Alexis Gabi Emaura
80% Sol, 20% Seraphim
Element: Light
Schools: Evocation 6, Abjuration 10, Conjuration 3, Divination 5, Illusion 5
Weakness: Dark 5/ Silenced, Chaos 5/ Soul damage, Earth 3/ Buried, Fire 3/ Burning, Poison 5/ Poisoned, Insect 3/ Gnawing, Steel 3/ Cut, Ice 3/ Frostbitten, Spirit 2/ Possession
Resistance: Light 8, Divine 5, Blunt 1, Telepathy 6, Plant 7, Water 3, Electricity 1, Wind 1
Alexis has silver/white hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Due to her Seraphim blood she has no scales or horns, but if she spends enough time in the sun (as in sunburn) her skin gains a noticeable greenish tint. She usually wears Red, Brown, or Yellow clothing- preferring Cloth over garments made from Leaves-- or else she wears nothing at all.

Alexis is 5'4" (162 cm) and though she looks normal she only weighs about 74 lbs. (33.6 kg)-- which is about 3/4 what she should weigh. (She weighs about the same as your average 10 year old child.) Because of this she is not very physically strong, even less so than the average Sol. Normal windy days (winds of 20-30 mph) can knock her over if she's not ready or prepared for a gust, and 40+ mph winds can and will pick her up off the ground. She floats in water on her own but she cannot swim- movement causes her to begin to sink, and if she is wearing clothes they will get soaked and drag her under as well. She is able to fight using her dagger and a special bow she made which is easier to draw than most, but she couldn't hurt someone with a punch even if she tried. Also because she weighs so little, she can't handle much alcohol and all drugs/poisons affect her 3x as strongly as the same dose would an average person, and it takes her at least 2x as long to recover form things like hangovers.
Soul: 45
Stamina: 38
Bright Light Resistance - Unaffected by being blinded by light.
Soul Detection - Within several meters can detect the presence of a being's soul aura.
Psychic Detection - Within five meters can detect the mind waves of a living creature.
Mental Communication - Can send mental messages to one creature up to several meters away.
Mind Reading - Can read the mind and intent of one creature up to several meters.
Astral Projection - Leaving the body can project an ethereal form and mentally travel within it. Drains -2 Stamina and -2 Soul per ten minutes.
Telekinesis - Can lift up to 70 ibs of weight with the mind. Up to three meters around in distance. Costs -5 Stamina per use.
Force Field -Can conjure an invisible barrier that is more resilient than steel. Up to 3 meters in size and up to five meters away. -5 stamina -5 Soul per use.
Plant Manipulation - Can force grow plant life up to one year within minutes and can control their movements. Up to several meters away. The cost of control and aging depends on size of the plant. (1 meter) -2 Stamina (3 meters) -4 Stamina (6 meters) -6 Stamina
Plant Energy Absorption - Can absorb the life of plant life within a few meters. Gains depends on size/ amount of plants. (1 meter) +3 Stamina/ Soul (3 meters) +6 Stamina/ Soul (5 meters) +8 Stamina/ Soul
*Needs to absorb sunlight for at least two hours a day in order to have a normal amount of energy- because she is a Sol. The Sol are physically weaker than most other blood types, and she is even weaker than most Sol. (She does not have claws or wings or protective scales. She is soft and fragile and she also doesn't have much physical strength- but her endurance is very high. She is also more susceptible to poison/illness than other Bloods are.)
If unable to absorb sunlight half stamina.
*Natural Glow (She just glows. It's not very bright, but noticeable in dim light. In total darkness she can clearly still see her own hands and can almost make out the details on anything she's right next to, but it's not bright enough for her to read anything.)
*Light as a Feather (Gravity doesn't weigh on her as heavily. She's not very physically strong or dense, she floats in water unless weighted down by her clothes and armor. She can't do anything like jump higher than other people- that would require more strength than she has.)
*Speedy (due to being as light as she is, she can move a bit more quickly, and naturally does everything just a little faster than everyone else. She walks with more bounce in her step to keep pace with others.)
Pause - Stops time in the space between one heartbeat and the next. This only affects a 15 meter radius around her, and the bubble of paused space moves as she does with her at the center at all times. She herself is also 'paused' while this spell is in effect; her heart doesn't beat and she has no need to breathe, and she cannot bleed while pause is in effect, but if she is wounded while in pause the wound will begin to affect her as soon as the spell is dropped. Gravity still works and inanimate moving objects from outside the bubble are unaffected if they are entering it, however all things that were in the bubble to start with are frozen until she moves away from them or drops the spell. The spell lasts until it is dropped or until Alexis runs out of energy.
-15 Soul Each activation.
Light's Blessing - Uses any nearby or ambient light to energize a person, causing any wounds to heal either immediately for more minor wounds, or up to 300% faster for major wounds, for so long as the spell is in effect-- and this works even more efficiently on Sol, up to 500% faster. The spell lasts until Alexis runs out of focused light energy. Because this spell is made of light, it can harm any being that is weak to light even if she meant to heal them with it.
-10 Soul Each activation.
None yet
None yet, Taxis hopeful
Hunter? Adventurer?? Otherwise she is unemployed at the moment.
(She has worked while traveling doing random jobs.)
She has been able to use all of her blood-given abilities since she was born, but it took time to get certain ones, such as mind reading and telekinesis as well as her ability to manipulate plants, under control. Alexis started learning how to control her blood abilities at a young age with the help of her parents, and later she got the chance to properly try them out as she travelled with her friends. (I still have the thing where she explains all her powers if you want that Rai).
She has some knowledge of first aid as well as knows a spell for healing which her mother taught her. She first took an interest in learning healing and ways to help people because she wanted to one day join the Taxis. She's been training since she was 20 in the hopes of joining the Taxis. Many hours spent on practice have made the two spells she knows more than enough than she needs in terms of her magic abilities, and four times as much time spent using and practicing with her bow have made her an incredibly accurate shot. She has tried to learn how to fight with other weapons but her lack of strength has made it rather impossible to properly wield anything but her bow and a dagger.
Alexis knows why she's like this, her father told her once. The cause of her physical weakness was because she was conceived by a magic spell her parents used-- Her mother knew the spell because she was related to the King, though her father wouldn't tell her how. Alexis weighs less than she should because the difference is made up by Light from her Soul (Light taking up physical space but not adding weight or giving strength)-- this is also the reason she has more control of her powers than maybe she would if she were normal, because her soul is slightly stronger to make up for her physical weakness.
When she was 25 she and her four friends-- Clara, Aster, Genos, and Ryba- all left the Vrondi capitol to travel the world together. Four years later, Alexis has three dead friends and a slightly darker, more realistic worldview.
Alexis is a kind-hearted person, and it's obvious that she cares about almost everyone she meets on some level. There are very few people that she considers friends however, and even fewer that she truly trusts. She's open and easy to read, she doesn't try to hide her thoughts or emotions at all, but she can and will lie if she thinks it will spare someone else any amount of pain. She is slow to anger, and even slower to forgive, for if she truly loses patience with someone, she believes that no matter what they do next they aren't worthy of her kindness anymore. She is energetic, always doing something with movement or words. She enjoys the company of others, and relishes debate and conversation. She likes people, and she wants to help whoever she can.
Once upon a time a younger, more Naïve Alexis just wanted to join the Taxis and help them help the world, but then the urge to explore and travel the world overcame her with such force that nothing could have stopped her from dragging her friends out with her on that adventure. The idea of joining the Taxon never really left her mind, it just lost the spotlight-- and maybe she does still want that, someday. For now though, Alexis mostly wants to find a place to stop. To rest. She's done with the world, or at least she doesn't feel the same urge she once did to go out and explore its vast reaches, to travel and find the edges of what's known and maybe go beyond. She's lost too much to keep going like this. No, right now she wants to grieve. She wants to bury her friends and find a place where she can just be, to stay with the one she has left. She's done with the world, but it seems the world's not quite done with her. She still wants to try and help people however she can.
Just outside the Vrondi Capitol.
Extra Info/Trivia:
Alexis is a very Social person, she gets lonely easily.
She enjoys talking to people and trying new things.
She loves bright colors! Her favorite color is Red like the sunrise over the sea.
For various reasons Alexis is scared of dark, enclosed spaces-- especially caves.
She also has a TOTALLY RATIONAL fear of ghosts.
To a lesser degree, Alexis just doesn't like being underground in general.
Alexis generally tries to avoid being in dark or dimly lit places.
Her favorite place she's ever been to is Sunfire.
She is the oldest of 5, having two younger brothers and one younger sister still alive.
Alexis (29), Leith (27), Aurora (24), Sable (12 or 20), and Seth (17)
Her youngest sister, Sable, died of sickness at 12 years old.
Sable is in fact a ghost right now XD
Her mother, Giovanna, passed away after her youngest brother, Seth, was born.
Alexis' father is a guard in the Vrondi capitol.
Alexis' oldest brother (2nd born child) is Leith.
Leith travels throughout Vrondi regularly on his messenger route.
Aurora is the middle daughter, Alexis' oldest and now only living sister.
Aurora is a waitress at a tavern and is also part of a local theatre group.
Seth is a guard in training, mostly working on the edge of the city.
Alexis' officially dead friends Clara and Genos.
Alexis travels with Aster, at least until something happens to him too.
All Characters and relationships mentioned in this CS: (*** = Actual NPCs I plan to do things with)
Leith Emaura (Brother)
Aurora Emaura (Sister)
Sable Emaura (Sister) [DECEASED]
Seth Emaura (Brother)
Giovana Emaura (Mother) [DECEASED]
Fisk Emaura (Father)
*** Aster Drea-Just (Friend?) ***
Clara Drea-Just (Friend) [DECEASED]
Genos Beau Laang (Friend) [DECEASED]
*** Ryba Lexim (Friend) [DECEASED?] ***
This is the outfit she usually wears:

!00 Gold and 20 Bronze Pieces
A dagger, gifted to her by Aster
Her Bow + Quiver
Her chainmail t-shirt thing
Hooded brown cloak/cape thing
A small pack she keeps things in
Her travel clothes + shoes (long-sleeved red dress, short-sleeved brown dress she wears with trousers, and a sleeveless yellow Sundress)
Red Dragon Scale - A large bright red scale from an ancient dragon.
Her traveling companion: Aster Drea-Just

Aster is 60% Sol, and 40% Oro.
His chosen weapon is a rather large Hammer.
He is a trained blacksmith and is going to take over his family's smithy at some point, if he doesn't die first.
He's had a crush on Alexis for years but has never told her how he feels, and probably never will.
And the other still living friend: Ryba Lexim

Ryba is 40% Seraphim, 40% Tyro, and 20% Sol.
Ryba's chosen weapon is a pair of matching swords-- one of which used to belong to Genos.
Ryba and Genos were engaged before Genos died.
Ryba's parents are merchants, though Ryba herself has no interest in Trade or running the Shop.
Alexis and Aster believe Ryba is dead.
Ryba wants Alexis dead.
Pause - Telepathy
Light's Blessing -Light
Fire: 0
Water: 0
Wind: 0
Earth: 0
Light: 66
Dark: 0
Divine: 22
Chaos: 0
Insect: 0
Electric: 0
Striking: 0
Spirit: 8
Telepathy: 61
Plant: 46
Ice: 0
Blunt: 0
Poison: 0
Steel: 18
Soul: 45 Stamina: 38
Bright Light Resistance - Unaffected by being blinded by light.
Soul Detection - Within several meters can detect the presence of a being's soul aura.
Psychic Detection - Within five meters can detect the mind waves of a living creature.
Mental Communication - Can send mental messages to one creature up to several meters away.
Mind Reading - Can read the mind and intent of one creature up to several meters.
Astral Projection - Leaving the body can project an ethereal form and mentally travel within it. Drains -2 Stamina and -2 Soul per ten minutes.
Telekinesis - Can lift up to 70 ibs of weight with the mind. Up to three meters around in distance. Costs -5 Stamina per use.
Force Field -Can conjure an invisible barrier that is more resilient than steel. Up to 3 meters in size and up to five meters away. -5 stamina -5 Soul per use.
Plant Manipulation - Can force grow plant life up to one year within minutes and can control their movements. Up to several meters away. The cost of control and aging depends on size of the plant. (1 meter) -2 Stamina (3 meters) -4 Stamina (6 meters) -6 Stamina
Plant Energy Absorption - Can absorb the life of plant life within a few meters. Gains depends on size/ amount of plants. (1 meter) +3 Stamina/ Soul (3 meters) +6 Stamina/ Soul (5 meters) +8 Stamina/ Soul
*Needs to absorb sunlight for at least two hours a day in order to have a normal amount of energy- because she is a Sol. The Sol are physically weaker than most other blood types, and she is even weaker than most Sol. (She does not have claws or wings or protective scales. She is soft and fragile and she also doesn't have much physical strength- but her endurance is very high. She is also more susceptible to poison/illness than other Bloods are.) If unable to absorb sunlight half stamina.
Pause - Stops time in the space between one heartbeat and the next. This only affects a 15 meter radius around her, and the bubble of paused space moves as she does with her at the center at all times. She herself is also 'paused' while this spell is in effect; her heart doesn't beat and she has no need to breathe, and she cannot bleed while pause is in effect, but if she is wounded while in pause the wound will begin to affect her as soon as the spell is dropped. Gravity still works and inanimate moving objects from outside the bubble are unaffected if they are entering it, however all things that were in the bubble to start with are frozen until she moves away from them or drops the spell. The spell lasts until it is dropped or until Alexis runs out of energy.
-15 Soul Each activation.
Light's Blessing - Uses any nearby or ambient light to energize a person, causing any wounds to heal either immediately for more minor wounds, or up to 300% faster for major wounds, for so long as the spell is in effect-- and this works even more efficiently on Sol, up to 500% faster. The spell lasts until Alexis runs out of focused light energy. Because this spell is made of light, it can harm any being that is weak to light even if she meant to heal them with it.
-10 Soul Each activation.
80% Sol, 20% Seraphim - Affinity
Element: Light
Schools: Evocation 6, Abjuration 7, Conjuration 3, Divination 5, Illusion 5
Weakness- Dark 5/ Silenced, Chaos 5/ Soul damage, Earth 3/ Buried, Fire 3/ Burning, Poison 5/ Poisoned, Insect 3/ Gnawing, Steel 3/ Cut, Ice 3/ Frostbitten, Spirit 2/ Possession
Resistance- Light 8, Divine 5, Blunt 1, Telepathy 6, Plant 7, Water 3, Electricity 1, Wind 1
+100 Gold
Red Dragon Scale- A large bright red scale from an ancient dragon.