Age: 21
Bloodline: Tyro / Nayu

Silent,observant, and fast to make critical decisions should she need to. She seems cold and ruthless unless she is around her son, who she loves dearly. She is a bit curious at times and due to her being a mute, she uses body language and sign language to communicate more than anything.
Physique: 5'5" Slender and curved with thick, well built, legs and flattering hips to top them off.
Attire: Same as the picture above
Clawed fire gauntlets - they cap off her already sharp claws in a metal that can withstand high temperatures. Fire runes are infused to the palms and fingertips of the gauntlets to summon fire. these claws they become red hot to potentially do more damage vs armor and flesh.
Spiked fire greaves - help concentrate the flow of fire to produce faster speeds. even though she is already fast and can manipulate he fire for high powered, short thrusts, these increase that ability, and offer a few spikes for added melee options. Fire runes are implanted in the feet and behind the calves.
Group: (ex-Dolofon) Alliance
Stamina: 27 Soul: 25
high speed, agility, dexterity, and reflexes
fire manipulations:
Jetstream -can conjure a gout of flame from her open palm, feet, and fingertips. also enables quick bursts of high speed. -3 Stamina
Combustion - ability to completely set something on fire when held. -5 Stamina
Explosion - with a fist, builds up thermal energy that is released upon opening the hand. -8 Stamina
Doppelganger - creates a false double that can think and act on its own as if there were two of her, takes up real space and can make physical contact. Is automatically dismissed after ten minutes or if destroyed by damaging it enough. Can only use once a day.-6 Soul
She is of noble blood from fotia, though even though a noble family they were fairly poor due to their terrible spending habits. Shye, however, was the illegitimate child of a fling that her mother had with a Nayu male while her father was away, though he wasn't so faithful himself. In an effort to raise their status and to escape the threat of debtors prison with a higher noble, her family, never really caring for her as she was just a reminder of their terrible lifestyle, sold her into that higher noble's harem, which she detested. She had only been sixteen at the time, an adult in most eyes of society, but only just so. Her hatred for this man ran deep, she was never accommodating to him and whenever she spoke of or to him it was with a wicked tongue. The man was truly vile and her thoughts on him were fairly justified, but that didn't mean that it didn't enrage him. Stronger then her at the time, the man thought to teach her a lesson, he beat her for he insolence, and not for the first time. However this occasion, he forced himself on her, taking what he felt what rightfully his, her purity. Afterwards, he made her a mute so that she couldn't spout such venomous words anymore. He then promptly threw her family into debtors prison anyway, exclaiming to them that they had done nothing to bring filth into his beautiful harem.
Most the other women in the harem felt sorry for her, though some that were closer to their husband felt as if he was quite right in his decisions. She put on a false personality after that point, a submitting one that didn't strike back and did as she was told. What the noble didn't notice that inside her eyes were now the ones of a killer, a broken yet patient soul had awakened and was looking for blood. She kept this up for several weeks. One day, she had actually prepared herself to meet with the noble in bed. He had believed that she may finally be turning around and being more obedient, having broken her of her will. What he didn't know, was that when he went to lay with her, it would be his last. Shye and the noble went missing after that night and it wasn't until a week later that they found his body in an alley, a burnt hole through his neck and his nether regions completely burned away to ash. Shye was never found.
Six moths later, Shye was carrying a baby to an orphanage in Sunfire City, in Vrondi. Shye brought up the bundle, herself covered in a cloak and knocked on the door and waited. Her eyes stayed locked on her child's, vivid yellow like hers. She kissed his forehead and just as she heard the tumblers in the door start to turn, she jumped away, hidden before the woman who answered the door could see her. She cried as she saw the woman take her baby away, but she knew that she would never be able to care for it properly, not as long as she was a criminal in Fotia. Although she wasn't a rich noble, the family was still well known, and she was the first suspect the guard wanted apprehended in the case. She couldn't take care of a child that way, though the Aion should be able to keep him safe. Over the next five years, she visited the orphanage under the cover of night to visit her son. She would bring him gifts, teach him sign language so she could speak with him, and every now and again take him away for the night. If there was anything in the world she cherished, it was her son. What he didn't know though, was what his mother was doing while she was gone.
Shortly after leaving her son at the orphanage in Vrondi, The Dolofon contacted her. They were impressed by her display, and wanted to take advantage of her skills whether she was willing to comply or not. So, for compliance assurance, they kindly wrote a note and left it pegged with a blade at the orphanage's balcony where she frequently waited for her son at night, "Welcome to the ranks of the mighty Dolofon. Kill who we ask, and you and your son will be able to rest peacefully and safely. We will keep in touch." And that is what her life had become, an assassin for the Dolofon, and a coordinator of intel and tactics for any Dolofon troops headed into Fotia.[/hider]
Four years of training and studying with the Dolofon, which enabled her to sharpen her combat skills as well as learn to make a physical copy of herself with her doppelganger spell. During her travels from target to target, she still has to contend with different creatures and bandits alike. Her style leans heavily on quick brutal strikes and high speed and agility to dodge attacks and evade pursuit. If not in an ambush, she tries to sneak her way into the target's vicinity, and making a quick getaway after the kill. During her time as being part of a harem, she learned the inner workings of Fotian nobility, as well as the layouts of a few of their homes when the harem traveled with their noble husband as if a big parade. At the time, Shye was studying the places to see where should could escape the easiest without detection, even though the plans never worked out in the end.
Birthplace: Fotia
pet: Nix (furred baby dragon)

Extra Info:
She is a mute, she can no longer physically speak through a curse placed on her, though she at one time had quite the beautiful voice.
Her son, which she left with the name Bidzil, takes heavily after his mother save for the mop of silvery white hair on his head.
Shye has rejected both the name of her family and of her husband, leaving herself currently with no other name.
The young furred dragon was named Nix by Bidzil.

Pheonix Belt- When worn fire spells are increased and made easier to perform. Reducing the cost by 5. When the wearer of this belt is put to near death they will be revived with half of their stamina and soul. This belt will then lose all its effects.
Money: 30 silver, 8 gold, 1 emerald
Total Money: 175
Max wounds: 5
Shye - Stats
Affinity Element: Dark / Fire
Schools: Illusion 7, Evocation 6, Conjuration 5, Necromancy 3, Enchantment 5
Weakness- Light 1/ Blinded, Divine 2/ Soul damage, Striking 3/ Dazed, Earth 5/ Buried&Crushed, Electricity 2/ Stun, Water 2/ Damp
Resistance- Dark 2, Fire 2, Telepathy 1, Poison 2, Steel 2, Plant 5, Wind 3, Insect 4, Spirit 2
Fire: 45
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 0
Dark: 53
Divine: 0
Chaos: 10
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 18
Spirit: 0
Telepathy: 0
Plant: 0
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 15
Steel: 0
+100 Gold +50 Silver
+5 Soul +10 Stamina