General Goods Store: Basic Supplies
Sack of Dried Food - 30 Bronze
Sack of Vegetables - 30 Bronze
Sack of Fruits - 30 Bronze
Gourd of Water - 20 Bronze
Gourd of Ale / Wine - 20 Bronze
Barrels (OF any) - 80 Bronze
Herbal Goods / Potions Store: Healing / Cleansing Herbs
Spice Herbs - 30 Bronze
Sleep Herbs - 30 Bronze
Stamina Herbs - 30 Bronze
Cleansing Herbs - 40 Bronze
Healing Herbs - 50 Bronze
Rejuvenation Herbs - 60 Bronze
Revival Herbs - 80 Bronze
Earth Herbs - 100 Bronze
Antidote Potion - 50 Bronze
Earth Boosting Potion - 60 Bronze (+10 Earth)
Wound Healing Potion - 70 Bronze
Anti-Curse Potion - 90 Bronze
Revival Potion - 150 Bronze
Weapons / Armor Store: Basic to Advanced
Arrows - 30 Bronze - 50 Arrows
Smithing Tool Kit - 80 Bronze
Leather Armor / Attire Piece - 60 Bronze
Hardened Wooden Armor / Weapon Piece - 70 Bronze
Steel Armor / Weapon Piece - 80 Bronze
Custom Piece - 120 Bronze + Materials / 5 Days
Tailor / Jeweler Store: Basic and Enchanted
Piece of Basic Clothing - 30 Bronze
Piece of Mid Clothing - 60 Bronze
Piece of High Clothing - 100 Bronze
Piece of Royal Clothing - 200 Bronze
Custom design / outfit - 100 Bronze + Clothing level Price /Materials / 3 Days
Tailor / Jeweler Store: Basic and Enchanted
Piece of Basic Clothing - 30 Bronze
Piece of Mid Clothing - 60 Bronze
Piece of High Clothing - 100 Bronze
Piece of Royal Clothing - 200 Bronze
Custom design / outfit - 100 Bronze + Clothing level Price /Materials / 3 Days
Basic Jewelry - 100 Bronze
Mid Jewelry - 180 Bronze
High Jewelry - 250 Bronze
Royal Jewelry - 350 Bronze
Custom Design - 200 Bronze + Jewelry Level
(Enchanted Items effects may vary on region)
Weapons - 150 Bronze per level 15 Effectiveness Rating on Wind, Earth, Chaos, Ice, Blunt, and Steel effects.
Armor Piece - 150 Bronze per level 15 Effectiveness Rating on Wind, Earth, Chaos, Ice, Blunt, and Steel effects.
Potion - 150 Bronze per level 15 Effectiveness Rating on Wind, Earth, Chaos, Ice, Blunt, and Steel effects.
Jewelry - 150 Bronze per level 15 Effectiveness Rating on Wind, Earth, Chaos, Ice, Blunt, and Steel effects.