Name: Armiel Von-Faarsi
Bloodline: Nayu / Human / Sol
Appearance: A very pale, mostly androgynous young male with an intensity in his piercing jade green eyes. His high cheek bones and long, shoulder length platinum blond hair give the airs of femininity, despite being male. His manner of dress isn't a paupers' rags, though it's not of a noble's quality either. He interchanges between dresses of moderate quality, or suits and smocks of the finest caliber his pockets can afford at the time. He quite enjoys blues and greens in his clothes, to match the eyes and almost white hair.

(Source: . A very close approximation of how he looks.)
Group: Citizen of the capital of Nero, Magoi aspirant.
Physique: A very thin, frail frame that clearly shows the bones underneath. He does not look physically intimidating by any means.
Abilities: Above average intelligence, alchemy novice- permitting him to brew minor spell like effects if he knows the formula or can guess it. Minor earth and water weaving ability to assist in the brewing and distilling process of potion making. Skilled learner, and of an eager mind.
Spells: Protection from light, protection from poisons, and can move small amounts of terrain and water with focus and time.
Pet:Currently none. Would like a constricting snake one day.
Experience: Was an apprentice to a local potion maker and apothecary after expressing interest. The small abilities in casting come from a few mage friends showing the very basics of casting taught from a second hand scroll he still studies when he's not working on his trade.
Motivation: Be better than his brother, Doriel, who is a rather well off paladin of some local renown and trying to make it further up the ranks.
Birthplace: Nero.
Personality / Attitude: Very gentle and mild mannered, doesn't like to fight but has before. Always seems to be stuck in their head or “lost”. Tries to sound smarter than they are. Gets easily excited, and can talk very quickly due to it.
Backstory: Armiel is a younger person, still very much a young adult in his mannerisms and maturity. He wanted to be into sorcererous practices, but after not doing as well as he'd like and failing a test his family had given him, he picked up alchemy and an apothecary's work upon having a natural knack for that skillset. Being his understudy for a local master for about 8 years he learned much but grew jealous over his brother, Doriel. Doriel became a paladin in that time and has made a name for himself locally and soon to be regionally. In a manner of spite and jealousy, he left his master's tutelage hoping to make a name for himself as his brother has.
Equipment: Armiel is equipped with a backpack and large satchel containing most of the tools, components / reagents, and survival equipment he needs as he explores the world around him. He, on average keeps the following with him;

(A picture of some potions brewed. source: )
Two healing salves, one for major and another for minor wounds.
A few bombs of various explosive yield, but none stronger than two sticks of dynamite.
A few vials of napalm / “Tyroan fire”.
Three potions of his own making; Protection from the Sun and Heat, which he consumes daily and keeps a minimum of three of on his person, incase he can't brew more for a few days due to him being naturally weak from the sun because of his blood line.
For non-magicial gear, Armiel keeps a long stiletto dagger in the right boot as one of his few means on non-magical protection.
A cloak he had woven as a gift from his sisters, of a black deep and dark green pattern where the left side is solid black, and the right is diagonal bars of dark green mixed into the black. It also contains pockets that house a personal diary, writing supplies, and a journal of his notes he's gotten from studying.
A small coin purse, with 4 silver coins and 15 gold pieces.
Stats: Fire: 5 Water: 15 Wind: 0 Earth: 15 Light: 0 Dark: 20 Divine: 5 Chaos: 5 Insect: 0 Electric: 0 Striking: 0 Spirit: 0 Telepathy: 0 Plant: 15 Ice: 0 Blunt: 0 Poison: 20 Steel: 0
Soul: 18 Stamina: 16
Other spells / abilities: Water minor bending - Can move water. (-5 soul, Water)
Earth minor bending - Can move earth. (-5 soul, Earth)
Rewarded Item(s):
+500 Gold Coins
x3 Ice powder - Can be used to create items with ice effects.
x3 Lightning powder - Can be used to create items with electric effects.