Name: Freyr
Age: 26
Bloodline: Nayu

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 156 lbs
Group: Dolofon
Enhanced agility: Freyr's training as an assassin has granted him increased agility. His small stature and lithe frame allow him to move fast across the battlefield and dodge attack more effectively. These come at the cost of strength and overall endurance.
Freeruner: Freyr is able to climb over obstacles and structures with relative ease. With this ability he is able to make quick escapes from pursuers or reach high vantage points quickly.
Enhanced senses: Freyr's assassin training allows him to see, smell and hear what the average person can't. Only by using all the senses can one survive the dangerous life of a trained killer.
Heartless Chameleon: If there is one thing Freyr picked from his mother, that was her uncanny ability to adapt to other people's wants and desires. In the snap of a finger, Freyr can become charming and witty or submissive and emotional. Anything to gain someone's trust or affection.
Drug Addict: While Nayu are notoriously addicted to Seraphim blood, Freyr has taken this extreme to the next level. Blood alone no longer satisfies him and he has sought our more powerful drugs to satiate his needs. If left without them for extended periods of time, Freyr's performance will be greatly reduced and he will suffer devastating withdrawal effects.
Promiscuous: Freyr's attempt to escape his dark past and even darker work as an assassin have led him down a road of indiscriminate debauchery. His love of sex and the presence of multiple partners (sometimes at the same time) has become a detriment and an exploitable weakness.
Easily Manipulated: Freyr is sharp and intelligent, however his assassin training was deliberately done to make him docile in front of Nayu who are of a higher station than he is. Successfully brainwashed by his parents, Freyr was molded into a submissive and loyal assassin to be used by the Dolofon as a weapon. While Freyr has been able to defy the programming in the past, he is still very much affected by it and can be used to exploit him.
Tormented: Freyr is haunted by his past and cursed by it. He sleeps less than the average person and when he does, he is haunted by night terrors. Rarely, Freyr suffers manic episodes which range from moments of extreme rage, anguish or euphoria.
Shadow Puppet: Freyr enters a trance-like state to create two shadow clones of himself. Created by shadow and controlled by his mind, the two clones are able to fight for as long as Freyr remains in this state. If the trance is interrupted in any way, the shadow clones will disappear and Freyr will wake up in a vulnerable dazed state which lasts for about 3 minutes.
Black Widow's Weave: Over a long period of time, Freyr charms a target with the aid of this spell. In order for it to work the victim must truly feel an emotional connection to Freyr. This effect is invalid if the person is pretending to feel for Freyr or if another similar spell is being used. An emotional and physical connection is necessary to finish "weaving" the web around the target's mind. As the emotions grow stronger, Freyr's influence over the target's mind will grow, opening them to suggestion. Following an intense intimate encounter between Freyr and the target the effect will peak allowing Freyr to completely control the person once the "weave" is complete.
Shadow Step: Upon casting, Freyr gains the ability to mask his presence using the shadows nearby. He becomes undetectable to any individual or trap that is within a 10 feet radius of him. Freyr remains invisible to the naked eye, smell and hearing. Magic designed to detect similar spells can be used to counter Shadow Step.
Blade Dancer: Freyr's dual wield daggers are consumed by a void of darkness temporarily blinding a target 6 feet in front of him. The attack begins with a specific set of movements performed by Freyr which creates a void that consumed light around the target leaving them in complete darkness. The longer the duration of the dance prior to casting the more targets it can affect, with a limit of 5 within a radius of 10 feet.
Pet: None
Background: Freyr was born into a family of prominent Nayu assassins who had been members of the Dolofon for several decades. Their child was considered to be the perfect brew of genes and would become the carrier of their legacy. However, as the child began to grow up, Freyr's parents became increasingly concerned that he would never live up to their standards. At age 5, Freyr was thin, frail with a curious and submissive disposition that deeply embarrassed the family. Compared to his strong father and cunning mother, Freyr was the "Ugly Duckling" of the infamous assassin family. Angered, his parents first attempted to have another child but failed to do so after numerous tries. They then turned to their only son and vowed to craft him into a weapon, or kill him in the process. The couple preferred a dead son over a useless one. Freyr's pleasant and innocent childhood ended at age 7 when his training began.
Over the next 15 years, Freyr was deprived of his childhood and forcibly thrown into the life of an assassin. His father taught him the ways of combat and his mother taught young Freyr the value of cunning and deception. Failure was met with harsh punishments involving torture and success was rewarded with the next lesson. It didn't take long for Freyr's parents to break him. Soon, he would become the perfect assassin. The result of decades of interbreeding to birth the perfect specimen to carry the legacy of the family. His parents brainwashed him into surrendering his free will to make him more malleable and ensure that he would remain loyal not only to the Dolofon, but also to his family. Freyr would be permanently dependent on them, whether he wanted to or not. At age 13, Freyr took his first life on his own. It became his rite of passage to become a true assassin. However, despite his family's best attempts to keep him loyal and servile, some of the original Freyr still remained within his mind. Though, with the years, that part became increasingly suppressed. But it never went away.
As a teenager, Freyr began to grow in power and the control his parents had over him began to crumble. While he was afraid of them before, now, he began to resent them. The years passed and so did Freyr's hatred. This feeling terrified him, and he turned to vices to suppress them, fearing retribution. However, this led him down a path of self-discovery and second thoughts about his lifestyle. He began to doubt the strength of his aging parents and while under the influence, began to plot their downfall. Slowly, Freyr started to uncover bits and pieces of their plan as his childhood curiosity began to resurface. Becoming increasingly rebellious and stronger, his parents attempted to reel him in, though age began to thwart their efforts. Freyr's mother and father became increasingly sloppy and weak. Their assassin son started to plot against them and at age 18, he decided to strike. In a drug-fueled rage, Freyr lashed out against his parents who made one final futile attempt to force him back under their control. With his bare hands, Freyr strangled his mother first and then proceeded to briefly duel his father before killing him as well. Ironically, both of them died at the hands of their own teachings.
After this, Freyr found a new level of freedom he had never experienced. He took the family home for himself and began to craft his own legacy within the Dolofon. He became renowned for his ability to seduce targets, particularly males, before killing them. Nicknamed the "Black Widower", Freyr's talent to gain the trust of his targets became a unique talent he used to rise through the ranks and gain recognition. In his free time, Freyr mingled at parties and tended a garden where he cultivated poisons and drugs for his personal use. As he got older, his addiction to Seraphim blood and other controlled substances increased. Following a successful mission and the assassination of a prominent Fotian figure, Freyr attracted the attention of King Sleeth of Nero who gave him the great honor of granting him sight.
Personality: Freyr's personality is hard to define. Throughout the years he has molded his personality and adapted to what others around him want to see. To most people, Freyr is a charming young man who enjoys having a good time at large gatherings. He is quick to make friends and will usually initiate or join conversations with ease. However, this is all a façade. A mask he uses to hide his true self which is buried beneath a dozen different versions of himself. To a select number of people, Freyr is a cold and calculating individual, who cares little for the wellbeing of others. Those people believe that Freyr is but a mere dog who is not only loyal to the Dolofon, but also useful. Deep down though, Freyr yearns for affection and true partnership. He has grown sick of being mistrustful of everyone around him and wishes that he could escape the addictions that plague his everyday life. While he wants to escape his past, he doesn't know how. Most of these frustrations are buried deep within his psyche and are further suppressed through the use of narcotics.
Experience: As the only descendant of a long bloodline of assassins, Freyr was pressured into the life of killing from an early age. Trained by his both of his parents in the art of assassination, infiltration, deception, and combat. From his mother, Freyr learned a more nuanced form of assassination. Using illusion magic, charisma, and sex to lure targets into a fall sense of security before being slain. It was Freyr's mother, who had herself been trained by her grandmother taught her son the unique techniques of the family that focused on slowly softening targets before the kill. These particular skills required patience and exceptional planning in order to be carried out, not to mention a natural charisma that seemed prevalent among the members of the family including Freyr.
On the other hand, his father taught Freyr how to defend himself using blades and martial arts. In contrast to his mother, Freyr's father was an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant and a talented swordsman. Freyr's lithe frame and agile physique allowed him to pick up on techniques that involved small blades such as daggers and knives. His father picked up on his son's physical weakness and worked to hone his strengths. Training his reflexes and agility became a priority for Freyr's father. Both of Freyr's parents were extremely demanding during training. Success was rewarded while failure was harshly punished. They believed that this would instill a sense of discipline in their son.
Training sessions did not cease even when Freyr became a young adult. In fact, they intensified. Until their deaths, Freyr's parents continued to teach and push him to his limits, even if it could sometimes kill him. Once Freyr became a full-fledged assassin he formed techniques of his own, taking inspiration from his training and his own personal creativity.
Motivation: Freyr has been working for years to soil the reputation of his family as revenge. While he has been mostly successful, he believes he hasn't done enough to create his own reputation among the Dolofon and Nero. Simultaneously, Freyr is slowly finding life to be meaningless. The repetitive tasks, along with the awful treatment he receives at the hands of his acquaintances and superiors have made him question whether all the effort he has done so far is worth it. Deep within him, he wishes to have someone he can trust to show him a better path forward, even when he doesn't know where it would take him.
Birthplace: Nero
Extra Info:
Fire: 0
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 0
Dark: 50
Divine: 15
Chaos: 0
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 15
Spirit: 20
Telepathy: 0
Plant: 0
Ice: 0
Blunt: 5
Poison: 20
Steel: 10
Soul: 24 Stamina: 30
+10 Soul +5 Stamina
Total = Soul: 34 Stamina: 45
Black Widow's Weave: ((Can manipulate men and women sexually oriented towards other males if any sexual desire is present within their minds for Freyr. Putting them in a state where they must follow one command from Freyr. Until the command is completed the spell will linger)) -7 Soul
Orb of shining renewal - A palm-sized orb that shines with mythical white and yellow lights. When held 50% or higher Sol blooded characters reduce their Soul and Stamina cost entirely for up to 7 spells or ability activations per day.
Rewarded Item(s):
3000 Gold Coins
100 Silver coins
x3Crimson Potion - A special brew of blood that replenishes a Nayu's Soul and Stamina to their max. Only one can be used per day.
Black Dagger - Deals Dark as well as Steel type damage.
Silver Dagger - Reduces Light based defenses effectiveness by 20.
Nero Assassin armor plates - A few plates that reduce Light, Striking, Blunt, and Steel based effects on the wearer by 10. Light weight.