):
Nero Citizenship Badge - Allows one to enter Nero's Capital by the protected front gates.
Feather Dagger - A dagger shaped like a feather. It is extremely light yet durable.
Aion communicator - An orb that allows one to speak with the Aion. Only seraphim auras can activate it.
+100 Bronze
+50 Silver
+20 Gold
Rewarded Ability(s):
Soul manipulation, Portal sensing, Air walking, Angelic Wings, Soul Detection.
Light step - Can move silently hardly making any noise.
Rewarded Spell(s):
Halo light summon - Can summon or hide a glowing halo light. Can increase its brightness to blind or have it vanish entirely. (-5 Soul)