Name: Omen
Age: 52
Bloodline: 40% Dragon, 40% Beastkin, 20% Nayu
Appearance: An extremely tall figure, standing over ten feet. Black fur covers almost his entire body from torso to legs, a bone ribcage encasing the outside of his body as well as the inside. His head appears in a similar manner as a skull with pure white eyes encased within. He has two sets of horns, one atop his head, leaning far back while the second pair are on the side of his head which have a downward curve. He doesn't seem to wear any clothing on account of his fur covering most of his body.
Physique: A massive frame, in terms of both muscle and general size.

Predators and Prey - Living in the wild his whole life, the user has attained a unique 'insight' when interacting with beasts, or other various simple minded creatures. This can vary from telling if something is hungry, angry, or sad.
Bestial sense: The user has an extremely well trained sense of both hearing and smell. (Can hear and smell as well as a bloodhound)
Blood for Blood (Earth/Dark)- This ability can only be used whilst the spell 'Imperfect Ascension' is active (costs 5 Stamina per minute of activation). The user grows multiple tendril-like tongues with thin needles attached to the ends, with one tongue able to be used at a time to strike at a target. When a target is struck, their blood is sucked up and stored in the tongue, marking it as one mark of blood. When the user attains three marks of blood, they may consume it and heal one wound. (Tendrils 3 feet in length, 5 tendrils total. Blood must be from living creatures. Blood amount must equal an ounce to count for one mark.)
Night vision - Can see very well in nearly pitch darkness.
Sharp teeth and claws - Claws and teeth that are razor sharp.
Heightened agility & Stamina - Very agile and does not lose stamina for physical maneuvers for the first 5 turns of combat.
Metal-dense horns - Horns on the head are as dense as metal.
Heat & Cold resistant scales - Can easily survive all kinds of hot and cold terrains. Reduces Fire and Ice ER of physical enemy attacks by -10.
Binocular vision - Can see up to half a mile away.
Dragon tail - A strong tail that's as strong as a leg.
Imperfect Ascension (Transmutation/Chaos)- (-5 soul per minute of activation). The occultic magics that aided in the user's birth left some lingering effects upon the soul, granting them to temporarily increase their physical mass from seemingly nothing. Upon use of this spell, the user grows two additional sets of arms. This ability cannot regrow limb loss that weren't attained from this spell. Furthermore, the user's size increases by nearly double. (Movement speed reduced x2 normal.)
Soul: 26 Stamina: 40
Max Wounds: 5
Pet: N/A
Faction: N/A
A small beastkin cult held in the Vrondi Jungles held rituals every full moon, in hopes their savior would awaken and enter the world of the living. On a night where the moon was exceptionally large, they held their final ritual. A pregnant Beastkin was sacrificed at the night she was to give birth. The cultists chanted in an attempt to fulfill the ritual and use the unborn child as the vessel of their lord, infusing it with such vast amounts of dark magic they failed to realize the child's draconic blood within him was amplifying it ten fold. A massive whiplash of pure magical energy struck back, annihilating all the cultists the second the child was truly born. Now lying there, the ritual ruined, and not a single person surviving, the child was left to survive in the jungles all on his own.
Years have passed since then, and he had been raised by the wild into a mighty beast of a man, hunting day by day. Eventually around their twenties, rumors even began spreading in Sunfire City of a massive beast they have named 'The Jungle's Omen' lurking deep within the Vrondi jungles, mostly used as a sort of boogeyman to keep children from misbehaving and passing blame for farm animals disappearing.
Motivation: After a long, calm life in the jungles, spending their times hunting and gathering day and night, there was always something off. Something…lacking. For while their beastial urges were satisfied to no end, in turn they denied themselves their own bloodright. The Dragon's call, ever demanding. All these years, and what resides in their home? An empty hoard, not a single piece of treasure to show for it. So it was then they had decided to leave their home, and travel forth until the day they returned. And with more treasure to make their own hoard put all others to shame.
Birthplace: The Vrondi Jungles
Extra Info: Omen absolutely refuses to wield weapons of any capacity, instead opting to maim and tear apart his enemies with his claws and teeth.
Items: Cultist Skull x5 - An item used for medium-quality crafting. Has both Chaos and Dark typing.
Wind: 20
Earth: 20
Dark: 35
Chaos: 36
Striking: 28
Blunt: 25
Poison: 18
Steel: 33
Element: Chaos/Dark/Earth/Wind
Schools: Evocation 6, Transmutation 4, Conjuration 3, Enchantment 3, Necromancy 1
Weakness- Divine 6/ Soul Damage, Steel 4/ Piercing, Light 3/ Blinded, Telepathy 2/ Agro, Spirit 1/ Possession, Chaos 2/ Soul destruction, Striking 2/ Dazed, Fire 1/ Burning,
Resistance- Dark 4, Electricity 1, Water 3, Wind 2, Earth 3, Ice 2, Plant 1, Poison 2
Sharp teeth and claws (Earth/Steel)- Claws and teeth that are razor sharp.